Page 20~First Shinobu

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when we passed Shinobu's house"Onii-chan look at their door"I looked at it and it was kicked down "What the.."I jumped over the pole and ran to their front door "Hello"I call out as I enter. My eyes widened as to see the messy place like it was broken into "P-pervert?"I look to the cabinet to see Lizanna's head though it "LIZANNA!"I yell as I run to help her. She had a bleeding head but still conscious "Liz who did this" "A group of thugs dressed in black broke in. First they destroyed the place then one of them asked for you. They took Nee-san by the neck and started abusing them, it was horrible, When they noticed me they threw me into here" "Onii-chan?"Itsuki says as she entered the apartment as well she let out a huge gasp as to see the apartments state and Lizanna "Itsuki it's gonna be ok"I rest assured her "I'm gonna figure out what happened here" I called the police and ambulance then told me to stay out of it but I couldn't just stand around and do nothing well that person took the love of my life away from me I promise i will get her back

I returned home with Itsuki and I was pissed off "Onii-chan you ok?"One of the Quints ask then I said a little rudly "Yeah I'm ok"Then I stormed up to my room and locked my door behind me. At first I started to punch the walls then I dropped"Fuck"I say to myself I really wanted to punch something and break it but I don't own the place "Shit"I say to myself again

It had been a while and I calmed down a little bit "Onii-chan? Can we come in?"I hear Itsuki say then I stood up from my bed and too the door. I unlocked it and let them in "Guys I'm sorry for my attitude earli..."I was cut off by all of them hugging me really tightly "We're gonna get Shinobu back  no matter what ok Onii-chan"I looked at them and smiled brightly"Thanks I can really use your help I can't do this alone" They smiled then patted my head "We can do this big bro"

Shinobu's POV

I woke up in a abandoned building and tied up to a chair with something covering my mouth so it's preventing my from talking. I tried to yell for help until "They can't hear you missy"a males voice was heard from behind me then he came into my vision with a girl wait.."N-nagisa?"I say shocked "Heyo"She says happily "The hell you doing here?"I ask but she punched me in the jaw "Don't talk like you know me bitch"I looked at her and she had a crazy look on her face like she's looking right into my soul "Oh god" I say scared "You keep getting in my way and now you won't" "Please don't do this" She laughed at me "You really think I'm gonna listen to a slut like you nah I'm after my Yukari and with you out of the picture I'll succeed" she says with a smerk "He's not yours"I yell "Don't worry you'll see what's gonna happen "She pressed a button on a remote that's in her hand and it makes little screens appear all around the room "Looks like this is the final battle isn't it"The guy says "Who are you" Just say I'm a childhood friend of Yukari's then I looked at her "And you. Who are you really?" Her bangs covered her eyes and she smerked "I use to be in his gang when he was living over seas with us. Surprisingly he doesn't remember me sadly. He made a gang called the Kazuma's at the time he was always a rule breaker,did whatever he wanted,Got everything he wanted , It all ended when he met you. He's got a happy face now and it doesn't suit him" she said sadly at the last bit

"We're holding you hostage for the time being"He said with a smile and I was shivering in fear then I whisper underneath my breath "Yuki please help me"he heard me mumbling then grabbed me by the neck "You say something love?"I glared at him dead in the eye and he just smerked"You think you can scare me"he says "I know you can"t scare me"i replied then He pulled me close and licked my face "Tasty I think you'll become my own personal sex doll"My eyes widened and full of terror "Please dont" "I thought your not scared but Hey looks like they were just words after all"He backed up and stepped away from me then Nagisa put her hands on his shoulder "Come on you can have fun with her later Ryuji" He nodded and walked away "Ryuji?"I questioned in my mind "Please come Yuki please come"She then puts a knife to my neck "You think your knight and shining armor will come well sweetie it's not gonna happen"

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