13: Goodbyes

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this will be the longest chapter. Probably. Hoping for around 2k words uwu

Hat Kid's POV

I sit in the Village next to Y/N, and we watch the dwellers munch the glowshrooms. Kiwi drifts over looking quite full. She curls up into a ball and rests in Y/N's lap. Y/N smiles and strokes her mask.
"You guys really like each other, don't you?" I smile.
"Yeah." Y/N looks at me, smiling. She turns and watches the dwellers. "This place is actually really beautiful. All the trees and the fireflies."
I laugh. "Will you miss it when you leave?"
"Yeah." she sighs, gazing at Kiwi. "Maybe I'll come back someday. Who knows, maybe you'll be here too?"
"That would be a pretty big coincidence." I reach out and stroke Kiwi too.
"It would be nice though. I've not explored the rest of the planet that much. I've only left the Forest when we gathered Pons." (omg pons keeps autocorrecting to pond...)
"Yup. I've seen the Conductor and Grooves, you know, when we both got kidnapped by Vanessa. And I had to get rid of a few Mafia guys earlier. But that was all here."
"Okay, I'm kinda changing the subject, but how did you get rid of them? Just curious."
Y/N laughs. "I kinda abused my imagination."
"Explain!" I shake her briefly.
"I might have said that if they didn't leave I'd get Snatcher and he'd kill them."
"Why do I get the feeling that's not all you said?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Okaaaayyyy!! I said that he'd steal their souls, eat them straight away, and then carve out their hearts..."
I burst out laughing. "Where the peck did you get that from?!"
She taps her head smugly. "It's not even accurate. He'd more likely do that to me because I failed the contract."
I shrug. "Peck those stupid contracts. You could've chucked it in the swamp."
"I should hope you didn't mean that. I am still completely capable of taking your soul back, Hat Kid."
I turn my head. Sure enough, Snatcher is hovering behind us.
"Well, I see - or rather, hear - that you've completed your contract, Y/N."
Y/N turns as well and hands the contract to Snatcher.
"Good work, by the way. I'll be in my house. Come visit me when your ready for your next contract."
Snatcher dives into the ground, leaving a small purple mark.
"Welp," Y/N pulls a face. "The dwellers are slowing down. Better go."
"Just after Snatcher left too."
"Eek!" Y/N stands up and brushes herself down. "Kiwi!" she calls, and holds out her arms (T-pose!), letting the dweller wrap around it. The two walk off to Snatcher's mushroom house. I watch, hugging my knees.

Snatcher's POV

I take Y/N's soul from the drawer and place it on the table, and sit down. I let out a long sigh as I put my head in my hands.
She's going to be here any second, I think gloomily. Then she'll leave forever.
"Yer okay there, lad?" A Scottish accent interrupts my thoughts. I look up abruptly to see the Conductor standing in the doorway.
"What does it look like?" I reply coldly.
"What's that?" He gestures to Y/N's soul.
"....a soul."
"Mhm. I can guess who it belongs ta." He nods slowly. "Are yer going ta let her leave?"
"If I kept her here I'd be no better than Vanessa, would I?"
"Aight, peck neck. How about a bit advice from a wise old owl?"
"You're an owl?"
He tilts his head to the side. "I'm just gonna pretend those words never left yer mouth. Anyway, I've seen enough in my day ta know that lettin' her leave without tellin' her will destroy yer."
I laugh bitterly. "What does it matter? She's never love me anyway."
"Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't. It's better ta know she doesn't than being uncertain."
"Why are you even here? Hat Kid said you find this place 'depressing'."
"I do. I need ta find the lass. Do ya know where she is?"
"The village. With Y/N."
"I'll be off, then." He tilts his hat at me and walk off in the wrong direction. I groan and call out "Other direction, peck neck!" He turns around and walks off. I lose sight of him as I hear him say "Oh, hey lass. Snatcher wants to see yer." Y/N's voice says "I know. He came just now."
"I'd better be off. I hate this place."
"Really? I think it's quite pretty, actually."
"Do ya, now?" I can tell from the Conductor's tone that he's not really listening. I hear the two walk away. Y/N comes to my door.

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