Page 11~Moving In

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I got to my apartment and floped on my bed then I sighed to myself"What a long day"I then hear a knock at my door I get up and answers it but I open the door slightly and looks who's on the other side"Um Yukari"I then open the door fully "Oh Nagisa what are you doing here?" "Oh I came to return your bag it was on the side of the footpath outside of school gate"
Oh yeah I left my bag behind when Is fell ontop of Nino"heh thanks"I take my bag from her hand"Wanna come inside I'll make you something to eat?" "Is that really ok?" "Hm yeah of course" "Thank you very much"

I let her in and she sat at the table I made her something warm to drink and handed it to her we sat there just talking about what our interests are,our dislikes we had a pretty good time we talked for like half an hour until it got really dark and I offered to walk her home she said that she'll wait at the bus stop and I waited there with her

I was sitting at the bench well she standed "Thanks again" "Hm what's that for?" "For staying outside I envy you for being so nice" "Well I can't just leave you to go home by yourself even if you wait for the bus like that'll be a pretty dick move to let you walk alone at night I mean these streets are pretty dangerous"She comes and sits next to me I look at her and she's really close "Um nagisa what are you.."and what I felt was a pair of soft lips connect with mine. My eyes widened then she broke the kiss and right on time the bus came, I look at her getting up and walks to the bus then turns her head towards me"You can say that was a thank you gift"she got on the bus and I was a blushing mess "S-she kissed me wait does that mean..she likes me"I went to feel my lips"They were soft"

I went back inside and like before I flopped on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep

"No Yuki please wake up"I was standing in an abandoned building and I looked around I-couldnt move I looked behind me and it was my corpse laying in Shinobu's arms and the Quints were around her crying their eyes out"Wait guys I'm over here"I yell my hardest but still nothing. Their crying was so painful to listen to,stop,no this can't be real please stop,take me back"He told me he'll come back to me"Even her sobbing was painful I felt tears running down my face"There over here"I hear sirens from behind me"Thank you help..." so then I turned around and the scene changed this time it was at my funeral

I could move then I walked over to the coffin and I was in it No not again I turn to see only the Quintuplets and Shinobu they run up "Hey can you see me"I walk toward them then they go though me it's like I'm a ghost I turn around to see them all hugging me it was so painful to stare I put my head down and the tears coming out from my eyes wouldn't stop then I drop to my knees and whispers under my breath "please...just..stop"

I get up from my bed to be panting hard I hold my head due to having a headache I was drenched in sweat then I look to my left and seen Shinobu holding my hand and sleeping I blushed hard she must of seen me having a bad dream and tried to calm me down Thank you she then wakes up and with her sleepy face she looks at me

"Hey good morning your drooling"she blushed then quickly gets up and wipes her mouth"M-morning" "No need to be so worked up it's fine wait howd you know where I lived?" "Your sisters told me" "Oh?" "I waited by the gate for you yesterday and they said you had a bad case of..." "EH FORGET ABOUT THAT!..anyway Why are you here" "Oh I came to see if your alright going to school today"then I thought of yesterday

"Sorry but I gotta pack my stuff up today cause I'm moving" "WHAT YOUR MOVING  WHY? DOES THAT MEAN YOUR TRANSFERRING SCHOOLS BUT YOUR MY ONLY FRIEND AT THIS SCHOOL blah blah blah"she was in my face I couldn't help but giggle "WHAT'S SO FUNNY!?" "You think I'm moving far away or something?" "Well are you"Then I started being sarcastic"Yes really far away" "Noooo" she yelled from the top of her lungs"haha I'm joking"then she looked happy"So your not moving?"  "No I am" her expression changed then I went and pat her head "hehe don't worry I'm living here just not in this place I'll still be going to the same school" "Wait then where are you moving then?" "The...Quints house"she sat there in silent"Oh then I guess it's fine" "WHAT ARE MY PARENT"then I explained what happened like their father forced me to move with them blah blah

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