Page 21~Now My Sisters!

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As we walked home I felt a slight ache in my stomach and it wasn't pretty "I'm hungry"I say randomly and Itsuki glared at me "This isn't the time to think about food right now" She spits and her stomach grumbles too. When It does she blushes from embarrassment "Looks like I'm not the only one"She made me drop to the ground "Ouch"I say rubbing my head "That's mean"

I look up at the red haired and she was on the verge of crying so I got up and pulled Itsuki into a tight hug "What if we can't get Shinobu back that'll be horrable"She says sobbing into my shirt "I promise We will get her back"I held her head then she pulled back immediately "You better keep your promise"She demanded and I grinned "Those assholes won't live to see the next day when I'm  through with them"This only got us excited and we walked the rest of the way with me limping

"Oh god what the hell happened to you!"Nino says first well looking up from her phone then Yotsuba and Itsuki helped me over to the couch to sit "The culprits were right under our noses the whole time"they looked confused then Me and Itsuki explained everything
"So that's what happened huh?"Ichika says with her head resting in the palm of her hand"We gotta do something"Nino says"But what we got nothing"Miku adds"Why don't we break in and bash their ugly faces in"Yotsuba says with her fists in the air "That won't work Onii-chan got his ass handed to him by a new member what makes you think we have a chance"Itsuki States then everyone goes quiet "Ok looks like everyones getting tired thinking about this. Let's head in for the night and plan our next strategy tomorrow. Cool?"They took a minute to process and nodded and headed to their own rooms and so did I. I slept the night away


woke up extra early so I walked downstairs and sat on the couch "Shit what am I gonna do?" I question and I put the palms of my hands into my eyes "What if...I accepted their offer and join them so they can let her go" I said to myself hoping no one heard but what I didn't know Miku was listening to the whole thing "No!"She said with a dead serious face then I look up from my hands and looks at her "Miku?"I questioned then she came to me and slapped me across the face "Are you stupid think about us. Will we be happy that you joined a crew for ours and hers safety that's just bullshit" "Miku calm down-" "No! Were not losing you. You hear me!"She yells then with a moment of silence she sat down next to me"Please don't go" I pat her head "You made your point I'll find a different way"She changed her attitude and smerked "Jeez make a girl yell like that. What a jerk" I made a kids face "Okay now that was just mean"I moaned as I pouted later

"Wow that was sweet"We hear a voice come from the top floor and we look to see the other four looking down at us"Ichika?" Miku says "Well it will get quiet around here without you so stay" Nino says after "Come on you can't abandon us like that"Ichika says with a wink "Please stay with us Onii-chan" Yotsuba says with a soothing voice "Please continue to look after us"Itsuki says with a smile. I look up at them and gave a toothy grin "You got it" They smiled down at me.

I got a phone call "The fuck?"I say to myself and grabbed the retanguar device and what the name was made my blood boil "Ryuji"I said in a deep voice "Is that one of the assholes"Nino said "Yeah"I responded in a angry voice then picked up "What!" I say disrespectly "Aw that's no way to talk to your old childhood friend"I gripped the phone really tight until Miku reached out for my Other hand and I relaxed a little "What do you want Ryuji"I say a little calmer "That's better now get down here before little Lizzy will have a bullet in her head"

My heart dropped to this and I froze for a moment "Meet me at her house I'll give you 10 min-"I cut him off by ending the call and racing out of the apartment "Onii-chan wait!"I hear Yotsuba yell but I didn't listen and kept running.

I bumped into someone but didn't pay much attention to it"Please make it on time"I say as it felt like I was the fastest runner in the world. I made it there in about 8 minutes to see a blue van to their side and Lizzy held by the neck outside her house and still in her Hospital uniform with a gun to her head

"Yukari help please"She said desperately "Let her go!" "Not happening" "I came like you wanted, now what do you want" With his bangs covering his face "For you to suffer" That's when I snapped "I have!. I'VE SUFFERED ENOUGH PLEASE LET THEM GO!" He smerked at me then threw her in the van "You Fuckn-"I charged at him and he shot me in the arm "FUCK!" I yell in pain as I dropped to the ground. He evil chuckled at me then hopped in the van "HELP PLEASE! YUKARI!!!"She yells and the way she said it was really frightening "Shut up!"Ryuji Yells before I hear a gunshot come from the van then all of a sudden I hear no sound of Liz coming from the vehicle. My eyes widened "No... Liz"I say and he walks out the van with blood on his shirt then he walked to the drivers seat but before that he checked his phone and grinned"Hope you like being home alone" "Huh" I questioned then my sisters poped into my head "You didn't"I say then he responded "Yeah. I did"I got up and he drove away. I tried to catch the van but it was too late. I look at the van then the direction towards home. I looked back and forth until I ripped my shirt off and wrapped it around my arm with blood and shooting off to my house "I will come for you Liz I promise"

The Quintuplets POV

"Onii-chan wait"Yotsuba says as Yukari left running out of the apartment "What was that all about"Nino says annoyed cause he didn't say anything. We all made our way downstairs then the door came crashing down "What the!?"We all yell then 1 mysterious woman appeared then she greeted "Why hello Nakano family"She bowed "Wait she's that girl that hangs out with Onii-chan"Yotsuba States "Yeah now that I think about it she is"Ichika adds we swear we triggered her cause it looked like she was shaking with anger. Then with one swift move she was gone. We were looking everywhere then to see one of us droped to the ground one by one. first Itsuki,Yotsuba,Miku,Nino then ichika last. For all of us we started to lose consciousness, everything started to become black... "Nothing personal girls"We hear the girls voice fading 


We woke up in what looks like an abandon building "Is this in the place where we were before?"Itsuki thought to herself "Hey your awake I'm glade"We looked for whoms voice that belonged to and see Shinobu across from us "Shinobu!"Itsuki yelled out "We're glade your ok"Miku says with tears about to come out

"Glad you ladies can make it"An anonymous voice lurked in the dark "Who are you. Show yourself"Nino days with a bit of anger in her voice "Ok calm down"The voice said again to see 3 people step into the sunlight "Haruki"We all say then look at the other 2 "Yushin?"We say again confused to see him here. He doesn't have the same Look like before he's got a evil aura with him damn it. He grabbed Itsuki by the neck "Nice to see you again Itsuki"He closed his eyes and smiled at her "Let her go" Ichika and Nino yell. He looks at the 2 then dropped Itsuki. Once he did he Punched the 2 across the face. They then look at him terrified "Where did that confidence go huh?"He questioned them then they became quiet "Spoiled brats"He says the walks away "Now now we need them for our plan remember" Haruki stepped up to us well mainly Yotsuba "You look honest. Tell us about your brother?" "Why would I tell you anything"Yotsuba says "Cause if you don't-" He pulls out a gun and points it at Shinobu "Get the idea?"He says then without Hesitation She speaks up "Ok I'll tell you just don't hurt any of us please"He puts his head down then answered "You have my word"

"Yotsuba don't"Miku says with a whisper then Yotsuba looks at Miku then to the sky "Sorry Onii-chan" She whispers then talks with Haruki
He bursted out laughing when she told him everything that happened "Well isn't he a gentle man"He turns to Shinobu then she looked away pissed off"Please continue Yotsuba "And then we found out Shinobu went missing. That's when we met 3 idiots looking for revenge" He stood up and smerked at her "That's cute". You could see that Yotsuba was really angry and about to snap but kept quiet

"Now for the final faze"

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now