Page 14~Camp Part 1

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I was in the car with the Quints I looked at them all and they were all tired I tilted my head "Why you guys tired?" "We stayed up all night studying*Yawns*" "Wow surprisingly" "What's that suppose to mean?" "Oh nothing"I felt someone lean on my shoulder again and I sigh to myself,I look to my side and seen it was itsuki and Nino was leaning on her sigh again and Miku noticed"What's wrong....oh I see" "Its not like that Miku you believe me right"She looked away "Yeah I do" "YOU LIED!!"

We got to school and exited the limo "Hey we gonna still go shopping After school 2day?Nino asks the group "Shopping?" "Oh yeah you were asleep we made plans to go shopping for camp tomorrow you should come" "Eh no I'm alright"They all glared at me and I got pinched by Nino"Your coming"I gave up"Ok I'll go"they all went back to their loving selfs what a bunch of scary Sisters *Shivers*

I met up with Shinobu she looked really tired"hey ok?" "Hm oh Yeah im fine just tired is all" "thats not good you really shoukd get some rest" "Im fine seriously just did some late night studying that's all" "If you say so" we walked to class and took our seats as normal then a second after the teacher came in

"Ok students so as of today we will be switching desks"The teacher announces"What but don't we have the camp tommow"One of the girls at the front said but wait this voice it sounds familiar,I peeked my head around to see who it was,wait nagisa?"Yes miss nagisa we do have camp tommow but were doing this so we don't have to do it after camp understand?" "Yes ma'am" "Ok now this is how were gonna do this"She brought out a box with the desk numbers in it written on a piece of paper"Ok so this is how it works you pull out a piece of paper and it'll say the number and row of what seat you'll sit at so get in a line"We all got in a line and I was nearly at the front even if I was sitting at the back. If I see this right there's 5 tables across and 6 rows back

And finally after like 7 people it's my turn I am assigned...5-7 so...sweet I'm at the back and next to the window. I went to sit at my desk and rested my head on it not bothered listening to the rest who gets assigned to their desks. About 3 minutes past then I felt a hand tap my head I look up"N-nagisa?"Im close to you now~"then Shinobu came up behind her "Um hello your blocking my seat"nagisa glared at Shinobu and she did the same "Ok girls calm down"Then they both said "Be quiet Yukari" "Eh??"then itsuki came over "your in my way"both Shinobu and nagisa looked at her"Oh hello itsuki" "Hey Shinobu"itsuki made her way to the desk next to me and Shinobu sat in front of me and nagisa was left standing then made her way next to itsuki. Oh yeah futarou was nearly the first as well he's sitting in front of itsuki

"Ok class what you'll be learning today about camp is..."The rest of class I did my work like usual earning stares at from girls I was feeling really uncomfortable so I put my hand up"Um hello teacher may I go to the rest room?" "Hm make it quick" "thank you"I get up then quickly  headed out, I made my way walking though the empty hallway "*sighs* If the teacher finds me then I'll probably get an after school

I walked outside then walked around the court yard finding ichika I tilted me head"Hm ichika?"She was going behind the school I wonder what she was doing so I followed her and hid around the corner to only see her with a bunch of girls holding her against the wall"Give us food were hungry now or we'll take that good looking boy you hang out with" "No you can't!" "Oh and why not I'm like the prettiest girl in school he'll fall head over heals of me what's his name...Yukari?" "Please don't I'll do anything just don't take him away from us" "Don't worry we have people from your sisters class and we'll take food & money from them as well" "Please leave them out of this" "Not gonna happen you made my boyfriend break up with me cause he started liking you, you slutty bitch"she grabbed the knife from her pocket"Hey isn't this going a little too far"One of the other girls said"SHUT UP THIS BITCH I'LL - I'LL KILL HER"I couldn't stand it anymore she lifted the knife"s-st-sto-stop please BIG BROTHER SAVE ME!!!"with those words I went flying in and she swings the knife And I block it with my hand.The knifes in my arm but at the time it didn't hurt and I looked down on her"Little bitch how dare you and your pack of sluts touch my little sister"with that message that sent chills throughout there whole body but the one in front of me"I-I'll get my dad on you" "does your dad have a job?" "Yes why" "What's your last name?" "Crescentia" "Well her last names Nakano" "No it can't be" "Yeah it is and her father's name is Mr Nakano himself with just asking him he'll get your dad fired from whatever job he works at" No please dont" "he'll find people who your dad works with and pull some strings" "No No No" "after that you'll become homeless no where to go he'll make your life a living hell along with your family"I looked at the other girls"You sluts as well and tell your other group of friends pick on anyone else and trust me there will be consequences" They were shaking in their boots then eventually the group ran away but not the girls leader"Y-You bastard"she grabbed the knife then dug it more into my arm it was really painful I tried to grab her arm but I was getting weaker and weaker blood was going everywhere then ichika came in and punched the girl in her jaw then she went flying. The girl stood up then ran away

