20: Final Showdown (Part 2)

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• same as last chapter. No POV. Just enjoy the story. I'm too excited for this chapter to write a proper note-

As the horde of puppets trudges towards the clearing, Hat Kid quickly swaps her badges and easily climbs up to a sturdy branch on a nearby tree and starts shooting laser beams into the throng while Snatcher summons blue potions and smashes them into the horde.

In about forty seconds flat, every single puppet is lying on the floor unconscious.
Hat Kid jumps down, landing gracefully on her feet.

Moonjumper hisses angrily, about to summon more puppets when Snatcher shoves a piece of paper in Moonjumper's face. "Read it."

Moonjumper snatches the paper and scans it, his expression changing from angry to shocked and back to angry.

"What is this?!" he waves it in front if Vanessa.

She takes the paper and reads it. She snarls. "Lies!"

"No," says Hat Kid. "It's all true."

Vanessa shoots an icicle at Hat Kid, who easily dodges.
Snatcher hands Moonjumper the other papers. Moonjumper's eyes flash dangerously as he reads the diary entries.

"Prove these are real." Moonjumper snarls. "Or pay the consequences."
"I can do that!" Hat Kid says, producing a Time Piece. "I just need to get something real quick. Back in a sec."

"Hat Kid, not now!!" MG hisses.
"Don't worry, when I say a sec, I mean a sec." Hat Kid disappears in a flash of white.

MG facepalms.

True to her word, Hat Kid reappears almost instantly, with a small book in her hand.

"Got it!" she cries, holding up the book. She hands it to Moonjumper, who looks at it, confused.

"The Tale of Queen Vanessa," he reads. "A picture book?"

"Read it! It's a true story!" says Hat Kid.

"If this works, someone will need to explain that logic to me." mutters MG.

"And I'm supposed to believe this?" sneers Moonjumper, throwing the book on the ground.

"No." replies Hat Kid. "Not straight away. That would be boring! I've got more proof!" She starts emptying out her pockets. Balls of yarn, photos, notebooks, pens, even a spare hat come out of her many pockets.

Finally she pulls out a list and says "I've been writing down all the information I can get." She clears her throat. "You see, Snatcher explained that when the Prince died, his spirit split into two halves-one who still loves Vanessa," - she points to Moonjumper - "and one who wants nothing to do with her." She points to Snatcher. "And I have a theory. Moonjumper, do you remember why the Prince left for law school?"

Moonjumper thinks for a moment. "No."

"Do you remember anything bad about Vanessa?" Hat Kid quizzes.

"....no. Just good things..."

"As I thought. And you, Snatcher, do you remember anything good about Vanessa?"

Snatcher says "...No."

"You see? Snatcher has all the bad memories while Moonjumper has all the good ones!"

"Oh my- you're a genius!" groans MG. "It's so obvious!"

Moonjumper has a shocked expression on his face. Hat Kid pats his arm. "I understand it's a lot to take in."

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