Part 15~Camp Part 2

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Timeskip to when I came out the hospital(So mainly I went to the hospital after school to get a cast on my arm then they let me go home but I have to go there every day for check ups)

It came too night time and I had a cast on my arm This royaly sucks I can't go to camp and now I have too stay home doing completely nothing I said in my head well doing my walk around the lake I found a nearby bench and sat at it thinking hey this is the bench I sat at when that incident at the festival I looked over the lake still thinking what to do*Sighs*

I pulled out my phone too look at the photo with the whole 10 of us at the festival (Itsuki, Yotsuba, Miku, Nino, Ichika, Me, Shinobu, Lizzy, Futarou and Raiha)then a tear drop fell to the screen then I felt my face"I'm crying?"Damn it I'm sorry girls

I made my way home and everyone was in their rooms asleep. I didn't want to wake them up so I snuck in trying not to make a noise then made my way to the kitchen grabbing what's left over dinner"Why you home so late"I snap my neck around to look at the mysterious person sitting in the dark then she turned the light on"Oh N-Nino what are you doing up so late?" "I Was waiting for you to get home" "For me? Oh well let's talk some other time I'm tired and I'm gonna get some..."She grabs my collar then throws me on the ground before getting on top of me and glaring down at me"Get off me" "I will not" "GET OFF!" "NOT HAPPENING"I look at her then let's out a sigh"Were talking weather you like it or not"I nod

"So what's the real reason why you don't wanna go" "Come to think of it I don't know if I do or not" "Well Make up your mind cause you broke Yotsuba and still you didn't apologize to her" "I know I'm sorry" "Don't say that to me say that to her you better get your act together cause right now you look pathetic
" "But.." "You said you wanna be a good big brother right? Well act like it don't break your work hear me!"I smiled at her then sat up with her still on me then I looked her in the eyes"Thank you Nino you made me realize what's important"With a tint of blush on her cheeks she looked away then got off me "Well great your back well then what next?"I looked at her"Hmm"

Day of the camp

"Come on Yotsuba it's time to go"Itsuki yells from downstairs "Kay~"Yotsuba yells well pulling her bag out of her room she looked downstairs then at my door she felt sad then with a happy face again she pulled her bag downstairs where the other 4 were waiting they all looked at my door hoping that at the last second ill come out but after a minute or two they left the apartment

After a minute when I heard the door close I run out with my bag"WAIT UP I WAS PACKING MY BAG ITS HARD PACKING WITH 1 HAND YOU KNOW!"After no response I run out the apartment,Locks the door then runs after them"Please make it in time"I chase after them until I see Miku standing at the door way "M-Miku!"she didn't hear me and went out, I charged out the door to see them entering the car then with the remaining strength I yell"WAIT!!!" Finally they turn around "On-Onii chan?"I run over to them completely out of breath"Let-let me ju-just gather my breath phew" "Why have you come? did we forget something"Itsuki asks"I look at Yotsuba and Ichika who were looking away avoiding eye contact then I look at Nino who nodded then I did the sane back to her before approaching the two, I look at the two then pulled them into a hug"I'm sorry you two. I should've just said I'll go but it looks like I hurt you both, Ichika I know you feel Guilty for my arm but don't feel like it's all your fault cause it's not, I could've chosen any other way to deal with the situation but I choose this so don't blame your self,Yotsuba I know how you felt about the situation you wanted me to act how I always do you had confidence in me and I'm greatful for that thank you"they cried alot then sobbed on my shoulder then they gripped on to me and mainly scratching my skin then I looked at Nino once more and with her smile I smiled as well"Alright let's go"Itsuki announces"Yeah!"the rest of us say in sync

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now