Page 22~Trap

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Yukari's POV

After the incident I ran my hardest to get Back to the apartment. When I got there there were Police tape surrounding the enterence to the building I was currently staying at. My eyes widened to the sight then I ran up to one of the police officers that was surrounding the place "What happened here?"I demanded then all he told me that 5 people got kidnapped just 5 minutes ago and that made me snap "Was it 5 look alike girls by any chance"He hesitated before answering "Y-yeah it was"I smerked then turned around "Thank you for your service officer"Then I ran off leaving him dumbfounded

'I swear if you even touch my sisters'

I ran all the way to town panting and tired "Phew ok this is how far I go"I bend over sweating like a dog "Please be ok"I keep telling myself until I scanned the area and just my luck...

I seen Nagisa. She walked out with Junk food (Lollies,chips,Fizzy drinks Etc) She looked like she enjoyed it but I didn't give a rat's ass. I aprotched her from behind without her noticing then with one swift move I grabbed her by the neck and dragged her in the ally way we were by.

I held her against the wall and holding her up "Y-Yukari?"She said in shock but I didn't bother with her I just glared at her with a real intense stare. She gulped and was sweating bullets "Where are they?" "Where is who?"She tried to wiggle out but my grip tightened "Where are my sisters and Shinobu"She tried looking away avoiding eye contact "Oh that...i don't know"I pulled her back then slammed her against the wall hard.

She coughed and was in pain but I didn't care "Tell me!"She grabbed my arm then tapped it twice, I let her go and she dropped to the ground coughing more "I'm waiting"I say looking down at her with the shade of my hair covering my face but my blue eyes glow through the dark and she could tell I was being dead serious. "Th-there at um...."I slammed my foot on to the wall right besides her head "Problem?" She shakes her head left to right obviously scared "Their on the far side of the abandoned village, Where the dangerous houses are, there's a mail box in front of the gate and the numbers 205"

I gave her a look saying 'Are you serious' She nods slightly then I backed off. I pulled out some money and threw it to her on the ground "For the food you wasted"She looked at me confused "Sorry"Her eyes widened then puts her head down

Nagisa POV

Phew I'm glad he didn't hurt me even more. I swear if he did I would've been a goner "Sorry"he says as he walks away. I look at him with my eyes widened then puts my head down Is he mocking me!?. 

I think in my head.I try to get up but  then once he turned that corner I pulled out my phone and called Ryuji "I'm sorry Ryuji he got me"He was silent for a minute until "What did you say?" I told Ryuji that I told Yukari where the hideout is and he took it pretty well. He started off with a evil chuckle then answered back "Well done. Don't worry it's all part of the plan"He hung up after that and I was left dumbfounded

"Hang up and don't tell me anything why don't you"I say to myself before putting my phone in my pocket and walking off holding my neck"Damn he's got some grip...well that's to be expected since he WAS the leader of the kazuma clan"

Back To Yukari's POV

I ran across town bumping into random people who were getting in my way "MOVE OUT THE WAY I'M IN A HURRY!"I yell as I now push them away.

I made quite the way from where I first were and standing infront of the abandon village. A place no one visits because that's mainly a home for thieves, criminals etc And also the place I got my ass handed to me *Sighs* This royaly sucks.

I walked through the place looking around to see if there's anyone who's looking to jump me and to my surprise no one was there and now that I think about it when me and itsuki came here last time it was the same.

I walked to the far side of the village...(Even though it's just on the other side of town)..."So This is the dangerous part of it huh?"I questioned myself as I looked around the place feeling a bit uneasy 'Wait no I can't feel this way I have to save them ok' Then suddenly in the distance I heard a stick snapped then I quickly glared at it "Who's there"I said in a stern tone.

After quite some time there was no answer "If your there show yourself I know your there!"I shouted a bit "Weird" I say to myself before I carried on walking. The rest of the walk was a bit quiet then again if it was a dangerous area then why isn't anyone here I have a bad feeling about this.
I finally made it to the place then I looked at the broke mail box that layer on the ground"205 here it is"I stared at the place up and down "Does she mean the place is dangerous because of its structure?"Then without a second thought I walked to the front door.

I opened the door with a following creeked sound behind it. I stared at the broken building with floors that was screaming with repairs and the walls of which some of them had holes in them"Why this place of all of them"I say until I heard foot steps from the first floor.

Once I heard it I was quick on my feet and headed for the stairs. Once I took my first step on them they let out a snapping noise "Whoa"I ran up them with the steps breaking as each foot lifting off them

Once I made it to the top floor I seen them. Shinobu and the Quintuplets tied to chairs. They noticed me too and stared at me with terror and with a shirts that were covering their mouths they were mumbling something that I didn't understand. Without a second thought I ran towards them.

Shinobu got the shirt off from around her mouth "YUKARI WATCH OUT!!" She shouted with all her might but it was too late. Yushin and Haruki came out of hiding hold pipes. One hits me in the forehead which sent me going into a backwards flip then onto the ground feeling a bit dazed "YUKARI!!" Shinobu yells as she crys but someone puts the shirt back over her mouth

I don't know who it was at the time but one stepped on my head with his foot and holds a gun to my head. Then he spoke next and immediately I knew who it was

"Welcome Yukari~"


Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now