Page 23~The Final Battle

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"Welcome Yukari~"

I turned my head around enough so I can get a good sight at the person who I've grew up with. "Well you finally showed up"He said with a smile "Yeah you've got quite the welcoming" "Well of course,your the guess of honnor"

I try to move but he keeps me still "Nah ah you move you die"He said now pressing the gun into my cheek "Or should I make it even more fun and shoot your sisters"I frowned and glared at him intensely "You even-"I was interrupted when he gets off me and kicks my rib cage

It was painful but I've been through worst. I could feel the horror from the  six girls in front of me as I hear their mumbling of worry and the tears that followed that "Come on this isn't a fight unless you fight back" He carries on kicking me until I try to get back up

I was interrupted when someone kicked my hands which made me drop "Dont even think about it" Yushin says as he kicks me as well "You bitch"I say faintly

I hear their laughs of evil as they kick me more and more making me feel numb "Shit losing consciousness I....cant"I was about to give up until...

Everything went black "Hey where is everyone"I question as I stand there by myself "You can do this Yukari" A woman's voice I've never heard before spoke "Hello?"I yell out

everything became white and there stood a woman In working clothes with red hair that dropped to her waist. Her smile was genuine and also familiar...then it all came clear to me.

That smile of a thousand suns I can recognise that smile anywhere"Aw you really forgot about me?" She says in a sweet voice  "R-rena?" She walked up to me and patted my head "That's right my darling"

My eyes widened as I was about to cry "N-No it can't be" I say then she closed her eyes and was on the verge of crying happiness. She didn't hesitate to pull me into a hug so I jump a bit then buried my face into her shoulder

"Look at how much of a man you turned out to be"She examined my body "H-hey"She let out a giggle before kissing my head "You did great my son"I look up at her "You did everything for everybody so everyone can be happy right"she says with a sweet smile

I put my head down "am I doing the right thing" I ask a little down "You can say your half way there" I look back at her "You also have to do it for yourself too".

She finished then with me changing the subject "Why did you abandon me?"She didn't look at all shocked at the question it's like she knew I was gonna ask. She looked down and smiled lightly "Because I wasn't... allowed"My eyes widened

"What do you mean"She gave me a serious look "I mean I couldn't raise 6 children it was took much. Believe me I tried, I tried and I tried but...they wouldn't let me keep you. My family loved the five girls but..they didn't like the fact that there was only one boy amongst the six of you. My family told me to get rid of you which broke my heart into million of pieces"She held her head and started crying "Once I sent you away across the seas I felt like the most awful mother in the world. I couldn't stop crying for hours. I faced my family and told them if they dont want my kids here then Ill leave the house. Which I did. Once I did I never looked back."

I stood there looking at her before this time I pulling her in for a hug "Looks like I misunderstand everything I love you mom, I'm sorry for blaming you all this time and I forgive you can rest easy now"

She smiled then wrapped her arm around me. Once she did her body started to glow "For this final fight I'll lend you my strength"I glew this time then I seen her floating into the sky "M-mom?"I say in a worry voice "Goodbye my son I love you and your sisters from the bottom of my heart I know you'll do the right thing "I turned to the blackness then ran into it "I Love you mom"She heard it and smiled like a beautiful angel before the whole place turns bright white then completely black

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now