10: Rescue Mission (Part 2)

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• we're back for part 2! I have a big idea for this so I split it. also I found this meme and I love it😂 anyway enjoy! •

Your POV

You've been hanging from the wall for barely half an hour, but it feels like weeks. Your chest is bruised where the statue held you, and so is the wrist the shadow held in her iron grip.
The doors to the cellar open and the shadow storms inside and over to her.
"WHERE IS HE?!" she screams at you.
You muster what little strength you still have and reply "I don't know."
"LIES!" The shadow slaps you. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"
You close your eyes and pray that wherever Snatcher and Hat Kid are, they're coming.
"ANSWER ME!" The shadow screams.
"Nothing!" you protest, "I have no idea where he is!"
"He better be on his way, or you'll pay the price!" she threatens. As she stomps back into the house, you think She's crazy! How am I supposed to know where her Prince is? I don't even know who he is....

Hat Kid's POV

Snatcher and I wait in his house while Grooves and the Conductor get the missile launchers from Dead Bird Studios.
"You're nervous, aren't you?" I ask Snatcher.
"W-what?! No I'm not!" he replies harshly. I chuckle. "Don't deny it! I can read you like a book." He growls at me but I take no notice. "Peck, I'd be nervous if Vanessa was my ex." Snatcher says nothing.
"Snatcher? I have a question."
"What will you do when we've saved Y/N?"
"What do you mean?"
"Will you give her her soul back? Or will you keep it a bit longer?"
"....I don't know."
All of a sudden Kiwi appears next to me. She starts twisting around. In confused but Snatcher nods. "Um, what was that?" I ask.
"Dweller language. She says the frost is spreading. Vanessa's angry."
Just at that moment, Grooves and the Conductor appear in the doorway with a small cannon.
"We need to go, we don't have much time." says Snatcher and floats out of his house quickly. Grooves wheels the launcher while Conductor walks next to me. We reach the bridge and Grooves stops. "How will we get the launcher across?" he asks uncertainly.
"Oh, hand it over." replies Snatcher impatiently. He takes the cannon and lifts it over the gap with his noodle arms. I take a few steps back and prepare to jump. Jump, jump, dive.
I jump once, turn a somersault and kick the air, landing easily on the other side. The others had all seen my parkour talent before but were still impressed. Snatcher lifts up Grooves and the Conductor, ignoring their squawks of protest and sets them down on the right side, before easily floating over. "Onwards!"


We arrive at the Manor, seeing it loom out of the snowy mist. The Conductor shudders. "This place gives me the willies." he says. "You and me both." adds Grooves.
"Alright! We have to be careful of the statu-" starts Snatcher, but I interrupt. "Chuck some of your potions on them, then I can hit them."
"Good idea." We head on past the lake and arrive at the front door. The statues awaken and run towards us, but are swiftly attacked with blue potions. I draw my umbrella and prepare for attack.

"Sorted." I stow my umbrella safely in my cloak.
"Right. Me and Hat Kid will go in, and you two birds can set up the launcher. If that's possible without arguing. Then, I'll distract Vanessa while Hat Kid frees Y/N, we both escape, and blow this place sky-high! Sound good?"
"Uh-huh." The birds nod.
"Come on, noodle!" I call over my shoulder, running towards the cellar door.

Your POV

Maybe if you close your eyes and imagine a comfortable bed, you can fall asleep? You shift position and wince. Nope. Not possible to get comfy here. Luckily Vanessa didn't take your flute. Not that it would be of much use to you. It's just comforting, knowing it's still in your pocket.


Oh great. Here comes the witch.
But instead of the musty smell of the Manor, you're hit with a gust of icy wind. You open your eyes, seeing the familiar hat and noodle. "Snatcher! Hat Kid!" You gasp.
"Oh my God, Y/N! I'm glad you're okay!" Hat Kid gasps and hugs you. You wince. "Oops. Sorry."
Snatcher nods to you and heads to the door. "I'm going to go distract her."
"Okay!" chirps Hat Kid.
You watch him leave, smiling.
He came.

Snatcher's POV

I float into the familiar Manor. A creeping shadow comes out of a nearby room - the kitchen, if I remember correctly.
"My Prince!" rasps Vanessa.
"I'm not your Prince." I reply coldly.
She blinks, before snarling "This is her fault! I'm going to kill her!"
"No, it's not Y/N's fault!" I shout. "It's only your fault! You know, I once loved you! But then you changed. You became obsessed, angry over the slightest thing! You'd immediately throw a tantrum if I so much as smiled at another girl, even my own mother! You couldn't accept the idea of me having other passions aside from you! And when I mistakenly bought you flowers, you locked me in the cellar! Because you assumed I was cheating! You're insane, Vanessa! I don't love you, and I never will!" I lower my voice. "I love Y/N, and if you so much as lay a finger on her ever again, I. Will. Kill. You."
With that I turn my back on her.
She calls out desperately "But, my Prince!"
I stop, and say "I'm not your prince. Go to hell."
I float down the the stairs to the cellar, slamming the door. Hat Kid and Y/N stare at me, and I suddenly hope that Y/N didn't hear what I said. Specifically, the bit where I said I love her. "That. Was. Awesome!" says Y/N.
Phew, I think. "We need to leave." I say.
"On it." says Hat Kid, producing her umbrella and smashing the door leading outside. We all rush out, and I yell "FIRE!" and grab HK and Y/N, diving into the ground. Y/N shrieks, expecting us to smash into the ground, but we instead burrow straight into the soil. We resurface by Grooves and Conductor. They're squabbling about who gets to light the launcher. "Oh, shut the peck up!" Conductor shouts and grabs the lighter. The fuse sizzles and we wait.


The missile fires and hits the manor directly in the middle. Debris flies everywhere and we hear a shrill scream and see a smaller, black explosion.
"Vanessa." I say.
"She's dead?" Hat Kid asks uncertainly. "That was her?"
"Yes." I reply. "I've seen spirits die before."
The Manor is soon destroyed. I'm glad that Vanessa is gone.
A few pieces of paper float down towards us. Hat Kid, Y/N and I pluck some out of the air and read them.
Diary entries.
"Did she write this?" asks Y/N.
"Yeah." answers Hat Kid.
"What the peck." says Y/N. "I think this is the worst reason to ban bacon ever. Listen to this.
My Prince enjoys his breakfast far too much! I'm jealous of that darn bacon! No more bacon in this house!"
"Oh, I remember that. Walking into the kitchen to see her throw it all out. Made me enjoy my studies even more - bacon every day." I chuckle.
Everyone laughs.
"Come on, let's go for drinks on me train." offers the Conductor.
"Gladly, darling." agrees DJ Grooves.
"Race you!" yells Hat Kid, running ahead.
"Hey, wait up!" hollers Y/N, and runs off.
I watch her run lovingly. She doesn't know it yet, but I have a surprise for her.

• wow! the end is near - or is it? hmmmm.... •

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