7: I Ship It!

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• just wanna say that F/S means Favourite Song :) enjoy the chapter! •


Hat Kid pulls you up the dirt path, speaking so fast you can barely understand her. Y think she's saying "OhmygoshyouhavetomeetDJGroovesandtheConductor!Andwecan'tforgetBowKidandIstillneedtomakeupwithMustacheGirl!LetsgotoDeadBir-"
She stops midsentence and suddenly is standing still so you bash into her. You look around her and see your ship. It's not smoking anymore, but it hasn't magically been fixed either. Basically, it's still in pretty bad shape.
You gasp "My ship!" to which HK replies, turning to you "This is yours?" You say "Yes! Maybe I can salvage something!" You'd completely forgotten about your ship after you went to Subcon Village. You start shifting through all the parts, looking for something not completely destroyed, when you feel a strong, cool grasp on your shoulders. "Kiwi!" Sure enough, it's your dweller. Hat Kid is surprised at this "You have a dweller? Woah." You shrug and keep searching. Kiwi helps, knocking part away until you come across a barely singed, long case. "Oh!" you say, surprised it made the crash. You open the case and take out your most prized possession, your flute. "You play the flute?" asked Hat Kid. You nod, pleased your flute survived. "Can you play me a tune??" Hat Kid asked eagerly. You laughed and nodded again. You put the flute to your lips and start playing F/S. The sweet melody fills the air, and soon Hat Kid starts dancing. She's really good, and when you finish playing F/S you tell her "You're really good at dancing!" She replies "I've had lots of practice. Sometimes I dance on long journeys. It's fun."
All of sudden you notice your overwhelming hope that Snatcher heard you play - you're not that far from his house. You hope that if did, he liked it....

Wait, what am I thinking?! He's a soul-stealing noodle!
But why do I so want to run back there and... and.... I don't know!
What is happening?!

that was you in case you couldn't tell. •

Hat Kid's POV

Y/N keeps looking back at Snatcher's house. Like she wants him to come. This "love" stuff is super weird.
She's putting her flute away in her pocket. Must be a big pocket.
She's looking at her ship again now. I tell her there's no way to fix it, she'll have to buy a new one. She says she doesn't have any money, it was all in there. I can tell she's sad. So I tell her I'll pay for her new ship. She doesn't believe me. I say I have a lot of money. It's true. She laughs and says I'm just a kid. But I know she's just mad she lost her ship. It's nothing to do with me. I say my friends can help.
So we head to Dead Bird Studios. DJ Grooves is in the lobby. I greet him and introduce Y/N. She's shy. I can understand that. DJ Grooves can be overwhelming. I ask him how he's doing. He's great, he says. He's in a good mood so I explain Y/N's predicament. Luckily DJ Grooves is sympathetic and gives Y/N some money (it looked about 500 Pons!). Suddenly Conductor shows up. He's Ina good mood too, so I ask him and he begrudgingly forks over 50 Pons. We head to Mafia Town and manage to trick enough Mafia members to get us to 2000 Pons. Just enough for a decent ship. Great!
I'm glad I can help my new friend.

Snatcher's POV

What is this pecking feeling?!?!?!
What is happening to me?
Oh peck....
No, it can't be.
V a n e s s a w o u l

I wake up in strangely familiar surroundings, a dark cellar, the floor is flooded and dotted around are wine barrels. I notice the shackles on my wrists and gasp. "Oh no..." A figure comes down the stairs, a black shadow with glowing red eyes.
Queen Vanessa.
She giggles and says "Finally we're together again, my prince."
I reply "I'm not your prince."
"Oh, you are. Your vision has just been.....CLOUDED." She says "clouded" very fiercely, turning her head abruptly.
"What do you mean?"
"I know you still love me, my prince. But she's been keeping you away from me."
"Who's she?"
"You know who I'm talking about. She's won your affection and I can't let that happen. Be sure, Princey, if she comes anywhere near MY manor, She's. Dead. Meat."


I look at the pile of Pons happily, but with a seed of doubt. "Is this reallyyy enough for a decent ship? It's not that much..."
Hat Kid smiles reassuringly, saying "There's a shop on a nearby planet. They sell good quality ships for cheap. I got mine from there a good 3 years ago."
"If you say so."
"We can go there when you've completed your contracts. What's on your new one?"
"Snatcher didn't give me one."
"Oh really? I wonder why?" she says smugly.
"I don't know!"
"Oh, but I do~!"
"Why not?"
"Because I ship you!"
"Wait, what? How does that stop him from giving me a contract?"
"You don't understand, do you? My god, you're an idiot!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are! Can't you see it?!"
"See what??"
"You're so pecking clueless!!"
"Swear word," she sighs. "Y/N, we should head back. Snatcher probably has some contracts by now."
You and Hat Kid gather up the Pons and head back to Subcon Forest.
When you arrive you go to Snatcher's house. He's sitting in his chair, still reading "Souls - All the Little Complexities".
You knock on the wood nervously.
He looks up and sees you and HK.
"Hey, kids," he says. "What's up?"
You open your mouth to talk, but Hat Kid gets in before you.
"We were wondering if you have any contracts for us."
"Oh, um... Yeah, I guess," Snatcher pulls two contracts out of thin air. "Here you go."
The contracts float over to you and Hat Kid. You read through your contract. Find a couple of lost minions. There are a few photos of where they were seen last. "What have you got?" you ask HK as you sing your contract. "I need to go find some lost minions. You?" she replies. "Same. What are your photos?" All of HK's photos are snowy. "They're all in the frost zone," murmurs Hat Kid. "One of them even...in the Manor...."
"What? Is that bad?"
"The Manor is the scariest place in the whole Forest... Queen Vanessa lives there. She's a ghost, like Snatcher, and he was her prince. She still loves him - although I wouldn't say 'love', it's more of an obsession."
"Oh..." You shift through your photos again, noticing none of them have any indications of snow. "None of mine are frosty."
"Weird," says Hat Kid, "but maybe Snatcher wants you to stay away from the frost zone?"
"Maybe, but I can't see why."
"I've already been to the Manor once, and survived. But it was pretty pecking terrifying!"
"In that case, I'm glad to stay away."

POV: Snatcher

If only Y/N knew why I'm keeping her away from the manor.
If only I knew.
Vanessa is dangerous!
So why am I sending Hat Kid?! She's a kid too!
She's survived once!
But it traumatized her for weeks!
I can't send Y/N there! It would be way more dangerous!
What's Y/N got that Hat Kid doesn't?
...I don't know...

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