9: Rescue Mission (Part 1)

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• drama! yay! so Snatcher finally admitted he loves you, Hat Kid got kidnapped by Vanessa, and now you've run off to save Hat Kid even though Snatcher forbade it...
Why? Because I'm evil >:)
... Although it's kinda Vanessa's fault for putting up those traps. But then I write them in so it on me! •


You stand on the wrong end of the bridge. You'll never make that gap. Oh, wait - the gap's smaller over there! You could probably make that. Alright, here goes nothing...
You step back and run up to the gap, launching your feet off the bridge and landing unceremoniously on your stomach.
Hey, but you're on the other side. That's good.
"Hey, newbie, what are you doing?" You open your eyes to see a minion.
"Oh, um, I just think the frost zone is kinda beautiful and I wanted some...inspiration? For my flute." You pull out your flute. The minion stands there, unimpressed.
"You're going to save Hat Kid, aren't you?" he asks.
"...." You say nothing. "Don't tell Snatcher!"
You then stand up and run. Wait, where do you go? You've never been to the frost zone before.
"Newbie! The Manor is that way!" the minion hollers. He points at a weird purple wall. There's a bell in front of it.
Your natural instinct tells you to ring the bell, so you do. The second you do, a bubble expands from the bell and the purple wall disappears. You walk through, and as you leave the bubble it disappears. You yelp as you consider what would happen if your arm or leg had still been in there! You turn to see faint green cuboids floating around and right by an ice wall a purple cuboid. Another bell is in the middle of all this. You ring the bell and the faint green is suddenly bright neon as they are engulfed by a bubble. The purple cuboid disappears. You notice in alarm that the bubble is slowly getting smaller. You ring the bell again to reset the bubble and start hastily climbing and jumping. You finally make it to the top to be met with a problem; the purple cuboid has, well, disappeared. The green one you're standing on is getting smaller, but the back corners the purple cuboid are rematerializing! You grab on and pull yourself in the nick of time. The ice wall is a slope on the other side so you slide down comfortably. The next area has faint green platforms, and of course a bell. Without much thought you ring the bell and climb to each platform. Finally you reach an ice platform with another bell. You ring the bell and jump to each platform. At the next ice platform there's a dweller and a plum. You pick up the plum and let the dweller be sucked into it. You chuck the cherry. The ice explodes and you stand before a broken gate.
(Yes I know I left out an area but I forgot what you do there and when I remembered I was too lazy to put it in)
On the snow covered ground there's a piece of paper. You pick it up. It's Hat Kid's contract! She must have dropped it here. Holding the contract, you walk through the gate to be greeted by a frozen lake. You walk around it (it's not all too big). Suddenly a huge building looms out of the mist. Almost all of the windows are illuminated, and one has a shadow in it. You shiver. Keep walking...keep walking...
As you reach the front door you notice two statues. They're strangely beautiful, but also terrifying. You shudder, and turn your attention to the door. It's covered in snow. You try to open it anyway, but it just rattles. Okaaayyyy.... you think. You decide to check for a back door. A sudden rattle followed by a raspy breath startles you. You turn around slowly, sure you won't like what's behind you...
One of the statues lunges at you, pinning you to the ground. You scream as it raises a fist to punch you in the face and close your eyes, waiting for impact.
But a cold, female voice calls out: "Now, now, we wouldn't want to harm my Prince's little friend, now would we?"
The statue freezes, literally. You scramble out of its grasp and try to get away, but an iron grip grabs your wrist.
"I wonder why my Prince would send his favourite contractor, hmmm?"
"I-i'm not his favourite!" you protest, trying to wriggle out of the grip.
"Oh, but you are!" You finally look at your captor. She looks like just blackness, so dark that just looking at her makes you lose all hope. Her eyes are a piercing, glowing red, which gives her a haunting look that you will never forget. Just glancing at her is enough to start drowning in despair.
"He didn't send me!" you shout. "I came of my own accord!"
"That may be," she replies coldly, "but I'm going to have to keep you here."
"Why?" you ask, hoping to stall. "I just came for my friend!"
"Ooh, so brave! So selfless! So idiotic!"
The black mass pulls you around the house while she talks.
"Tell you what! Your friend is locked up in my cellar! How about we let her go, she's of no real use to me, and you stay in her place to draw out my Prince!" The mass sees you open your mouth to respond, and cuts in first: "Oh, keep your annoying little mouth shut! You don't get a say in this!"
At the back of the house the shadow pulls open a door to show steps leading into a cellar.
The cellar is split into two rooms, one with bars for walls. This (smaller) room is filled with wine barrels. The other L-shaped room surrounding the barrel room has various devices hanging on the wall - including chains. Hanging from these chains was Hat Kid.
"Hat Kid!" you cry. She looks up and yelps.
"Oh my God, Y/N! What the peck are you doing here?!"
"She came to save you! But she's more important to me so she's my new guest! I'm going to let you go! Run to my prince, and tell him! Tell him I have this brat!"
The shadow unlocks Hat Kid's chains, pushes her to the floor and thrusts you against the wall. She locks the chains around your wrists. Hat Kid stands up and walks up the steps to the exit, mouthing "I'm going to get Snatcher!"
"Now!" the shadow claps her hands together menacingly "I'm going to keep watch for my Prince!"
"Who is your prince?" you ask, genuinely curious.
"You'll find out soon enough~!" she whispers, and giggling like a maniac she walks up some other stairs which presumably lead to the main house.
Snatcher's going to kill me, you think, if this shadow thing doesn't first...

