Page 19~ Five Cheers

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Yukari's POV

I ran the way home straight after that. My heart feels twisted, I feel like I broke something I can't fix, damn it why did it turn out like this I'm such a Fuckn Idiot I hate myself I hate myself so much. I love her, I love her so much. I stood on the side of the cliff I fell off once, looking down at the rocky bottom Maybe I can Disapear from this life As I stood there looking down it felt like we I was going higher and higher

I close my eyes and remembered everything Shinobu and I have been through, When we first met, I smiled then opened my eyes Good times wasn't it a tear dropped from my face and into the depths "Onii-chan?"I turn around slowly to look at the purple short haired girl standing with bags of groceries "I-Ichika"I say faintly "What are you doing here"She asks scared, I didn't answer but I just walked over to her and rested my head on her shoulder"Oni-onii-chan?"I let out a chuckle and she looked at me"Guess I'm the bad guy of this story" I wont Shut up I stood on my feet and wobbled "You know I tried everything for everyone" Please shut up "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO I JUST FEEL USELESS EVERY TIME I THINK I CAN DO SOMETHING RIGHT I JUST END UP RUINING EVERYTHING!"I yell then looked at her again, once I did she pulled me into a hug, I tried to pulled away but she won't budge "Let go"I demand "No"she replies "Let go now" "Shut up and be quiet!"She yelled and I obayed and dropped to my knees then after a few more seconds with one hand I grab her tight"You did great Onii-chan your the best"I closed my eyes then berried my face in her shirt. She smiled and we stayed like that for a while

A couple of minutes passed "Onii-chan let's get going"I didn't respond but got up with her, as she got up part of the cliff broke and she was about to fall I quickly looked at her and grabbed her wrist"O-onii-chan help me"her eyes were terrified then My eyes widened and I used all my strength to pull her up"Hold on sis" Her feet finally met the edge then she jumped on me"Your ok now"She got up but her legs were trembling"You were that scared Huh?"I tease"Shut up that cliff was really scary you know"I let out a small chuckle and she pouted "That's not funny" "Come on puffy cheeks let's go"I walk away with a smile "Wait up"She picked up the bag of groceries and walked with me

"Guess you did keep your word huh Ichika"She looked at me confused then remembered what she said at the camp "Oh when I said I'll pay you back"I looked at her and smiled"Yeah thanks" She then showed me her bra strap"Your welcome now how about.."I cut her off but pulling her cheeks"Jeez you never change" "Well excuse me for being myself" "Yeah Yeah

Timeskip to when we get home

"Were home"I say as I walk in. I see the 4 of them sleeping on the couch"That looks nice"Ichika says as she sees the girls as well"Yeah"I say slowly, she cuddles up by them Come on Onii-chan" "N-no I'm good I'll go to my..."she cut me off as I try to walk away by her pulling me onto the couch with her"See this doesn't feel to bad does it" "It does it really does" "Shut up and sleep"She throws the blanket over all six of us

It goes Nino,Yotsuba,Itsuki,Miku, Ichika then me at the end

I tried to keep my distance but she just pulled me closer"Your still scared of us we won't bite" "that's what they all say"I mumble but she didn't hear. She rested her head on my arm"I'm glad we have you as a brother"With those final words she fell asleep and as I seen the five sleepy faces in front of me I smiled then rested my head on hers starting to get sleepy "Goddnight"my eyes got heavier then eventually fell asleep


"Onii-chan?, Onii-chan!?, Onii-chan!!!"I opened my eyes slowly and sat up"Great your finally awake"I looked to the kitchen to see the purple haired with ribbons "Morning Nino"I rubbed my eyes"Morning now go wash your face breakfast is ready" "Yes mother"I insulted "Don't get too cheeky"I got up,stretched and yawned "Hurry up the others already went to school"I stopped at looked at her"Why didn't you go?" She looked at me then looked away"You seemed to be feeling down lately so I figured I'd make you a nice meal"She didn't look at me so I went to go wash my face then came to the table "Thank you for this meal"I say as I digged in and with sparkly eyes "This is so delious! Thanks so much Nino"She smiled then took a seat beside me"Glad you liked it"And ate her plate. We finished at the same time then I took her plate"Um it's ok I can do it"I smerked "You've done more than enough let me do this"She sighed "Ok then "Jeez you don't trust me with the dishes that's cold"I tease but she ignored it. I went to wash the dishes and wipe them then puts them away"Done let's go"She grabbed her bag and so did I then we left the apartment. We talked actually quite alot on our way school like about our interests. She says she wants to open her own restrant as for me I want to be a artists "Wow a artist can you even draw?" I pulled out my sketch book and handed it to her. She looked though the pages "Your good" "thanks that means alot" "Like did you really draw all of these?"She asked a second time"Yeah all of it"She handed me back my book "Good job"I messed up her hair and ran ahead of course she would chase after me and we made it to school

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