Page 10 ~A New Encounter

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It came to the next day and I did the same as yesterday. I dropped by the cafeteria again in town but no sign of Shinobu Oh well she must've left to go to school early so she doesn't have a after school detention again I mean can't say I blame her oh well,I was walking to school with my headphones in my ear listening to music. I looked at the time again and seen I only had 10 more minutes to get there "shit" I jogged the rest of the way and I seen a few more people getting to school yus I'm not the only one

I run to the front school gate "yes I made it phew" then I look to the corner of my eye and see Shinobu laughing with another guy I guess that's her crush then she looks over at me and I gave her a light smile then carried on walking into school 

I wasn't watching where I was going im too stressed for this shit until I fell backwards and landed on my back  "Oops sorry"she says as she rubs her head"No I'm sorr...Hm?"damn it girl cover up your skirt I can see your panties well i guess my sisters were right I am a perv. Well instead of thinking about that I can be a gentleman "here let me help"I say getting up and offering my hand "Thank you very much"she grabbed my hand and I helped her up wait I've seen her before "is there a problem your starring intensely" "Oh sorry it feels like I've seen you before" "weird Ive got the same feeling um?.....Oh Yeah from Science class I was your partner" "Wow how could I forget sorry i don't think I caught your name I don't really listen during class" "Oh my name is.."She bows her head down"I'm Nagisa Kirigaya it's nice to meet you. May I ask your name?" "Oh yeah my names Yukari Nakano nice to meet you properly"we both laugh

then I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and the dark aura coming off it "Hey Yuki who's your friend"crap I know this voice then I turn my head slowly "H-hey Shinobu"the dark aura rebounding off of her looked terrifying with that happy look but not so happy"I see your having fun"she then squeezes my shoulder harder then I let out a small ouch  "Sorry am I interrupting something"nagisa asks"No not at all"Shinobu then squeezes harder and harder it feels like it was gonna break then I put my hand on top of here then she loosens the grip

Then the bell rung "Oh crap I gotta go to math bye bye I'll talk to you later"Nagisa ran to her class and I turned around to see the boy she was with standing behind her I glared at him "who was that Yuki" "she's just someone I ran into don't worry"I gathered up my stuff and walked to my class I slept though all the classes until lunch I just went to the rooftop to sleep. I was sleeping in a dangerous  spot to cause if I tipped to my right then I would've fallin off

Then I heard some Familiar voices I get up quickly and hid ontop of a shed that was built up there I knew it it's the Quintuplets and the nerd he just sat there we'll everyone else were eating if they found me I would've be forced to hang out with them

"Hey do you think Oni-chan & Shinobu have become distant lately?"I focus my eyes on Miku as she said that"Yeah they didnt hang out as much today"Itsuki said

I may of kinda exposed my head but they weren't looking my way I didn't notice until I looked at one specific person she looked at me and smiled I galped then she put her finger to her mouth"Shh"I nod and ducked my head damn how did she know I was here. You better not tell them Ichika

The bell rung and Lunch ended "Common ichika were gonna head to our classes you coming?"I pop my head out to see them leaving"Yeah I just gotta phone call I'll be there in a minute"they all nodded and left"You can come out now Oni-chan"i got off the roof of the shed then walked over to her she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug"WHAT THE FUCK ICHIKA" "Oh you know the usual" "YOUR BOOBS.."She tried to break the hug but her button got hooked on mine"Um? Oni-chan"I look down and what I'm seeing is mainly her boobs she pinches my cheeks"Now don't go perving on your sister now Oni-chan" "I'm not baka! Ouch"I try to untangle the buttons we were so close I didn't notice"Um..Oni-chan" "What is it"I look up and were really close to each other we couldn't help but blush

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now