Page 18~Feelings

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The very next day I exited my room "Morning onii-chan"I look at the Orange haired with ribbons then greeted"Morning Yotsuba" "Your finally awake" "And morning to you too Nino"They both hold their heads"I feel sick"Nino holds her mouth"I think so too"Yotsuba does the same well as for me even though I drunk the most I didn't feel anything. A little light headed but that's all"Morning guys"I look up at the next floor to see a purple short haired girl leaning over staring down at us"Morning Ichika"She smiles at me and I looked back at her confused "Hm?"She winks at me but I just ignored it and ate breakfast"Don't ignore me"She moans then comes down stairs and sits at the table as well "Now were just missing the youngest" "Hey Onii-chan can you go and wake up Itsuki"I sigh cause I felt lazy and did it anyway. I walked up to the second floor and knocked on the door

"Itsuki time to get up"I got a response of growling"Hurry up.."No response"I'm coming in"I open the door to see a half naked school girl with red haired laying on her bed "Jeez this girl now that I think about it she was a little flirty last night...Hey wake up"She turns to her side so I decided to shake her"Hey wake up..."She grabbed my face and pulled me inbetween her breasts 'Damn it can't breath' she squeezed tighter then I crawled on top of her until finally she let go. I panted a bit And you say I have Ichika in ME!? Look at you she starts to open her eyes and sees that I'm on top of her "H-Hey Itsuki"She blushes really hard and slaps my across my face"Y-You even perv on your youngest sister you bastard"I got up quickly"What do you mean I didn't undress you, you did that your self" "Don't lie to me I don't do this stuff and to make it even worst you were on top of me pervert"She yelled"For the last time I didn't do anything to you I just came to wake you up"I yelled back "You did, you did too" "Jeez too loud"Nino comes in and looks at the too. First she sees that Itsuki's half naked then looked at me"Did you do this" Oh jeez not another one "I told you I didn't!! Jeez"I walk out of the room and down stairs

I look in the distance and seen Ichika and Yotsuba looking at the couch. "Hm?" I aprotch the the 2"What's going on?"They looked at me with terrified eyes, I look at the couch and seen the guy asleep and then that's when it hit me, He kissed Shinobu and how I ended things between us,I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the sky causing him to wake up"The hell"He say barely "The fuck you doing in our house"I say with a death stare"Onii-chan put him down he can't breath" "Like I care"I pull him close and whispered in his ear"You come near me or my family I will end you"I felt him shiver in his boot then I threw him out the door and he crashed into the elevator door"Get lost before I lose it even more"He got on his own feet and ran away down the stairs

"Onii-chan?"I turn around to see the 5 looking at me terrified I mean I can't blame them they haven't seen me like that in a while. I sigh then grabs my bag "I'll see you guys at school"I walk to the elevator, out the building and to though town"Yuu?" I turn around
"Oh Liz what's up been a while"She smiles slightly "Yeah it has"then I tease"Aw is that a smile how cute"She blushes then steps on my foot"You really are a pervert" "And I see you haven't changed"I cant tell him we have a guess at our house and from what i heard he'll get really mad She thought before She looks at me then grabs my face"Liz what's wrong" "Have you been crying"My eyes widened "N-no it's nothing"She had a concern look on her face. I think if I tell her then it'll be alright I can trust her"Listen Liz the truth is..."

"Oh so that's how it is I was. I was wondering why she hasn't come out of her room" "Hm?" "She should be at school by now...oh yeah DID YOU LET MY SISTER DRINK ALCOHOL LAST NIGHT" I nervous laughed "Hehe maybe"She punches my head making a bump on it "Jeez I can't leave her with you for one second can I" "I confessed to her last night"She froze and looked at me "Stupid really I thought she felt the same but I guess not" "Yuu" "I made a really big mistake so i have to fix it but for the mean time I just need some time to myself" I stood up and walked away"See you later Liz be careful on the streets

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now