Page 12~Weekend

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Hm? What Is this feeling? It's soft and warm I open my eyes and still half asleep I wiped the dribble from my mouth then wiped my eyes I couldn't believe what I felt and saw Nino and Yotsuba were holding onto my arms and with both hands I'm mainly groping them,Itsuki was laying in between my legs and her head is resting on my crotch,Miku was laying on top of me hugging my waist and I was laying on ichika's lap but she was leaning over which ment her boobs were right in my face. How could she sleep like that?

I try to move around loosening Yotsuba and nino's grip and it worked a bit but how am I gonna get itsuki off well miku's on top? *sighs*"want some help?"I look up too see ichika looking at me"Yes please"she ended the lap pillow then stood up and stretched. I looked at her then she turned to look at me "Morning"she said with a smile "mind explaining what this is?" "Oh yeah we came to get you for dinner then seen you asleep so we ate dinner without you but don't worry we packed some away for you anyway after that we came back seen how comfortable you looked then we decided why not sleep with you"I sighed "Ok now can you help"she smiled"I don't think I will" "wha- but you.." she gave me a big hug"yeah Well I change my mind see ya"she left the room

I stayed laying there still thinking hm? Ooo I know I'll yell (time to go to school)..oh shit I forgot it's the weekend. It took another hour then one woke up oh god it's Nino she looked around with a dribble coming from her mouth then looked at me I was preparing for the hit of my life"Morning Yuto*yawns*"I was shocked for a moment "Wait Yuto? And your not mad?" "Why would I be? I slept here on my own accord..You really think I'm that mean" "hehehe sorry"she looked at the other 3 "Dang we really do sleep anywhere when were asleep"she hesitated for a sec before hugging me then walked out without saying anything else I stared at her then forgot to ask for help

A few minutes passed then Itsuki turned on her side, Yotsuba was squeezing my arm and it was sinking in between them and Miku was groaning I look down at her and she was sweating like crazy is she having a nightmare so then with my free arm I patted her head then she calmed down a little and after another couple of minutes Miku woke up and stared at me "Morning Oni-chan" "Hey good morning You ok?" she gave a light smile"Yes thank you Oni-chan"I patted her one more time until she hugged my waist one more time before getting up and walking out" Wait Miku can you...shes gone"

Itsuki started climbing up my body now laying on my chest I and the same as Yotsuba now my face is a boob forest they both wake up at the same time then lookes at each other "Why you 2 in my room?"Itsuki asked confused"No why you 2 in my room"Yotsuba asked also confused then they looked around the room to find out they were both wrong"Oh Yeah we fell asleep in your room oni-chan sorry tehe"I sigh at yotsuba's response then looks at Itsuki"Oh yeah I forgot"she looked down and blushed "WHY THE HELL WAS I SLEEPING ON THAT THING" "hey no need to be mean"Yotsuba gave me a hug and Itsuki messed up my hair before leaving my room I sighed to myself again then attempted to get up but I can't oh shit my body feels dead

A few minutes past and I left my room and looked down to the first floor from the steps and seen the Quints sitting around the dinner table eating breakfast and talking and laughing I leaned against the wall upstairs looking down at them"Well look sleeping beauty's awake"Ichika yells loud enough for me to hear then I pull the middle finger at her and she does it back I take a seat at the table and Nino gave me last night's dinner "Mm this is good Nino" "thanks"

I finished my breakfast/last night's dinner then offered to do the dishes"Oh no I'll do them"Nino said"I took their plates and walked in the kitchen"seriously it's ok I'll do them if I'm gonna live here then I gotta chip in my piece of work around here"they smiled "Ok whatever"

I was in the middle of the dishes until Yotsuba asked"Hey oni-chan wanna go out shopping with us 2day"I was daydreaming and wasn't listening to them then I unconsciously agreed then I snaped back to reality "Wait what?" "You just agreed to go shopping with your sisters hehe" Ichika giggled"Well we do need a man to carry our stuff" "Fuck" "Hey watch your language"Itsuki yelled finishing her 4th plate"Yeah yeah sorry"I said sarcastically"Ok imma go upstairs and change" "Yeah me too" "Yeah I'm gonna as well" "I'll be back" "Ok we'll meet back here in 5 you too yuto"I nodded then finished the dishes as well as went to my room and changed. I was in the same clothes as everyday white T-shirt, blue pants and Nike shoes

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now