Page 24~Aftermath

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5 Years later

Five years have past since the incident in the abandon village but I've finally returned "Yuki are we nearly to Japan yet?" Shinobu complains as she sits on the plane seat next to me "Yes yes were almost there just wait your patience"I smerked at her and she pouted "Hmph"She crosses her arms and looks away

"Jeez you can act like a kid at times"She looked my way and glares daggers at me "You say something?" she says in a scary tone "Don't say such scary stuff"

Moments passed with us talking

"Mr and Mrs Nakano were nearly at the drop off would you mind gathering your stuff" Oh yes of course" we both say at the same time 

"M-mommy, D-daddy when are we nearly there"I turned to look at the little girl then smiled "we'll be there in a sec or 2 ok now can you wait for daddy~"I say in a childish voice  then the child perkes up "Kay"she says with excitement "Jeez Yuki don't talk to our daughter like that" Shinobu pokes my cheek "Your very strict aren't you" "Damn right I am"

"Ok passengers we'll be landing in Japan in 2 minutes"the voice on the plane said

"Wow are we really in the place where Mommy and daddy first met" "Mhm you ready"Shinobu says with a big smile "Yes" The little girl says as she had the same smile that resembles her mothers "Jeez call yourself Twins"
"Oh yeah why are we here anyway mommy?" "Oh yeah it's Uncle Futarou and Aunty Yotsuba's wedding today"She said with a smile "Heh so he actually made a choice the nerd"

A few minutes later we landed in Japan. We walked through the airport well dragging our suitcases then seen a fimular figure "Heh well well" I say looking at her"I'm back Japan. This country's still the same as always" The lady with short purple hair stood there wearing a shirt with a skirt. She had a coat over her resting on her shoulder and holding a invitation that says

Groom:Uesugi Fuutarou

Bride:Nakano Yotsuba

"Yo"I call out to her "Well theres the happy couple hey Onii-chan hey Shinobu been a while hasn't it?"She says jumping into my arms then hugs Shinobu "Sure has Ichika"Shinobu says giving her a hug "M-mommy, Daddy"We both look down to see a scared little girl attached to my pants then I kneeled down "It's ok cutie it's one of my sisters you'll like her"I lifted her up "And up you go~"She grabs my shirt still scared "Who's the kid she looks kinda like you both... wait did I hear mommy and daddy!?" "Mhm this is our daughter" Ichika dropped her glasses as sweat formed on her face "D-daughter?"She says in shock "Mhm her names Asumi. Asumi Kominami Ibuki Nakano" (Full name) "Go on~ Introduce yourself"Shinobu tells Asumi "It's nice to m-meet you"She bows her head "Wow what a polite little girl well I'm Ichika Nakano it's nice to meet you"Ichika let out a smile

"Ichika!"I voice called out. We looked to the exit to see a lady with red hair that went down to waist long and wearing glasses "Itsuki up here!"Ichika calls out then itsuki ran up to us "Come on we'll be late"Itsuki says out of breath then notices the both of us "SHINOBU! ONII-CHAN!! I MISSED YOU" She yells well jumping on top of us both "Ok ok itsuki calm down I missed you too"I say "It's good to see you again Itsuki"Shinobu pats her back

After some time she ended the hug then noticed a pair of little arms behind Ichika "Hey who's the kid"Ichika patted her head "Its Onii-chan's" itsuki was shocked "W-wait so Ichika and Onii-chan had a k-k-kid" What went through her mind was dirty thoughts about me and Ichika having a child ichika clarified that it's Shinobu and my kid.

"I'll give yous a ride if you want"She offers then we nod at her offer "Thanks Itsuki" I say with a smile "ok Were gonna go to the cafe to meet up with the other 3 then get Yotsuba ready for the wedding" "Wow your quite strict aren't you itsuki"She turns to me with a smug "Well I am a teacher after all"

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