The Author - 10 follower special

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• and we're back :) so I hit 10 followers this morning and here's a special. it kinda ties in with Dream Demon, my new book, but you don't need to have read that to understand what happens here. Enjoy!! •

3rd person

Two weeks have passed since Vanessa's death. The ice has melted and it sees as though a burden had been lifted from the Forest; it's lighter and more beautiful than ever, which brings more people to Subcon and more souls for Snatcher. The Subconites and Y/N have built a temporary landing pad for her ship so she can easily access it. Y/N spends every spare second in the Forest, hanging out with Hat Kid and MG (who started dating a few days after Vanessa's death), chatting to Moonjumper or Snatcher and sometimes simply exploring the Forest.
Moonjumper is surprisingly cheerful for someone whose whole reason to exist completely changed a fortnight ago. The blue phantom a lot of his time with Hat Kid and MG or just floating around the Forest.
It's one of the days where Hat Kid and MG are somewhere else, probably messing with the Mafia, and a whole lot of tourists turned up in the Forest so Snatcher's busy dealing with them. So Y/N is wandering through the Forest, carefully avoiding the traps, when suddenly a white object nestled in the purple grass catches her eye. Y/N picks it up, recognizing it as a CD. On the front a white building with the letters "K-12" inscribed on the stone, as well as a pink school bus off to the left and in the middle a girl clutching a school bag is depicted.
Y/N turns the CD over. The back has a photo of a gravel path with round bushes and pink text.
"Wheels on the Bus, Class Fight...The Principal...Show & Tell, Nurse's Office, Drama Club... Strawberry Shortcake...Lunchbox Friends...Orange Juice, Detention, Teacher's Pet, High School Sweethearts, Recess." Y/N reads aloud. She opens up the case, revealing a white CD. The words "K-12" are written in large cursive, and just below that a name.
"Melanie Martinez."

Suddenly a small branch falls from the tree above Y/N and hits her on the head.
"Ouch!" she cries, looking up. A few leaves float down, landing on her face. Y/N stares at the sky intently.
"What's so interesting about the sky today?" Moonjumper's voice says. Y/N gasps, looking at the blue ghost in surprise.

"Oh, hi, Moonjumper." she says. "Nothing much. It's just a branch fell on my head....hey, do you know who Melanie Martinez is?" (It actually pained me to write that)

"Doesn't ring a bell. Why do you ask?" Moonjumper asks.

"I found this CD just now." Y/N shows him the CD.

"Hmph. You should ask Hat Kid, maybe she knows." he advises her.
"I will." Y/N tucks the CD away. "Are you sure you don't know?"
Moonjumper thinks for a moment before answering. "Very."
"Oh well. I'll see you around, Moonjumper." Y/N shrugs and walks away.

• Timeskip brought to you by: the owner of the CD •

Y/N smiles, breathing in the fresh air. As she wanders through the trees, she notices a piece of paper caught on a low-hanging branch. She picks it up and reads the title.
"Rescue Mission: Part 1. What the...?"
She scans the page, the contents all too familiar. This is what happened at the Manor, she thinks. Who wrote this?

"I did. Um, can I have that back please?" an unfamiliar voice says.
Y/N wheels around, coming face-to-face with a girl. She has scarlet hair, the jet-black tips covering one crimson eye. She had a necklace with a pale red lightning bolt charm, as well as black headphones around her neck, and wore a red hoodie paired with black jeans and black fingerless gloves.

"Who are you?" Y/N asks. "What are you doing here?"

The girl sighs. "I'm Shadow. Shadow Cipher." She speaks with a British accent.

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