11: Musician

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• of course it's not over yet! the end is coming though. shame, I really enjoyed writing this. maybe I'll do another one in the future? anyway, there's definitely going to be at least two more parts! stay awesome :3
oh, and before I forget: F/F IS favourite food :) •

Your POV

As you get back to the Forest, you realize how tired you are. You have no place to sleep since your ship is destroyed, and you really don't fancy another night on a bench.
"Y/N?" Hat Kid taps me on the shoulder, "since you don't have a ship to sleep in, how about you come to mine?"
"Sure," you reply, "better than a bench!"
You're tackled by an unseen force. You gasp in shock, looking down to see Kiwi.
"Kiwi!" you cry, hugging the dweller.
"Damn it!" says Hat Kid, annoyed.
"What's up, kiddo?" asks Snatcher.
"I didn't bring any Time Pieces! That means no way back to the ship."
"Your ship runs on Time Pieces?" you ask, amazed. Time Piece-powered ships are the most expensive on the market.
"You're so lucky! My ship is second hand. I think it once had Time Pieces, but now it just runs on regular fuel."
Hat Kid looks at you. "Y/N, most Time Piece powered ships keep reserves years after they stop using them. With a bit of luck, yours still has some in reserve."
"It's worth a try, but I doubt it."
You sprint to your ship, and Hat Kid starts to move the pieces. You help her, even though you have no idea what you're looking for.
"Jackpot!" Hat Kid produces the old safe you don't have the code for.
"I don't have the code though."
"No problem. I'm an expert safe-cracker." As if to prove her point, she cracks her knuckles.
As she twists the dial, you take out your flute. You put it to your lips and start to play F/S. Hat Kid smiles and keeps fiddling.
Eventually the safe opens.
"Got it." she smiles. You peer into the safe to see a single Time Piece surrounded by smashed glass.
"This is the only one that survived the crash," Hat Kid fishes it out, "the others smashed."
"I guessed as much." You wrinkle your nose. "Lucky, that."
"Yup!" smiles Hat Kid. "Hold on!" She grabs your arm and holds the Time Piece to the sky. For a moment nothing happens, and you're about to ask what's supposed to happen when a rushing sound fills your ears and you're pulled up into space. The world goes white for a split second, before you find yourself in a luxurious spaceship. You immediately see three circular doors, each with a different symbol on them (a cloud, a tree, a movie camera), as well as some double doors and what seems to be an elevator. A large screen as well as a massive vault take up the majority of one wall.
"This belongs to you?!" you ask, astounded.
"Yeah. Don't you like it?" Hat Kid sounds worried.
"Like it? I LOVE IT!" you shout.
"Okay, that's perfect! Are you hungry?"
"Yeah, I am. Haven't eaten since the crash."
"Oh peck. Come on, let's go to the kitchen." She pulls you to a green ladder and starts to climb. You follow, and Hat Kid crashes through the double doors. You push the door and peer inside. It's a kitchen, counter line the walls with a fridge and stove on the far wall. In the middle stands a telescope.
Hat Kid goes to the fridge and opens it.
"Do you like F/F?"
"That's my favourite!"
"Cool." She pulls out two dishes and sticks them in the microwave. "I normally don't warm up food in the microwave, but I can't be bothered to turn on the stove." She pulls out some burnt food and your eyes pop.
"Why is it burnt?" you ask.
"Oh, it didn't taste good so I punished it." she says matter-of-factly. You blink and think Okay, that escalated quickly.
Hat Kid opens the microwave and takes the food. Fortunately it's not burnt.
"Let's go watch some movies!" she says brightly.
You follow her out of the kitchen, expecting her to go down the ladder (although you have no idea how she could achieve that with two plates), but she leads you past the vault, screen and elevator and towards a ramp. About halfway down she leans over the side and sets the plates down somewhere, before running down the rest of the way and diving into a small pile of cushions. She throws some at you, which you catch easily. You sit down next to her and she pulls out a small collection of DVDs. "Should we start with Train Rush, The Big Parade, or Murder On the Owl Express?"
"Oh, I don't mind." you respond. You stand up and take your plate off of what you now see is an old-school TV. Hat Kid pops a disc into the DVD player and grabs her own plate.

