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Karen and Helen had suddenly come into Trey's bedroom and taken me to another room where there were other werewolves. And it seemed they were guarding me. That lasted for at least twenty minutes before they returned me to the bedroom and told me to go back to sleep.

But I couldn't. Not without Trey next to me.

I looked at the alarm clock and it read 2:16 A.M. Instead of crawling back under the sheets, I walked over to the window and looked out again. From what I could see, a fight just happened. It must've not been that big since I was back here, but it was dangerous enough for the two girls to come get me.

When I looked through the crowd, I saw that a few were naked, which confused me. But then I saw some clothes just lying on the floor, and thought maybe I wasn't getting the whole picture.

I continued to scan the grounds, but couldn't find Trey. Was he okay? Did he get hurt? When I called for him in our head, he responded, making me exhale in relief.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he said in a reassuring tone. "How about you? Were you scared?"

"No. Just worried. What happened?"

Trey went on to explain about his training and how the enemies suddenly attacked. We won, but the main leaders weren't there. They were able to get some prisoners and question them, and Trey told me about the thirteen year old they captured.

I asked what they did to him, and he said Drew and Dominic didn't throw him with the rest of the enemies, but are keeping a guard on him in case he isn't as innocent as he seemed. The boy would stay in the dorm with the rest of the pack.

"And I'm sorry, Willow, but try to go back to sleep."

"What? Is something else going on?"

"I won't be able to come back...The real war is starting tomorrow night, and we'll have to train our bodies every second until the time comes."

At that moment, Trey came from the building and joined the rest of the pack on the training grounds. He turned and looked up, straight at me. "Try to get some rest."

"I'll try," I slowly said with a sigh.

Trey tried to hold back a smile, but I still saw it. "If I could, I'd come up there and tire you out so much that you wouldn't be able to wake until two days later."

"And miss the whole thing?"

"Just go to sleep, Willow," he said in a stern tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I get it. But the bed will be so cold without you." As I said the words, I saw him stiffen from below. "How will I be able to warm myself up?"

"Willow," he warningly growled my name, but I chuckled.

"Then at least warm me up first. I can't fall asleep without your heat."


The next time I woke up, the sun was high and bright. I squinted my eyes and looked at the clock to see that it was a little past noon. I stretched my body and released a sigh. Again, I woke up to an empty bed. Trey must've slipped out once I fell asleep last night.

I got up and tested out my foot once more. And again, it was getting better, though not by much. When I went to the window and looked out, I saw that there were many werewolves training, but of course, I didn't see Trey. He was probably out in the forest.

After I finished my business in the bathroom, I limped outside the room and down to the cafeteria. There were other werewolves around as well, though not many—just some children and females.

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