Page 8~I'm Sorry

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It was 2 weeks for the damage on my arm and leg to be healed I gathered my things and started to head out.

The Quintuplets came to the Hospital to pick me up and take me home they wanted to do something nice for me before then

so before that they took me to their home Miku and Nino shouted at each other in the kitchen to see who's the better cook,Futarou was at their table studying with Yotsuba and ichika then itsuki came up from behind me"you feeling alright Oni-chan?" "Hmm? Oh yeah just glad I'm out of that hospital like did you See what they were serving it was absolute hell,The food there tasted like mediation *gets shivers*"she then chuckles "glad to see your back to your normal self again"But what she didn't know I wasn't my normal self at all

It ended up hitting night time we had a lot of fun well that's what I made them believe i put on this happy and confident face but I hide the pain I'm really feeling I can't believe it I havent felt this exhausted since my mother egh

but out of everybody I only told Nino about it and I gave her a quick glare as in saying (Don't tell anyone what happened that day)and she nodded I gathered my things and headed out the nerd left a couple of hours ago after being fed by Miku like 5 whole plates like he looked like a walking rice ball haha

I said my last goodbyes to the quints before heading out they gave me a quick hug before I left and I forced a smile "thanks guys I'll see you later"they let go of me and their eyes widened as they looked at my face it didnt look like a happy face they gave me but I didn't think much of it and just left the apartment 

The Quints POV

Ichika:Did you see his face he looked like he forced his smile out/Yotsuba:Yeah I feel sorry for Oni-chan/Miku:After what happend to Shinobu and him I could feel what he's going though/Itsuki:Nino are you sure what you told us is true/Nino:exactly as how I told you and in that exact order

They stood there In a circle trying to think of what to do for their big brother. What can the little sisters do about their big brothers youth

Back To Yukari's POV

I was walking out the building until I was stoped by a limo that nearly ran me over"WHAT THE..!?"I then notice a man get out of the car he looked directly at me and I looked back with a glare he then walked up to me"Who are you?"who is this guy a business man or something I then reply"Tomoya Yuki"He looked directly in my eyes and I didn't break the eye contact"your lying"my eyes widen from shock no ones looked me right in the eye and told me I was lying even when I'm not serious then with the truth

*sighs*I'm Yukari Nakano sir"I bow to him then he twitches "Nakano?"I look back up to him"why do you have the last name as me?"I back up a little "you gotta be kidding me right old man"he twitches again "old man...OLD MAN!!"I then look to my side and I see the quints run out "brother what are you still doing here?"they then look to the old man"oh welcome back home father"I look at him and he straightens up his suit "F-father!? so y-your my..." "No we have no relation to each other what so ever "I then sigh in relief phew if you were man I wouldn't live with myself"but I am the father of these 5 and they say your their brother?"He scanned me from head to toe"you have their looks but not their fashion you look scruffy" "wow thanks"

He looks at the quints and signaled them to go back inside everyone did except for ichika she looked at me out of worry and I nod at her to tell her I'll be alright she then smiled and went back inside with everyone else I looked back at him

"so what's your story kid?" We went to a nearby park and sat at a swing set I told him everything about me my childhood/Personality/How my relationship with the Quintuplets evolved and....mother he didn't mind me talking about her.

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now