I held the knife then pulled it out then grabbed a bandaid from my pocket then wrapped it around my arm"Oni-chan!!!!"with tears coming from her eyes she ran up and hugged me"Ouch hey don't worry I'm fine" "Shut put yourself in danger see you nearly lost your arm*sniff*I don't want to lose you"she gripped my shirt then I rested my hand on her head"Listen your my flesh and blood I'll protect the 5 of you even if it kills me"She was still trembling and I pulled her closer into a hug"I promise"she loosened her grip from my shirt but still hugging me. I lifted her then carried her on my back "you ok?"she was silent but a slight nod

Me & her went to the infirmary. She had miner injures like simple bruses and scratchs well I had a deep cut in my wrist the nurse was doing her best to try and heal it. Ichika was silent the whole time then I put my other hand on hers"Don't feel guilty for this Ichika" "But you got hurt because of me" "Oh stop it I'm completely fine" "You sure" "You got nothing to worry about"She finally smiled"Ok that will do it ok you too now get some rest"we both layed down(On separate beds of course)

"Sorry um Yukari was it? but it looks like...You won't be able to attend the camp tommow"
I was shocked and ichika was the same then noticed me"Wait b-but" "I'm sorry Yukari but with a wound like that you'll have to stay at the hospital for at least a couple of weeks for it to heal"She left the infirmary leaving us alone"Yuki I'm so sorry"I sighed to myself"Oh well it can't be helped"She looks over at me"Oni-chan?" "Heh that means I can just stay home and play video games" "But the camp?" "Dont worry I'll be fine just enjoy your camp. As long as you girls are safe...and this might be a chance for you to get close to Uesugi himself"She blushed then pinched my hand "OUCH!" "Baka hmph" she pouts then looks away "Aw come on ichika don't be like that" "Shut it baka" "Ok ok I'm sorry" she finally looks at me then holded my hand"Thank you Oni-chan for saving me again" "Yeah yeah your welcome"She smiled and I smerked

After a couple of minutes of talking to her the other four step into the room"ICHIKA!,ONII-CHAN! YOU OK!?!?!?"The four of them yell well stepping into the room. I let out a big sigh to the noise"Jeez just when it was getting quiet" "A-are you ok Onii chan it looks like your arm is..."Itsuki says out of concern "Yeah it's damaged badly" "What happened?"That's when it hit me,What that chick said earlier then I face all of them"Girls sit"They all Knit their eyebrows together in confusion and took my work and sat on my bed that I'm resting at, I look them all in the eye with a serious expression on my face"Tell me why You haven't told me that you're getting bullied in school?"They all look down"Because what difference will it make?"I look at Nino who responded minutes after mine"What do you mean?" "What would you do if  if you did find out earlier hm!?"I glared at her then she backed down "I know you must think This boy comes into our lifes and expects us to tell him everything"I look at them and they all look away"I will protect you no matter the costs. I want to be a good big brother and....and....HELP MY BABY SISTERS OUT DO I NEED A REASON TO PROTECT YOU GUYS!!"After a minute of silence I look up at them and they had a happy expression with tears coming out, They all jumped on top me and hugged me,1 hand can feel boobs and same as my face

They all got off me"Great that's good to hear*Sniff* so you can protect us whenever and the best this is we'll have a good trip"Miku says sitting back down,Ichika looks at me then I put my head down"Sorry Guys but I won't be going to camp this year"

They all looked at me shocked"What do you mean your not going? Like there's gotta be a explanation why your not coming"I rubbed the back of my neck then laughs nervously"Well she said that this is pretty deep and it'll take about a couple of weeks to heal" "No I refuse you to not go" "Come on Yotsuba"Then she started crying"My plan was to make this camp the best one for you and futarou"I put my hand on her head and pats her"Its ok those girls won't be a threat anymore promise"She looked  up at me and I gave her a light smile"But..thats Not the problem" "Hm?" "The problem is THAT YOUR NOT COMING! I wanted you too come I really did, Me and the other girls too"I looked at them and they looked away"Please come"I looked at the sad Orange haired then at my arm"I'll think it over ok"She stood up then ran out along with Itsuki & Miku chasing after her and the room was left with Me,Nino and Ichika.

Nino looked at me then says well walking out"You piss me off sometimes"I lay down"Hey Onii chan?" "Hm?"I looked at ichika "Once again I'm sorry" "Don't worry about it I'm not that bothered by it"she later down

Great Now I'm Hated By My Sisters. Shit

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