18: Detective Noodle

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• I FINALLY HAVE A GOOD IDEA FOR THIS BOOK! but its ending soon 😭😭 yes my idea is for a finale. Hmph. It's good though. Happy ending and that. Yeah. This is such an awkward note. Mhm. Yay. Also Moonjumper will get a happy ending too :) has anyone guessed the ship yet? It's going to be officially revealed in the finale. So hang around if you wanna know. Also I found this tsundere Snatcher and it's cute. 76 words oops- •

Snatcher's POV

"So, we've established that our best chance of defeating Moonjumper is to persuade him of Vanessa's true nature." Y/N summarizes.

"But how do we do that?" questions MG.

Hat Kid snaps her fingers. "Maybe we can find something at the Manor?"

"Good idea!" I agree.

"Off we go then!" Y/N smiles.


Hat Kids POV

We arrive at the debris-scattered clearing where the Manor once stood. Y/N shivers. "Will we really find something here....?"

"I remember that there were a few pages of her diary left. We caught them, remember?" I remind them.

"Well let's get cracking," shivers MG. "This place gives me the creeps."

MG, Y/N and I run off to a particularly big pile of ruins and start searching while Snatcher floats to a smaller pile. We dig through the pile, tossing bricks and bits of wood into the snow behind them.

MG breaks the silence, holding a small piece of paper. "I found something! 'Why? What have I done wrong? In his letters he talk about her. A tutor. He says he loves me. But SHE sees him. I get letters, and SHE gets his time. He is MINE. Once his studies are finished I will have him back.' Drama queen."

"That would work," calls Snatcher. "Here, I found one too: 'He is coming back. Just one weekend. A short holiday, from HER. I will convince him to stay. I CANNOT let my love leave again.' Perfect."

"There's one here, too!" calls Y/N. She picked some paper out of the snow. "Oh, it's the bacon one."

"'Mother had a bit of an accident last week, so today I got crowned as queen. Now the prince can't call me his princess any more! Life isn't fair!' Why would someone complain about being a queen? This lady makes no sense!" MG says, reading another note.

"Got another one!" calls Y/N. "'Dear diary, today my prince left to begin his studies. He will be so far away, and for so long. He has promised to write. He won't forget me, will he? His beloved princess?'"

"That one is no good. Doesn't really sound obsessive." Snatcher says.

We continue the search, with a few minor casualties. Seriously, that place is a death trap. One time MG tripped over a wooden beam and nearly impaled herself on an sharp icicle.

Finally I uncover a ripped, singed paper. The writing is barely legible, but I somehow read out "'Oh, I wish I could keep him always! Locked up and in chains in the cellar! But you can't chain a man...can you?'"

"That is...perfect!" says Y/N. "I think this is enough, guys! We have the one about the tutor, and the one about the Prince coming back, and the one where she gets crowned, and now this one!"

"In that case, let's leave!" says MG. "This place is freaking me out. It feels so weird."

"Agreed. I'm willing to bet that Vanessa would've killed me if these two hadn't rescued me." says Y/N.

"And I can say that she definitely would have," adds Snatcher.

"Let's just get out of here." I suggest.

"Good idea." agrees MG.


Moonjumper watches the small figures, puzzled, as they dig around in the ruins of the Manor. They stop occasionally, staring at paper.
Suddenly an idea strikes Moonjumper.
"My queen!" He turns excitedly.
Vanessa lies perfectly still. "What?" she croaks.
"Can you use your powers?" asks Moonjumper. "Perhaps ice would protect you."
"I will try," she says determinedly. She raises a hand and a bolt of ice shoots from her palm. She somehow pulls herself onto the small patch and gasps as she's filled with life once more. Vanessa stands and laughs her shrill, cold cackle.
"Now we can fight side by side for what is truly ours, Moonjumper!" she cries. "We can put our plan into motion!"
Moonjumper smirks. "I'm one step ahead of you, my Queen." He turns and starts casting down metre after metre of puppet strings, covering every tree and every glowshroom.
"Soon we will have an army on the ground, and we will reclaim the Prince!"
"And I will be a princess once more!"

• ooh we know their plan! The finale will be the next few chapters :( splitting it into two or three parts so that you guys can enjoy it more, also then I can use c l i f f h a n g e r s muahahahahahaha!! I'm evil I know. 😈 I hope you enjoyed this chapter! •

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