3: Lil' Foxy

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| hello! I'm gonna hopefully do two updates today because I've run out of snatcher x readers to, well, read. Rip me :( also I have no idea where I'm going with this so it's probably gonna be like 45 parts long haha... Bear with me guys! also I deliberately made the minions act like a**holes bc they don't accept you, but later they will and then they're cool :) |

(Your POV)

You read through the contract again, perched on the ruins of your ship. Finally you put it down and sigh. You're screwed. And stranded. In a creepy Forest, with no way home....or soul, for that matter.

God, this sucks.

You stand up and wonder where these "Fire Spirits" are... and how they pissed off the Snatcher noodle. You may have only met him once but there had been an...air about him that suggested that pissing him off is suicide.

You start following the dirt path. It's pretty long, but eventually you arrive at a broken bridge. You can barely see the other side, but it seems to be covered in snow. Strange. You turn your back on the bridge and see more path. Great. More walking.


You turn yet another corner and suddenly you see a large clearing housing a lot of dead trees and children - if you can call them that. These "children" wear dark purple robes and hoods and seemingly have no actual faces, just glowing...eyes? Right in the center of the clearing is a fire pit, with a bunch of the "children" hanging out.

Suddenly, a group of glowing foxes appear and start doing a weird, swoopy dance. It's almost mesmerizing, the way their glowing orange bodies move, but the children seem afraid; they stumble back, falling over and bashing each other in a hasty retreat.

One spots you and says loudly "Look guys, there's a new contractor!"
Immediately, the atmosphere changes. They all rip their eyes from the foxes and stare at you, suddenly apparently devoid of fear.

"Um....hi?" you say. You're nervous - these kids look kinda weird.

"What's on your contract?" a bunch of them ask in unison. Creepy.

"Umm...do you guys know what Fire Spirits are?" you ask tentatively.

One of the children points to the foxes.
"They're over there!"

Oh, boy.

You had really hoped not to have to talk to the foxes.

Well, here we go. you think, approaching the roaring fire.

"Um, hello?" you say to one of the foxes.

"We want to die! Yay!" it says in a sing-song voice.

"Wait, what?" You stumble backwards in surprise. One of the children sniggers.

"We want to burn bright, then burn out! Become a cloud of smoke!"

"Um, what? I don't understa-"

"Our bonfire needs more fuel! Only the finest paintings will do! Can you help us?"

"Well, okay, but what do I need to do?!"

One if the children whispers loudly to its neighbour. "I wonder if the newbie sees the big fancy painting on that tree?"

You look around and, sure enough, spot a big painting on one of the tree stumps. It looks fancy, with lots of details on the frame.
"Only the finest paintings, huh?"

You start to climb the tree, but slip down about halfway up, scraping your palms on the rough bark. The children snicker.
One of them says "It's like the glowshrooms don't exist."


You look around again, ignoring the sniggering children. At the foot of the tree there's a glowing mushroom. It's the perfect size for a makeshift stepping stool.

You climb on to the mushroom and look up to see there's a branch a slight way above your head.
You jump and try to grab on, but you're catapulted way further than expected with a small scream.

Miraculously, you land riding the branch like it's a horse. You take a moment to catch your breath before grabbing the edge of the tree and pulling yourself up, ignoring the stinging pain in your hands. You rest your feet on the branch and try to push yourself up, but you've strained it too much already, and it breaks clean off, landing on the mushroom and bouncing a bit.

You're left hanging with no way to pull yourself up, aching hands, surrounded by suicidal foxes and cackling children.

Not how you imagined today going at all.

Meanwhile, with Snatcher

Snatcher wonders how the kid's getting on. Is "murder" a bit harsh? Should he have said "remove"? He shakes his head fiercely - it's never been too much for anyone else. But still he feels like murder was really a bit over the top.

He dismisses these unwelcome thoughts and tries to concentrate on his book. Try as he might, the kid stays at the front of his mind. He keeps pushing these thoughts back but they always come back, accompanied by an unfamiliar warmth in his chest.

Back in the village.

You try to scramble up, but your feet keep slipping on the wet bark.
Those rude little kids are cackling beneath you, a few leaning on each other for support. The spirits keep dancing, wailing something about the paintings, the finest paintings!

You grit your teeth and try once again, this time nearly falling off the tree altogether. By now you're clutching on by your fingertips. One hand finally slips off, but you summon your quickly dwindling strength and grab on again.
You open your eyes.

That's a long drop.

The bouncy mushroom is no longer directly below you, or letting go wouldn't be a problem. It could have broken your fall.

Suddenly, something cold, but solid, wraps around your wrists. You look up and a strange snake-like creature with a weird mask looks back at you. You gasp in surprise and the snake thing pulls you up. It's surprisingly strong.

Finally at the top of the goddamn tree, you take a closer look at the snake thing. It's got a pretty turquoise sparkly tail and a cute fox mask.
One of the children yells: "NEWBIE'S GOT A DWELLER FRIEND! NEWBIE'S GOT A DWELLER FRIEND!" All the others join in and you're about to yell at them to shut up when they stop.

"Dweller friend?" says a familiar voice. It's the Snatcher - it seems he heard the commotion and came to check it out.

One of the children pipes up "Yeah, the dweller up there helped Newbie!"

That escalated quickly, you think, making a mental note to wait until Snatcher "asks for your input".
Snatcher floats right up to the tree you and the "dweller" are on.

"What happened, rookie?" he asks in a low voice.

"Well..." you begin nervously, not wanting get yelled at like that poor kid, "I was gonna get this painting for the Fire Spirits, but I couldn't figure out how to get up, and then I accidentally jumped on one of those mushrooms, and then I landed on a branch, and it broke, and I kept slipping, and I nearly fell but this guy helped me up."

Snatcher seems confused, so you ask "Is everything okay? Did I....do something wrong?"

Snatcher replies, sounding confused: "No, no... Everything's fine." He floats away, still looking confused.

Yay, back to Snatcher qwq

Snatcher is confused.

A dweller helping a human?

He's never heard of such a thing.

Normally the dwellers ignore the contractors. There's no doubt about it - something is special about this kid.
And goddamn, Snatcher is gonna find out what.

| 1118 words, wow. I'm surprised my willpower kept me going this long-
Romance coming soon ok :) anyway goodbye see ya next chapter! |

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