1: Soulless

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(Your POV)

You wake up, rubbing your throbbing head. You look down at your aching body. You're covered in cuts and bruises, and your clothing is torn. Blood runs from a large gash on your right arm. You look up to see the smoking remains of your ship, surrounded by broken glass and hot metal. 'Holy son of a...' you think in horror. Well, at least now you know what happened; you must crashed in this forest. You get up, wincing, and see a strange sight; a ring of what looks like dark purple thorns just past your smoking ship.
You limp over to investigate, forgetting your ship for a second, but when you step both feet into the ring the thorns spring up. The dirt path disappears and is replaced by a black abyss. You look around, panicked, trying to find a way out when suddenly you hear;


Surprised (and terrified) you turn around to see what looks like a giant purple noodle with a jack-o'-lantern face. It has a weird ruff thing on what would be its neck, which looks surprisingly fluffy and yet spiky.

What surprises you even more though is when the noodle starts to talk.

"You blew it! You've totally screwed yourself! Nobody enters my home and leaves in one piece!"

You're stunned, so you don't have a good comeback. Which is actually kinda good, on the other hand, because you probably don't wanna go making a giant noodle mad. He may have a fluffy neck and goofy smile, but those fangs look sharp.

The noodle produces a jar. You briefly wonder why a noodle is carrying a jar, but dismiss that thought.

"Now, this is actually perfect timing as I happen to be in need of a soul...."

Wait, what? Soul?  you think.
Suddenly, the noodle holds its hands over your head and you feel a stabbing pain all over your body before a terrifying emptiness. A white mass floats up and the noodle takes it and puts it in the jar, screwing the lid tightly shut.
The noodle then puts the jar up to its ear and listens. "Hmmm, interesting." The noodle seems to have forgotten you.

What is happening? you think.

The noodle's expression is changing, sometimes confused, sometimes amazed, once angry. Finally it puts the jar away and you find your voice again.

"Wh-who are you? What are you?" you ask, your voice slightly wobbly.

The noodle replies: "They call me the Snatcher, kid." As he says his name this "Snatcher" puffs up his chest proudly.

"Sure. But like what did you just take, and why do you have a jar?" you ask the Snatcher, beginning to regain a little composure.

"You're very feisty for a kid without a soul." Snatcher comments.

You reply "You took my soul?! And, hey, I'm NOT a kid."

"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not."
"Well, you look like a kid."

Wow. you think, annoyed. "Well, I'm not."
"How old are you then?"
"My next birthday is my 46th."
"So you're 45? Yeah right."

This noodle who calls himself the Snatcher is starting to get on your nerves. You consider just saying what he wants to hear - maybe then he'll leave you alone. But it's not your fault
"I am."
"Whatever you say, kiddo. Hey, I don't think I caught your name."
"Well, I never threw it."
Snatcher seems about to say something to you, but decides against it. Instead, he takes your soul out again and examines it.
A short while later he murmurs something. You can't hear it properly but you caught something like "Interesting... what are you hiding..."
He stows the jar away again. "I'm gonna keep you around, kiddo. Here, I've got a piece of paper for you," A puff if purple smoke reveals a contract and a quill. "Just sign it right at the bottom. Don't worry about the details."
You take the contract and skim through, checking for anything strange. A single sentence jumps out at you: I'll be keeping the following hostage: YOUR SOUL. Hmm. You turn over the contract. There's some barely readable text, but you manage to decipher it:
I hereby totally agree to do this Snatcher dude's dirty work. And also absolve him from all the injuries I will most likely sustain from this work. Also, I'll give up my soul. no takey backsies.

Despite the fact that you are being forced to sign a contract, the last sentence makes you chuckle. You turn the contract back over and read your obligations.
"Murder the Fire Spirits...chop fire wood..."
You are surprised at these easy tasks. Except for the whole "murder" thing. You sign the contract. Snatcher cackles gleefully.
"That seals the deal! We're in business!"
With these words Snatcher and the black abyss disappeared and you were left on the dirt path, contract in hand.

Sacred Souls - A Snatcher x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now