5: Special Delivery

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Hi! So dis a juicy chapter, with a lot stuff happening.... I won't hold y'all up anymore, enjoy!!! •

POV: Snatcher

He pulled yet another book of his shelf, one of his less-read ones - "Souls - All The Little Complexities". He'd tried it, and abandoned it. He already knew everything that was in there. But it was his biggest hope of finding something out about white souls. He opened the book to its table of contents. Running a claw down the page, he muttered: "Soul-stealing - a sport...page 13... Are they liquid or solids....page 20....ah, colours and their meanings, page 35." He turns the pristine white pages, searching for 35.
POV: mystery guest :D
She looks out of the huge window, facing the planet. There's Mafia Town. Oh, Dead Bird Studios... Alpine Skylines... and her main point of interest, Subcon Forest. She's been busy lately, but can't wait to see her BFF.
• hints have been dropped. •
You slip the sack over your shoulder, and start heading to the Village. You go to the nearest minion and say "Hey, I have some mail for you." He looks up at you and is silent for a moment before whispering "It's Mail Day?" You reply "Yeah, I guess?" and he yells "HEY GUYS!!! NEWBIE HAS MAIL!!!!!!!!" All the other minions turn around and look at you simultaneously, doors bang open, no one is talking. Suddenly they all yell excitedly and run over to you. You wince and close your eyes, ready for them all to trample you to death in the hurry to get their mail, but nothing happens. "Uh, newbie? Can I have my mail?" one asks, and you open your eyes to see them all standing in an orderly queue. The minion at the front is holding his arms out expectantly, and you notice the further down the line they are, the sulkier they look. "Woah they really must love their mail." you murmur, holding out a package to the first minion. You are working your way down the line quickly when you feel Kiwi slip around your shoulders. "Hey, Kiwi" you say. "Wanna help?" She nods and wraps herself around a parcel, taking it to the other end of the line. With Kiwi's help you finish the contract in double-time and head back to the mushroom house a half hour after signing the contract. As you arrive, you see Snatcher sitting in his armchair reading a book. "Hi." He sighs and looks up. "What do you want?" "Well- I finished my contract." You hold out your finished contract, and Snatcher puts his book down to take the contract. You catch sight of his book; "Souls - All The Little Complexities," you read aloud. "Sounds....kinda boring."
"It is," he sighs.
"Well...why are you reading it then?"
"What kind of research?"
"You're really nosy, did you know that?!"
"I'm not, I'm just intrigued."
"Still nosy."
He picks up his book again and starts reading. For a moment neither of you says a thing. Then Snatcher sighs and says "If you're not going to leave, and so desperately want to know what I'm researching, come and take a look." You're slightly confused - this seems out of character for Snatcher. You are interested though so you sit on the arm of his chair. You both read about "Colours and their meanings". Snatcher was right - it is terribly boring, but you can't bring yourself to up and leave just like that. Silence fills the room for about ten minutes until suddenly you realize something. "Aren't you gonna give me a new contract?" He seems surprised at your willingness, but says "No, there aren't any jobs." "Well, if you say so." You continue reading, finding out a lot about souls. They're way more complex than you thought. Suddenly you hear the click of a camera and a stifled giggle. This catches you off guard and you somehow manage to lose your balance and fall into Snatcher's lap. Neither of you moves, and you feel yourself go red. The giggling gets louder and more clicks follow. You and Snatcher aren't moving at all; you're both just kind of in shock. You finally manage to move your limbs and scramble off him onto the floor. A voice calls out smugly "I got a picture~~!!!" Snatcher growls and says loudly "Hat Kid!!!" "Did you miss me, BFF?" the voice says and you hear bushes rustle, and a small girl stands up and holds her arms out. (I don't need to describe Hat Kid, do I?) "Admit it, you missed me!" she insists. Snatcher groans and slumps in his chair. The girl doesn't miss a beat, though. "So, who's this? Your girlfriend?" Snatcher grits his teeth and says "She's. Not. My. Girlfriend." "Suuuure." she says, and turns to you. "So, what's your name? I'm Hat Kid!" She holds out her hand to you, and you realize you're still sitting on the ground. You take her hand and let her pull you up, she's surprisingly strong. "I'm Y/N." "Cute name!" she says happily. "C'mon, there's so much to show you!" She pushes you out of the mushroom house and into the Forest.

Snatcher's POV

Hat Kid pushes Y/N out of Snatcher's home and follows her. But soon after HK sticks her head back in his house with a mischievous glint in her eye, and says "I ship you two." Snatcher growls and throws his book at her. She quickly slips her head back and Snatcher goes to retrieve his book. It had flown out of his house and while he picks it up he catches sight of Y/N and feels that strange warmth fills him again. He smiles as he remembers the feeling of her on his lap, but shakes his head quickly, expelling this memory. He thinks I'm a soul-stealing phantom! I know everything about magic there is to know! So...why don't I know what you're doing to me, Y/N?

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