8: Welcome To The Manor

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• wow I made the pic up there myself with a lot of cropping and pasting qwq this time we're going to focus on HK going back to the Manor TwT
Oh and btw H/C is hair colour :) •

POV: Hat Kid

I stand by the broken bridge next to Y/N and look at her. She's surprised when she sees my terrified face. I'm already shivering even though I haven't entered the frost zone (also known as the Vanessa's territory) yet.
"Are you okay?" Y/N asks me.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just...nervous." I reply.
Deep breaths.
Double jump, dive.
Double jump, dive.
I step back and start running across the bridge, hearing Y/N scream in terror, believing I'm about to plummet of the edge.
Double jump, dive.
I take a huge leap, turn a somersault in the air, and stretch myself out, kick the air....and land on the other side.
Nailed it.
Y/N comes to the gap between the two halves of bridge.
"That's a huge gap!" she gasps.
"Nothing I can't handle," I say. "Now, to find these minions."
Y/N waves and leaves the bridge, probably to find her assigned minions. Her dweller tumbles through the air next to her.

Meanwhile, with the noodle:

Snatcher groans. This book is so boring! Who knew there were so many different shades of blue?! And don't even get him started on the purples! It would take forever to find white in this jungle. Suddenly he remembers the index. He facepalms, annoyed that he's spent the last five hours searching manually when there was an index the whole time! He flips to the back of the book, looking for the letter "w" (That looks like a face qwq).
"There we go," he says, "White souls."

White souls are extremely rare, with only one human in every 100,000 having one. Mostly they skip a few generations, so it's even rarer for a mother and a daughter to both have a this color of soul.
Whitesouls, as they are often called, are thought to be caring, thoughtful, and alluring. Although they may not always be beautiful, Whitesouls have a certain aura that draws people in. The result of this is that Whitesouls are often outgoing and extroverted. Although they are almost always very popular due to their outgoing manner, they are generally attracted to the quieter, less popular folk.
Extra facts:
•Research has proven that most Whitesouls have H/C hair.
•Whitesouls are most often born in June, July or August. The chances are 2 in 100, in any other month 1 in 100.
• Whitesouls mostly makes friends with purple, red, blue, and yellow souls, but are more opposed to black and green.

POV: Hat Kid

The first photo shows a house skewered by an icicle.
Icicle, icicle, icicle...
There's a lot of icicles here!! Oh wait, there's the house kebab! And there's the minion. In the chimney.
"Who are you, Santa?" I joke as I scale the house easily. The icicle isn't a smooth as it looks, with lots of crevices making good hand- and footholds. I climb up quickly, stepping onto the snow-covered roof. It's slippery so I latch onto the icicle with my hookshot, using it as a kind of harness. I walk across the roof carefully, and about halfway I carefully latch onto the chimney.
"Grab onto the chain!" I call out to the minion. He does, and I slowly retract my hookshot. He's dragged out of the chimney, his dark purple robes dragging in the snow.
"Come on, Santa," I say. "Who were you bringing presents to? These houses are deserted."
The minion says "I wasn't bringing anyone anything!"
"I know, I was just joking around."
I pull the minion into my arms, ignoring his muffled, indignant squeaks.
I open my umbrella a jump off the roof, still ignoring the squeals of the minion. We fell like two stones for a second (literally a second) before the wind caught my umbrella and we floated down to safety.
"I'm assuming you can get across the bridge?"
"Yes!" he says, and trots over to the bridge muttering something about his dignity. I giggle and look at the next photo.
Another icicle.
Should've known.
No houses this time, though. I can see a dweller and the big iron gates of the Manor, surrounded by ice (of course) - and there's a bit of robe! Okay, that's definitely the minion. Let's hope he's still there though.

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