POV: Snatcher

Grooves and the Conductor are arguing about the best way to save Hat Kid. My god, do they ever stop fighting?!
"HEY!" I shout. "Stop arguing! We'll never be productive if you two keep this up!"
They glare at each other, but thankfully shut up.
"Thank you! Now, we obviously need to go the Manor. In my experience, the best way in and out is the cellar door, and that'll be where she's keeping Hat Kid. And Y/N, assuming she's been caught too."
Suddenly we hear loud panting by my door. Grooves looks out and says "Hat Kid! How did you get out?!"
Hat Kid storms inside.
"Kiddo!" I say " what happened? Where's Y/N?"
"Manor," she pants. "Cellar... caught... swap..."
"What?" the Conductor asks.
Hat Kid takes a moment to catch her breath. "Y/N came to save me, but she got caught by Vanessa and Vanessa let me free and locked up Y/N in my place. So I came to get help."
"Well, at least you're safe, darling." says Grooves.
"Yeah, but we need to save Y/N!" cried Hat Kid.
"Okay. Let's make a plan then," I say. "We should get in and out as quickly as possible."
"Understandable." murmurs Hat Kid.
"Hat Kid, Y/N is being kept in the cellar, right?"
"Someone will need to distract Vanessa while the others free Y/N."
"Will an intruder be enough though? Also it's dangerous. If she catches us, we're dead. The only one she won't harm...." Hat Kid breaks off, but we all know who she means.
Silence follows.
Eventually I agree. "Alright. I'll do it. But even if we get out of that hellhole alive, Vanessa is perfectly capable of fixing the bridge with her ice powers."
The Conductor nods, seeing what I'm getting at. "We need to kill her."
"Conductor, do you still have the bomb from Train Rush?" Hat Kid asks. "We could blow the place sky-high!"
"I do, but it's unusable. Remember, DJ Grooves defused it." Am awkward silence fills the room.
"Um, what about the missile launchers? From the Big Parade."
"That could work, darling," Grooves agrees. "They're still on the set though. I'll have to get them."
"That might take too long." I say.
"Not if we take the Owl Express, it won't," the Conductor assures me. "Full steam ahead!" He and Grooves leave my house, probably towards the Conductor's train.
"Did you know that Y/N plays the flute?" asks Hat Kid.
"No," I reply. "She does?"
"Yup," says Hat Kid. "She's really good."
"What is the point of this, kiddo?"
"Oh, you'll see!"

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