Page 9~Love Interest?

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It was the next day and I attended school like always,I walked though town and went to go buy me lunch then I stumbled into shinobu"Hey yuki"she said with a light warm smile then I smile back"hey Shinobu you walking to school?" "Hm oh yeah I seen you and came to say Hi and um..." "hm?" "Do you uh...wanna..walk yo school together?"I blushed the moment she said that then i looked away trying to hide the blush"Yeah sure"i mumble then look back at her and shes just as red as me then we both just laugh it off then i put my lunch in ny bag we walked to school together

We talked quite alot getting to school we laughed,we teased each other. Man I'm so glad were back to normal

We finally got to school and looked around us and seen that there was no one outside "Hm were we too early?" "No we shouldn't be"I then look at the time and seen we were 20 minutes late for class then I gasp loud"huh what's a matter"were no early were really late common"without a second thought I grab shinobu's hand and starts running to class she blushed and wanted this moment not to end so she grabbed my hand back and actually ran the same speed with me about 2 minutes later I get to class panting hard"are you..ok?" " alright"

We then open the door wide enough for us to sneak in some of the students look at us and the teacher is facing the board we take this opportunity to tippy toe over to our desk untill "Well Well Mr Nakano and miss Ibuki"we both turn to the teacher and puts our hands up like we got arrested"after school detention..this isn't looking good gor your reports especially since both of you are transfer students"we both bow our heads and apologized to the teachers and sat at our seats,the moment I sat down my phone went off hm? A message from itsuki i then open the app

Itsuki:Haha your in trouble so what's your reason for being late?😂

Yukari:Well for starters I went to town to get me lunch

Itsuki:Mm~ lunch🍔🍟🍕😋

Yukari:Not for you anyway I went to get lunch then ran into Shinobu and we walked to school from there. We talked and talked then we lost track of time ok😧

Itsuki:pretty suspious if I say so myself 😑you did pervy things with her didn't you

Yukari:NO I DIDN'T!!

Itsuki:Haha calm down I'm joking😊

Damn girl I carry on the rest of the day of class and it finally hit lunch time and I stand up and heads for the door,I make my way though the corridor and into the cafeteria,I look around to see if there's any free tables open until I see futarou sitting at one by himself maybe I'll sit by the nerd I make my way by him and sits at the seat across him he looks at me "hm?" "What?" "Your sitting with me?" "Yeah so?" "Ha no ones sat with me besides those sisters of yours" "Yeah i can imagine that"I look at him and he looks over the Quints test papers "whatcha doing?" "Seeing what your sisters need to work on"I smerk at him and to be cheeky"So what one do you like?" He looks at me and glares"Don't give me that look who would you date out of the Quints?"he sighs"Egh love it's a utterly and complete wast of time you can think about that later on in life but not when your grades are on the line"So determined what's that all about?

He then works on his paper again and I tilt my head"So you don't like any of them is that correct?" "Yep" "you sure?" "Yep" "None of them "correct" ........."Not even one" "OMG YES I DON'T LIKE ANY OF THEM OK!!" "ok ok calm down just had to double check" "I think it's more than a double hm?" "Wow what's with the racket over here"Ichika walks over with her tray and sits next to him and I rest my cheek in the palm of my hand as i observe them I watch them touch each other and watches her laughing and being happy yep she's got a crush on him she then stops and stares at me and pinches my cheeks"it's not good starring at people oni-chan and it's not good being late with a girl"she squeezes them harder with that last sentence "Ow Ow I'm sorry I'm sorry ok"she let's go and sits in her seat "How did you know about that?" "Oh I was getting papers for the teacher and I seen you guys turn up at the gate. And itsuki told me the rest"

"*sighs*omll with that girl"we started talking more and more then the group got bigger the rest of the Quints joined then Shinobu yeah this is my place to be I enjoy it here and I'm starting to change thank you everyone of you I'll do anything to protect you all and even the nerd

"Hey oni-chan are you coming over our house after school"Yotsuba asks well stuffing her face"Um...yeah sorry Yotsuba but we got a after school detention"I try to smile off"Hm? We?" Yeah me and shinobu"she then smugs at both of us "You didn't have to lie to us we get it you wanted to be alone"me and Shinobu both blush at the same time "Sh-shut up it's not like that! baka" "Yeah sure~"we both look at each other then quickly looks away still blushing it went silent then Miku with her milkshake"Well this got awkward"she sips it making a loud noise

Itsuki POV

It came to after school me and my sisters We walk out the front gate and look behind us to see Oni-chan and Shinobu staring and waving at us and I gave a quick smug which ticked him off I seen him get angry and we all laughed "You think Shinobu likes oni-chan?"Yotsuba says curious we'll looking at her"The real question is...Does Oni-chan like her"Ichika says with a smile on her face then all of us except Uesugi nods our heads"Mhm Mhm"

"Common futarou you can at least socialise a little bit"Ichika says to Uesugi looking at him"He can't he just looks at those damn flashcards of his"Nino adds to the conversation we'll I'm just standing walking with Yotsuba I was talking to her about how I can help her with her math but again...

Shes looking at Uesugi "Hey Yotsuba?" "Eh huh what!"she says well blushing hard"wait do you like Uesu..." "Well that's enough talk about that let's catch up with the others"I was cut off and she moves foward away from me then Nino comes up to my side "I'm gonna walk with you" "Hey Nino if I asked you who you liked who is it" "Hm? Who do I like?"at that moment I seen her look straight to Uesugi and I was shocked she blushed so hard then shaked it off"No one I don't like anyone hmph"

I then look to everyone and watches them get closer and closer to him WAIT DOES ALL MY SISTERS HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!!! This can't be I mean it's Uesugi after all the guy who forced us to study the guy who...brought us together and closer I guess he is a good guy, I could feel my face get warmer "Hey Itsuki you ok your kinda red" "Huh?" I feel my face and it is kinda warm heh I guess my feelings for him have been opened I looked at his back and starts feeling something warm inside wait no I don't like him,I shake my head and Nino just stares at me with a smile"Jeez itsuki your so Stupid" "if your calling me stupid then your calling yourself stupid, Stupid" "Oh yeah Quintuplets" "Stupid!"

Yukari POV

"Damn that chick" I grab the bucket from the ground"Haha common Yuki the teacher said were on clean up duty there's no harm in that we only have to clean the toilets and we can go home" "Yeah your right"She seems so calm right now I'm really sleepy though,I mop the floor of the guys bathroom and Shinobu did the woman's bathroom when we talk it's like a echo so we can talk normally

"Hey you have crush on anyone?"I instantly dropped my mop and I blushed really hard"W-what are you saying baka!" "I-im just asking" "Well if I had to say yeah I do"I couldn't hear anything else after that"Eh Shinobu?" "Eh yeah sorry" it went quiet"Hey Shinobu..what do you have anyone you like?"it went quiet "Actually yeah I do" My heart felt like it dropped my chest hurts, I held my chest then it was silent though out the whole session.

We cleaned the toilets,Grabbed our bags and headed home it was awkward between us. I would try and make conversation between us but it'll end after the second sentence. It was going on night time so I walked her to the her front door step we just said goodnight and I'll see you at school tomorrow then headed out our separate ways I guess I got really jealous when she said she had a crush on somebody but what she didn't know is that crush of mine was her

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