6: Feelings

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(henlo peeps :3! i have no ideas for this chapter's plot so it's time to bring out the fillers 😬 Honestly I feel bad about not updating for like 5 days so here's something to keep you going while you wait for the next chapter. Hope you enjoy :3)

(Hat Kid's POV)

When I decided to visit my friends here, I was NOT counting on there being a new contractor. But that's okay, NEW FRIEND!!!! I'm so excited. Also, I totally ship Y/N and Snatchy. They're so getting together! I can feel it in my bones! I've seen the look on Y/N's face when she talks about him, and I SWEAR I'd be dead if I dared ask to read with him, let alone fall into his lap (that wasn't Y/N's fault, but still).
In conclusion, I feel romance brewing!!!


Oh peck...

What if Vanessa finds out?!

Snatcher was her prince, and I SWEAR she still loves him!

This just RUINED MY DAY!!
Should I warn Y/N??
I feel like I should! But what if that puts her off Snatcher?? I don't know anything about love!! Is a crazy obsessed ex who probably would kill you if you date the person the ex is obsessed with off-putting?!
Peck, I don't know!



...is that more important than my friend's life?

Peck knows what Vanessa will do if she finds out...


What should I do?!

Okay, calm down, Hat Kid, calm down...

Should I warn Y/N about Vanessa?
What if she doesn't believe me?!
What if something happens to her right now and I can't help her??

That's it!
I can get Snatcher to come and save Y/N from some catastrophe where I can't help!
Because I KNOW that Snatcher normally doesn't help his contractors, so if he helps Y/N that's how I'd know he loves her.
There's only one problem: what should he save her from?
I don't want to lie, or I'd make something up. But then he'd get here and there wouldn't be anything wrong and I'd get in massive trouble. He'd probably send me back to the manor...

.....I can't go there again.
.....so I'd better think of something else.

• hewo! This was a shorter chapter than usual but next chapter will be super good, some drama in the Forest and with HK and Y/N, so stay around for that please😢 bye! •

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