The Beginning

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Velorina was running across a vast field going top speed for a young vampire, she was born to one of the few royal Higher Vampires in their realm. Velorina laugh as she ran, the wind was blowing threw her unique color hair. She slowed down when she heard her father call out to her, she ran full speed back towards him and her mother, they were going to enter the world that was new, and teaming with life, along with other handful off vampires. She laugh as she jumped into her father strong arms, her father threw her up in the air catching her with a laugh of his own. "Are you ready to go?" He asked his daughter. Velorina nod her head as he put her down, grabbing her hand as he escorted her to her mother who was waiting for them near the portal, "Are you done having your fun dear?" She asked her daughter. Velorina nod her head once again as she stared at the portal ahead of her, "Than shall we go?" Her father asked his family. 

The trio walked into the portal that will enter them into the new realm. Velorina held tightly onto her parents hand as they walked threw, she then opened her eye blinking them so that she can adjust to the bright sun that greeted them. The trio looked around the forest that surrounded them, it was quiet for the most part, just like their own realm, only more green with vibrant colors. Velorina and her parents walked around to get familiar with their new surrounding, a few of their subjects have already made their new home livable. Velorina looked at her parents as they were talking to some of their men, "Mama, Papa can I explore?" She asked. Her parents nod their head allowing their beautiful daughter to explore her new surroundings. 

Velorina smiled as she quickly ran off to explore her new home, her keen hearing and smell allowed her to search for new people. She spotted small beings, which her father told her were Gnomes and Dwarfs. When she explored a bit farther into the forest she spotted tall beings that were called Elves. She was intrigued with how pointy their ears were, and just how they operate among themselves and how they take care of the surrounding green life. Everything about their surroundings was beautiful in Velorina eyes, she then heard a snap from behind her, she turned around spotting an Elven boy with a bow pointed to her face, "Who are you?" He asked with a glare. Velorina only stared at the weapon with curiousness, "Are you going to answer Gwynbleidd?" The young Elf asked. "What is that?" Velorina asked in confusion. The young boy didn't lower his bow as he walked closer to the weird girl that who also walked close to him, the two children circled one another with caution and curiousness. "Do you want to play?" Velorina asked. 

The boy gave her a look before he put down his bow, "What do you want to play?" He asked. Soon the two children begin to play round the forest, each trying to catch one another. Childish laughter field the forest that day, an elder Elf watched as the children played with one another, all the Elves were cautious of the young girl that looked nothing like what they seen before. It wasn't unusual since new creatures were being discovered everyday, none the less they kept an eye on the newcomer. Velorina and the boy who name is Iorveth, enjoyed one another in childish glee, it wasn't long before Velorina father called out to her in worry. She paused as she heard him shout her name, Iorveth tackled her once again in the river distracting the young vampire from her father call. "Velorina!" He shouted with more authority in his voice, "Uh-oh. I need to go home." Velorian said as she walked out of the river which her and Iorveth was playing in. "Awe, do you have to?" He asked with a pout. "Yeah, Papa is getting mad. Maybe we can play tomorrow!" Velorina said with excitement. "Yeah, ok. See you tomorrow." Iorveth said with a wave.

Velorina smiled at him as she waved, she ran back to her parents with a joyful smile, "Mama, Papa! I made a new friend." Velorina declared when she arrived at her new home. Her parents smiled down at her as they listened to her explain about the elves and what she saw while playing with her friend Iorveth. 

Velorina and her parents were enjoying the new world, the Vampires and the Elves were working with each, neither wanting conflict with one another. Each just wanted to be left alone, and split the land to which it would benefit one another. Velorina and Iorveth would meet up each other to play many games, in between Velorina and Iorveth would practice fighting with one another. The Elder Elves would help Velorina in her studies and also in comeback. The two species worked in harmony. The Elves helped make Velorina home beautiful, she loved the landscape that surrounded her home, the Elves really knew how to make something whimsical. The young Vampire will find herself sitting in the many fountains that the Elves gave to her family and just think. She thought being in this new world was the best thing that happen, she met a new friend, she learned many things such as the Elves have magic that she wasn't a fan of for the most part, an ancient language that was scared to the Elves, she learned how they worked together with all the other beings that was in the world. She wished she spend more time with the Gnomes, but they were always so busy. Things were going great for the NonHumans, until Man came along.

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