12: Exterminator!

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• ok. So this will be a kind of filler chapter while I work on the finale. The end is near nooooooo! so enjoy this while you can :(

Your POV

You leave the house, looking at the contract. You decide to look for the Mafia guys first, as it's most likely harder than clearing glowshrooms.
Now, to find the swamp. You look around, seeing the bridge leading to the frost zo- wait, the snow has all melted? Must be Vanessa's death that caused it. You shrug and look the other way. You can't see anything swamp-like, but there is a minion standing around.
"Hey!" you call to the minion. He turns and waves. "Y/N! What's up?" You wave back and ask "Where's the swamp?" He hesitates and then points towards a dirt wall. "Be careful," he warns, "the swamp likes to suck things - and people - in."
You smile uncertainly, and face the wall. There are roots sticking out of the wall with could serve as hand- and footholds if they're strong enough. You tug on a few and they don't respond at all. Okay. You reach up to the top of the wall and grab the edge, carefully pulling yourself up. You step onto a pair of roots and climb up the rest of the way. Simple. You see a vast expanse of some weird purple slime. Curious, you inspect the slime closer and see dark purple tendrils waving about languidly. You shudder and step onto the dock tentatively. You look around, eager to leave the swamp as soon as possible. Ivy hangs from the trees dotted around the swamp

and behind a particularly thick curtain you can see a faint orange glimmer. You push the curtain aside, half expecting to see some Fire Spirits. You glance down at the last second and see you sink your shoe into the purple sludge. "Damn!" you curse under your breath. With difficulty you pull your shoe out of the sludge, making a loud squelch. You look up again, seeing not Fire Spirits, but three bald men in blue suits.

"Mafia wonders who little girl is." says one if the men.



They must be the guys on your contract!

"Ummm..." you begin awkwardly. "So...I work here?"

The Mafia guys burst out laughing. Once they've calmed down, one says "Little girl too young to work. Mafia think girl is lying."

You sigh, and bring out the contract.

"Does this prove it?" you wave it at them. "Look, I don't want any trouble, but the boss doesn't like you being here and he wants you to leave."

The Mafia guys laugh again. "Mafia does not listen to little girl!"

You grit your teeth. If you survived Vanessa, you can definitely get these annoying dudes to leave. You decide to try some threats.

"Listen, if I wanted to I could stroll straight back to the boss and tell him that you guys don't want to leave, and I can guarantee you that he'd come straight here and kill you on the spot."

They laugh uncertainly.

"Oh, but it wouldn't be quick and easy. He'd steal your souls first, and that hurts, trust me, and then he'd eat them one by one. And finally he would carve out your hearts slowly and painfully." you say triumphantly. "See, he doesn't like intruders. He only sent me because he doesn't want to seem over the top."

The Mafia guys sit frozen.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a boss to notify." You close the ivy curtain and wait for a few seconds. Sure enough, they come running through the curtain shouting. "MAFIA IS LEAVING NOW!" "DO NOT NEED TO TELL BOSS MAFIA WAS HERE!"

You laugh. Sure, you'd been a little melodramatic. But it got the job done.

Next up, clearing glowshrooms out of the village.

Oh boy.

ou leave the swamp, greeted by Kiwi.

"Hey girl," (oPeN tHe wAlLs, pLaY wItH yOuR dOlLs, wE'lL bE a PeRfEcT fAmIlY...) you say, stroking her mask. She nuzzles into your hand. "I need to go to the village now. Wanna come?" She turns a somersault. You giggle and start the long walk to the village, Kiwi bouncing around next to you.

You arrive at the village, immediately seeing the issue. What used to be a bunch of tall tree stumps with occasional glowshrooms is now totally overgrown. "Woah. What happened?" you ask no one in particular.
"Newbie!! I really need to pee but my door is blocked by the glowshrooms!" one of minions comes running over to you.
"Okay. Which is your house?" you respond. He points to a stump which has by far the most glowshrooms.
"Thanks." Kiwi flys over to the house. You follow and stare at the mushrooms. Hmmm. There's no way you could move them, they're rooted into the ground - you have to dig them out.
You spot a rusty shovel lying nearby and grab it. The glowshroom blocking the door is most important to the minion, as he said. You start to dig the glowshroom out, but soon see how far down the roots go.
"Y/N!" Hat Kid calls out.
"Hat Kid!" You turn around and wave.
"Need some help?" asks Hat Kid, coming over to you.
"Yes. How the peck do I get rid of these things?"
"The glowshrooms? Uh. Never done that." she admits.
"But," she says optimistically. "it can't be hard!"
Hat Kid brings out her umbrella and a small pouch. "Let's see...projectile badge... oh, there you are."
You watch as Hat Kid takes a small, round badge and pins it to her hat.
"Eh, may as well add the no bonk badge, too." She fixes a second badge to her hat. "Right, let's get started!" She claps her hands.
You hear the sound of a door opening and closing, and turn around. Kiwi is floating next to the now free door looking smug (or, as smug as a dweller can look).
Hat Kid facepalms. "Of course!" she cries. "Dwellers eat glowshrooms! It's like, their main diet!"
Kiwi moves to another glowshroom and starts to munch. You laugh. Kiwi lifts her head and lets out a shrill call. Soon dozens of dwellers flock to the Village to enjoy the picnic.
It's quite beautiful, actually, you think happily. So many dwellers in one place. Such a pretty one too.
You hadn't given much thought to it before, but once you get used to the overwhelming purple of Subcon Forest, it's actually quite a scenic place.

Hat Kid holds her umbrella and a bright blue laser shoots out of the tip, exploding into multicolored fireworks. You laugh happily.

This place is not so bad, you think. It's actually a cool place when you get used to it.

• hey, I just realized I could've used that for the finale. but that's still coming....
and there's one last surprise for you guys :-) •

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