Page 17~Alcohol

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It's been nearly a month since the camp ended, and today the Quints have to go get injections at the hospital so I'm home alone, Doing absolutely nothing. I sigh"IT'S SO BORING!"I yell as I hear my voice echo though out the whole apartment

I thought to myself that I haven't really had a good tour around the apartment so I decided to go for a roam around the place looking at the Quints photos hung up on the wall"Aw this has Nino crying,Heh and Yotsuba with her medals,Wow Itsuki studied at that age too,Oh my god Ichika even slept like that when she was a kid as well,Miku playing games wait is that...Sengoku warlords? Wait she gets into that?"I question myself before going down the big hallway and trips over a latch"Ow Huh?"I rub my foot then pulls up the hidden door up from under the mat. It fully opens and dust comes out,some of it I cough cause it flowed in my face.

Once the dust clears out I see a small dark space in the ground so I climb down the 2 steps and looks around the space"Alcohol?"It looks like these have been here for centuries"I say to myself before a bottle gets my attention so I grab it"A golden bottle huh"I open it then has a sniff at it"Mm~ banana"I take a sip of it then with stars in my eyes"Tastes just like like it but a bit tangy"I grab that bottle then fixed up the space and leaves it the way I found it with the mat over it. I walk into the living room,sat on the couch and turned on the tv, once I did there were no good tv shows on so I turned it on the anime channel and seen My hero academia playing. I was drinking the bottle and yelling at the tv "GO BAKUGOU!!"I yell until I heard a knock at the door

I paused it then went to answer it"Hello"I tried to act my normal self"Hey Yuki"I hear"Hey Shinobu what's up" "Nothing I just...whys your eyes red"I look away avoiding eye contact"No their not" "They are too"She yells "Have you been crying you ok"She sniffs my shirt"Hm banana" "Whatever"I lift the bottle up and took another drink "ALCOHOL!!" She yells at me and trying to reach for it but didn't cause she's short"Not happening"I look behind her and seen she wasn't alone"Who's this"I questioned in a cold tone This guys from the camp, the one who borrowed her"I glare at him and Shinobu noticed so she elbowed my gut

"Yukari this is my best friend so be nice" Then....what am I. I question in my head"so what do you guys want?" "We all sould hang out"She replys "Hard pass"I respond quickly well taking a large sip"Why not?"She moans"I don't like too many visitors"I glanced up at the guy" "Uh Shinobu I should go"He says"No you don't!"She tells him to stay and he did"You guys should get to know each other"I sigh then makes my way inside leaving the door open for the 2 to come in

I went to grab 2 more bottles and sat at the couch a played the series"Hey Is this My hero academia"I glare at him with a frown"Yeah it is" "Oh my god Midoria is my favorite protagonist ever"I clinch onto the bottle and sighed deeply"Dweeb"I took another sip and looked at the 2 really close

"Hey Yuki can we have a drink"I glance at her then with a cold tone"Do what you want"she grabbed the strawberry flavored one and poured her a cup"Want one"She asks and he nodded and so she pored him one too"Thanks shinobu"I pushed the bottle over to them So they can share it"Here yous can share that" "Thanks yuki"She smiled cutely,that will usually make my heart flutter but since I wasn't in the mood it didn't work"I took a big chug at the bottle a drunk the remainder of it

3 hours later

A couple of hours passed and all 3 of us are really smashed like drunk. Sometimes me and the guy would get up and do remakes of the anime with me playing as bakugou and him playing as Midoria. I actually liked hanging out with him he's really chill until.

"WHAT THE FUCK ONII-CHAN"I hear Itsuki yell from the top of her lungs"That's not very nice itsuki you shouldn't swear" "Who's the guy" Nino asks "He's my best friend"Shinobu tells her"But I thought.."Yotsuba Looks at me and I shake my head"Heh nevermind"I walk over to them and puts my arms around Yotsuba and nino and I stare right at the guy"These are my sisters you touch them I will hurt you really bad"I threatened him but he just smiled"You got it"They were touched that I cared about them alot until"Ok onii-chan time to go to bed come on"Ichika attempted to pull my arm but no I pulled them instead to the couch"You guys have a drink"They tried to deny it until I pulled them all a cup,They looked at each other before taking a sip and what I seen was the most terrifying thing in my life. I didn't know they were light drinkers it's like that switched personallitys