~ Timeskip to the next morning ~

You wake up on a small pile of pillows in front of a TV, a plate on the floor next to you, and Hat Kid snoozing on your other side. You blink, and then suddenly remember where you are: Hat Kid's ship.
Hat Kid yawns and stretches.
"Good morning." she yawns.
"Good morning," you reply. "How do we get back to the Forest?"
"Huh? Oh, don't worry about that," she rubs her eyes and stands up. "You hungry?"
"Nah." you answer, standing up too.
"Let's go then." She straightens her hat, and clicks her fingers. "Mustn't forget. Time Piece." She goes to the ladder and climbs it, turning to the vault and opening the padlock. A bright light fills the ship and you squeeze your eyes shut.
You hear a clinking of glass and the vault closing, and then the bright light disappears. You open your eyes. Hat Kid is patting her pockets, and climbs down the ladder.
"Come on!" she walks through the doors with the tree icon. You follow.
You're walking down a dark purple corridor with a galaxy carpet. As the doors at the other end slide open, you see a large room. One half is filled to the brim with cushion and pillows, and in the other half sits a bed, a wardrobe, a chest, a desk and a telescope. Hat Kid grabs your hand pulls you to the telescope, looking through it. You cry out in alarm as she's sucked into the telescope, but soon you're sucked in too. The world goes black, then white, and then purple, and now you both are in Subcon Forest.
"What- why- how- THAT WAS AWESOME!" you squeak.
Hat Kid giggles and says "I have to go to Dead Bird Studio," she sees you looking confused and adds "to the Conductor and DJ Grooves, you know the owl and the penguin?"
"Anyway, see you later!" She hugs you tightly and walks off, waving.
Better head to Snatcher's house, you think happily.
As you walk down the dirt path, you feel a familiar squeezing sensation on your shoulders.
"Kiwi!" She slides off your shoulders and next to you, rolling around adorably.
"Cutie." you laugh. You eventually reach the mushroom house. Snatcher is reading (as always). You notice the record player and you suddenly feel the urge to ask Snatcher about it. So you knock, and he looks up.
"Hey kiddo. Need a new contract?" he asks in a friendly tone.
"I guess," you start, and point to the record player. "Do you have any records for this?"
He scrutinizes you for a moment, before finally speaking. "Yeah. Take a look." He opens the middle drawer in the chest of drawers. You step into the house nervously, and when he doesn't say anything you walk over to the drawer. You kneel down, and start looking through the records. You find F/S, and take it out.
"Put it on." invites Snatcher.
You turn the player on, put the record on the player, lift the needle, placing it carefully on the record. The melody of F/S fills the house. Before you realize what you're doing, you take out your flute and accompany the singer. You've played F/S so often that your fingers move flawlessly, never missing a note. When the song finishes, Snatcher says "You're good." You blush, and put your flute away quickly.
"Can I have that contract now, please?" you ask.
"Sure." Snatcher produces a contract out if thin air. You take it, reading it through.
"Clear the glowshrooms out of Village...find the Maf- Mafia?!"
"Mafia of Cooks. Pretty harmless."
"Okay...find the Mafia men hiding in the swamp." You sign the contract and leave the house.

Snatcher's POV

I watch Y/N leave my house. I put my book down and take the record. I slide it safely back in the cover, and back into the drawer. I close the drawer, and open my Special Occasion drawer. After a bit of searching, I can't find any unlabeled souls other than Y/N's. I'm about to close the drawer and live with no souls to eat, when I remember the purple soul labeled Hat Kid comes back. I pull it out, empty it into a glass and swig it down. I pull out Y/N's soul again and think about giving it back.
If I give it back, I'll seem weak!
It's unfair to keep her here!
She's lived with it so far!
Hat Kid won't be here forever - what's she gonna eat? Where's she gonna sleep?
She can go to one of those cafes in Mafia Town! And the benches aren't that uncomfortable!
So it went, back and forth, back and forth.
Finally I decide.
One last contract.
Then she can have it back.

• wow! you're getting your soul back! also the whole reason I gave you a flute is because I was planning on having a music moment between you two. I'm sorry if your favourite song doesn't work with flute haha. But how am I supposed to know that? Lol ^^ anyway I have big ideas for the next chapter, so see you then! •

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