Page 1~Introduction

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Yukari POV
*sighs*ok ok I hear ya lets get this over and done with I'm Yukari Nakano.Around 17 years ago...the day of my birth.

I was abandoned cause my mother had Quintuplets after me. I know right?anyway she put me in a foster home.

I didnt really get along with the other kids in my foster home so I was mainly alone for the last 3 years.I got bullied alot in my first years of grade school untill one day I met a loner boy just the same as me. His names Ryuji Haruki

I didn't really bother greeting him as he looked at me with an intense look on his face

then walked over to me.

"Hey Asshat"he says with a dirty look on his face."What?"I say back with the same tone"What do you think your looking at? Got a problem!?"he says while giving a smug look

But as he said that I stand up with the same look on my face"so what if I do?"I say back to him as were practically head to head"you wanna throw down pretty boy"he says while backing up to charge at me.

The other kids in the school were practically surrounding us yelling "FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT"at that moment I was getting pumped up from all the excitement that was gonna happen and it looked like the same for him"haha ready"I say confidently"yeah trash bag"

We both yell well running full force at each other.
After the fight it was raining hard and me and the guy with blue hair was laying there out of breath trying to catch it back.

"Your really good at fighting"he says puffed out"yeah I can*galp*say the same for you"I also say out of breath my self.

He then gets up stumbling towards me offering out his hand giving me a little help. I look at his hand then takes it letting him help me up

I get up then we both fist pump each other. The corners of my lips curve up and so do his"Friends?" "Heh friends"

About a Year after that we went around the school.Causing trouble for everyone. I guess I just didint like anyone picking on me anymore

Right now were in a ally way cause we ditched the orphanage and roamed the streets "you were such a weakling back then but now your a total ass"one of the bullies said"heh I guess it's just a change of heart"I said with a evil smirk on my face"I can't wait to watch you die "I said well looking down on him...

but as I said that the police came from behind in the ally way me and ryuji was in"Shit let's run"He nodded as I said that.

We ran down the street away from we did that the police were coming from the other way so we had no choice but to run down another ally way besides us.

We ran down there to find our selfs trapped "crap what now""HEY YOU THERE YOUR UNDER ARREST FOR CAUSING TROUBLE IN OUR CITY SHOULDN'T YOU BE AT SCHOOL""Grr damn pigs what should w..."

I then look at haruki who was on the other side of the fence looking me dead in the eye grinning like a fool"Hehehe I guess it's just a change of heart"he then turns around then runs away"HEY!? wait"I said as I get tazard in the back.

After that I was falling unconscious but I wasn't really worried about that. To be honest I could only think about the way I was, the way I turned out until then I was never gonna trust anybody again.

I hate your guts Ryuji,Rena,Stupid Sisters....
After that the police found out that I lived in a foster home with the boy I was with I was so fused with rage.

A couple of years later passed and I went to high school And Age:17 and moved to the dorms there...

i didn't really make a good first impression.

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