Yotsuba- Demanding

Get me another drink NOW!!"Ichika yelled at me angrily

"*Sobs*No need to be mean Ichika"Nino crys well still sipping her drink

"Yay~ let's do this guys"Miku said really happy and raising her hands in the air kinda resembles Yotsuba

"Hurry up and give me another on"Yotsuba glares at me

"Hey cutie~"Itsuki tries to suduce the boy by showing him her bra strap

We spent a couple of hours of drinking the alcohol and instead of watching anime we put it on the music channel and listened to whatever song came. When a song we knew came on we would go up and sing the song. We all really enjoyed the night we nearly drunk all the booze in that little room. I asked them 5 if they knew they were there and they denied it then I asked of murio knew but they didn't know"How weird"I gave up the investigation and went to have fun again. Me and the guy were arguing about who's better Goku or Naruto, I was Goku and he was Naruto until Ichika came in an shut us both up"SHUT UP LUFFY'S BETTER!"She yells then others came in"No Ichigo he's better than all youz"Yotsuba adds"What about gon he's pretty cool"Miku said happily Shinobu comes in"Yugi moto will destroy all of your characters" Now all 6 of us argue about which shonen is better well Itsuki and Nino sit on the couch drinking"Do you know what their talking about"Itsuki asks with a berp"Not a clue"Nino takes another big drink They turned the music up loud and the 6 of us stop arguing and starts dancing to the music

We made it to the last couple of bottles and the Quintuplets were scattered out on the ground sleeping as for the rest of us we decided to play a drinking game. Us 3 were in a triangular shape and with 3 shots in front of us,so basically the first one to drink the 3 in front of them gets to ask any question to 1 person in the group. "Ready....and..go"Shinobu yells and she was the first person to finish
"Shit"I say to myself then she points to the guy"Who do you like?"He looks away from her and blushes like crazy, I think he noticed I was glaring at him so he said"A girl that's really nice,She's really beautiful,She takes care of her friends and her siblings"He looks at me with a determined face"And I love her alot"With dead eyes I stare right into his eyes then it broke with Shinobu saying"Aw that's so sweet"We looked at her then carried on with the game "Ready....and..go"she yells again and this time He wins, He looks at me "Yukari"I look at him"What's your relationship with Shinobu"then straight away I answer "She's one of the people closest to me in my life, When we met back then I didn't even want anything to do with her. She's loud and annoying but that's what makes Shinobu herself, After some time we developed as people and became really close friends"I open my eyes to see the 2 individuals looking at me shocked then I seen a tear fall from Shinobu onto her lap then she looked up at me with a smile"I feel the same way"That made me blush then I smerk"Heh"

We had a couple more rounds, we made it onto the one big couch all 3 of us then we ran out of alcohol"I'll go see if there's any more left"They nodded and I left the room,Down the hallway and into the little space in the ground. I took 1 bottle since that's the only on left then closed up the space. I make it to the lounge to see the guy Go in for a kiss, I froze in shock as to see her wrap her arms around his neck and she kisses him back.

I drop the bottle causing it to smash and making a loud noise. Everyone heard it and looked towards me even the Quintuplets "Yuki?"Shinobu says "Onii-chan are you ok"I began to feel light headed and stumble as the wall catches me, The guy runs over to me and sees if I'm alright but seeing his face made my blood boil so I clinched my fist and full on punched his jaw causing him to fly over the counter and onto the ground. I looked at the knocked out guy then attempted to walk away then being chased by Shinobu "Yuki wait its not what you think"she tries to grab my shirt but fails, When she reached again I turned around a slapped her hand away"Don't touch me"I say under my breath and she heard. I ran away and she ran after me still calling out to me to stop but I didn't listen,I ran to the elevator and out of the building with her right on my tail

We stoped at the park"Please Yuki let's go back" I turn to look at her with tears In my eyes "Best friends huh"I say to her with her eyes widened "Yuki your crying"I got really irritated Is she really asking that? and then I yelled"WELL WOULD YOU CRY IF YOU SEEN THE PERSON YOU LOVED THE MOST BEING KISSED AND THEY KISS THEM BACK RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU"I turn away and looks In the distance"You love me?"she says in a shocked tone, my chest was tightening "But it looks like you don't feel the same" "Yuki please" "Goodbye shinobu"I walk off but she doesn't follow, I guess she really likes the other guy more

I make it to my favorite spot. I put my hand on the tree and drops to my knees,I grab my chest then starts bursting out crying. It hurt, it hurt really bad this pain I can't take it anymore

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