Page 3~Their My Sisters!?

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Here I am at home laying on my bed I feel pathetic...


I ran away from them when I found out their my sisters.

I looked back and I seen tears coming out of their eyes without them noticing.

End Of FlashBack--

I don't think I'll be able to look them in the eye for a while i mean this is all new to me,meeting my sisters infront of my eyes like how am I ment to look at them now.

Like a sister?...or a person I would say friend but it's obvious it's only been 1 day and I'm already uncomfortable going to school.

Maybe just maybe I'll just avoid them yeah that might be the trick

The next morning

I end up turning up to school but I'm feeling exhausted and tired I didn't get any rest after all

I think I only got like 3 hours sleep.

Then I look over at the nerd who was walking to school with his face berried in those flash cards again"*sighs*What a true nerd"

Then at that moment the limmo with the 5 sisters come in arrive"Great the Quintuplets are here"I say with a nervous yet disappointing face."Well can't be helped"

I try to sneak in the school to be greeted loudly by..."YUKAR~~~~~I!!! GOODMORNING"damn you that's why I call you sir talks a lot.

"What Yukari's here where?"
Shit better make a run for it
I then grab her hand launching off at full speed the other way around to the track field at the back of the school then after that I pant hard
"What were you...thinking baka..calling out"

She also pants"how was I ...ment to know you....were running away from them 5"
"You clearly seen them taking me away yesterday....Well it's nearly time for us to get back to class the bell rings in about 3 minutes"

We walk back to class and I see itsuki"h-hey can we..."before she finished her sentence I walk past her ignoring her not caring anymore and walks into class
She looks down and start crying a little"huh I'm crying?"she says confused

Well im at my desk laying my head on it

Why do I feel like shit even more oh well im used to it by now I don't Care if everyone ignores me I just want to live a life with no pain I clinch my fist then left the classroom without anyone noticing.Who knew  out the window was a huge escape without them noticing

I then walk around the school to clear my head then I find Yotsuba sitting by the drinking fountain crying between her legs

I felt even horrabler for this she then looks up at me.

Staring at her I then look away and cough then walks away like nothing happend.

I don't know why but I hear footsteps coming in at the back of me, I turn around to see what it was  Yotsuba running full speed ahead

"AHHHHHH"I then do the same and runs away she ended up cathing me in the end and pushes me agents a wall"a-are you really him?"

I then look at her"Let me go Yotsuba"
"Are you or are you not our brother"I then start to get annoyed
She then faints and falls but luckily she falls into my arms"hey ribbons wake up!"I say in a concern voice
I bridal carried her to the infirmary soon after taking her there I leave without saying another word"I'm sorry Ribbons"I then exit the room soon after running into the other 4 standing in front of me.

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