Page 2~The Meeting

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Star girl then stood up with a shocked look"Yes miss nakano"The teacher said
"The heck? She has the same last name as me huh? But why?" "Yeah why do you have my last name may I ask!?" "Uh yeah"I say already Establishing that and I asked you first.

Then the boy who was looking at his flashcards looked up at me for about 10 seconds then looking back down at his cards again."Shitty as nerd"

I went to go sit behind sir talks a lot, completely blocking her from my field of vision..Damn won't she shut up Blah blah blah we get it already but then I started to scan the class looking for another open seat

but as I did that star girl was looking me dead in the eye with her giving a evil glare like she was gonna kill me but also tryna figure out something and after we had that quick eye contact then she looks at her phone that she was hiding behind her book and taps the boy looking at the flashcards infront of her.

"what a weirdo"

I then decided to sleep the rest of class cause the stuff the teacher was teaching me I already knew

"phew it's finally over"

the bell for lunch finally came and about 3 secs after that star chick was already in front of my desk with her hands on my table.
I sit there,my head burried in my arms  hopeing she got the hint to go away...she didn't

"can we talk??"she says with a determined face.

I then stand up and heads towards the door but then Flashcards (Futarou)stood infront of me before I exited.

we look at eachother dead in the eyes for a minute

"move it nerd"I say with a deep tone
"Don't call him that!"
"Pfft whatever"

then I push him out the way leaving the room then as I try to walk the other direction star girl grabs my hand and drags me by the hand and flash cards is walking behind us

"Uhh? The cafeteria is that way"
I say sarcastically

"shut up there's people's we want you to meet"

Then The nerd says

"Yeah so before we get there these people have their own little quirks so you may wanna prepare yourself" "Huh do I even wanna know?"

We arrive on the rooftop
Now I know what the nerd was talking about..when I got there..there were 4 more girls up there

"Why is the 4 more star Girls"

"S-star girl!? no fool I'm Itsuki nakano The yongest"she says hoping I'll call her by her name instead of star chick

"Ooooo I'll go I'll go my names Yotsuba Nakano I'm the second youngest it's a pleasure" "Uhh yeah same here"this girl looks like 'Stars' but she's got orange short hair and ribbons

I then look over at a chick sitting down

I sigh another one? "hmm? I'm Miku Nakano the middle child"she then stands up and bows and I do the same thing

"don't bow to this Delinquint Miku"she says as she pulls her up then Miku says"This is Nino Nakano she's the second to oldest"Shhh Miku don't give my personal information out to this piece of nothing.

"Hehehe guess its my turn"the last girl then walks over to me and leans forward leaving her chest to be exposed "I'm Ichika Nakano the eldest out of us but you can call me big sis"

I blush to this and she just giggles 'Cute' she says in her thoughts

great their all Nakanos

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