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Snatcher was hungry. And he doesn't do well when he's hungry. No one seemed to come to Subcon Forest anymore, so he didn't have any new souls. Snatcher turned his back on his empty shelf and rootled around in his "Special Occasion" drawer. Finally he drew out a red soul and poured it into a glass. As he swallowed the soul a faint screaming could be heard. Snatcher sighed. He'd been saving that one. But all the others were clearly labelled for which day they were to be drunk - "Birthday", "Hat Kid comes back"(Hat Kid had insisted), even "Christmas"(again, Hat Kid's idea). No matter, there were a few souls in there with no labels that he was saving for other days. Still, it was a shame that he'd had to drink one of his special souls. He was running out, and the purple soul Hat Kid had picked for her return was looking more appetizing every day. Snatcher dismissed these thoughts and sat down in his big armchair and started to read his favourite book, "How To Kill Kids". Suddenly a small alarm started to chime. Snatcher cheered up immediately - it was his trap alarm. Some poor soul had stepped into his trap. He cursed himself for wasting a valuable soul. But then, he couldn't have known this intruder's bad timing. He'd better get over there quickly - didn't want to leave his guest waiting....

Sacred Souls - A Snatcher x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now