Page 6~The Festival Part 2

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Haha ok guys this might be a pretty long chapter I tries to copy what happens on the episode but I forgot what happens so I just added my own version😂😂😂
I ended up finishing getting changed then headed out,what I had on was just home clothes like a hoodie with a light blue shirt over it with black pants and red shoes it was nothing special

After seeing what I was wearing in the mirror I got a text from my phone and it was Futarou,Oh yeah i gave him my number after the incident before me and him we became buddy buddy kind of

My wounds looked painful but they weren't really only a little bit,I held my arm and swung it around trying to stretch

Nerd:Hey can you pick up my sister from my house she said she had to do something before coming over

Yukari:Yeah sure add more to the people I have to pick up

Nerd:Sorry I don't trust her coming by her self

Yukari:Ok I hear ya I'm on my way over now

I got ready and start walking,I locked the house and started heading out.I got down the road and saw Haruki again he looked like he was waiting for someone maybe I should spy on him a bit

After like 5 minutes of waiting for him a little girl came out and hugged him I've never seen that look on his face he enjoyed himself a big happy smile maybe a relative? A comrade? A friend?

Then I got closer and heard"I missed you oni-chan"my eyes widened,it all makes sense

Why he came to japan,Why he was in a arcade,Why he hung out with me and why....He ditched me to become a better person for his he isn't a bad person after all It was me after all

I came out of hiding and he saw me,he got into his fighting stance and pushed his sister behind him I stared down at her for a minute then back at him he had worries in his eyes then like a real man I walked passed him"take care of that sister of yours"then just like that we parted....properly

I made it to the Uesugi residence,I knocked on the door and waited for 5 minutes straight and no answer it's going on 6am and nothing then I see a adult leave the place he looked like furarou but with blond hair and he noticed me"hey who are you"he then looked closer"you look like itsuki?"
"Eh yes sir I'm her brother"
"Oh sorry itsuki isn't here"
"Oh sorry sir but I'm actually looking for raiha"he looked at me then yelled at me"I'm not giving my daughter to a guy never even if he looks exactly itsuki you must like little girls don't you ha..ha"
"I think you have the wron....."

She opens the door due to all the racket"Oh dad your still here oh hey Yukari come on in"she pulls my hand and I go flying in
"Raiha why is there a grown man inside?"
"He's here to pick me up since big bro can't he's at his job right now"
"Oh that's what he's up to and issnt it the weekend"

He looked at me"take care of my daughter"uh yeah sure,he then went off to work running full speed"should we go"she asks"hmm? Oh yeah we just need to make a quick stop

We stoped at the ibuki residence then I knocked on the door and nearly straight away the door opened "Hey Yukari"
"Hey Shinobu you rea...."
"Don't forget I'm here"
"Dont worry I didn't Lizanna"
I think you and Nino would get along well

"Well should we go"I ask moving out the door way she nods and steps out she then noticed the little girl"hey yuki do you have another little sister?"No she's the sister of the tutor who tutors my sisters"

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