page 4~Shinobu Ibuki

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After the day I was thanked for from Shinobu I haven't seen her since

It's been 2 weeks since I haven't seen her I'm starting to get worried cause I was thinking that maybe It was my fault she isn't here today

After school~

After school I snuck into the principles office and hacked the computer.It wasn't easy but I managed to get in

"Ok Shinobu ibuki"
It came up with her personal information like Name,Age,Height,Size ETC
But I looked pass all of those cause that's not very important then I see it"Aha! her address"I then write it down on a piece of paper and escape before anyone noticed but as I was about to get to the door the principle walks in"shit I'm screwed"

Then I run to his droor in his desk and hides in it.It was stuffy but I managed.

I hid in there for about half an hour my legs were killing me then he finally left to go toilet in the office the rich bastard but if I leave out the door then he'll hear it open so the other way is out the window.

I suck it up then jumps out the window I manage to get down and then makes a run for it and It was a good exercise for my legs I mean I stayed in a droor for half an hour

Then as I did that I run into Miku and futarou sitting at a bench and he just put a macho soda to her face making her tense up "Eek!?"
"Wait what are they doing? well better not get involved"then I just heard him encouraging her about her studies"Don't put too much thought into this theory of Quintuplets"Miku said trying to dust off her blush

I run off not letting anyone noticing me at all then I put my first 2 fingers together on both hands then makes it as a cross then says"NINJA!"

After all that I make it to her apartment I knock twice at her door and a little girl answers"Hmm?"
"Ah hey little girl Is Shinobu here?"
"What do you want with Nee-Sama, pervert"
"Eh!? Pervert how old are you little kid"
"10 why? what's it to you"
"Why you!"
Then finally she answers
"Hey Lizanna how many times did I say not to answer...the...door"

She was wearing her a short shirt on and jeans on,She had a very flustered face
"Hehehe hey Sinobu"
A quick silences passed the she closses the door
"HEY OPEN UP"I say well banging on the door
"Ok I came too see if your alright"

She then opens the door "ok you can come in"I came in and sat at her dinning  table"sorry for all this but this is my little sister Lizanna but we just call her liz"
"You know this mean looking pervert Nee-sama"
"GRR Damn brat..anyway I just came to see why you haven't been to school?"just as I said that she goes quiet

"Well umm...after that talk from when we last seen each other I caught a bit of a cold. Then stayed home for the last couple of days but I became better after 2 days ago. I'll come back after tomorrow,ok so you better go now-"

Just as she said that there was a big thunder storm and started raining outside"Well I guess I better get going now before it gets too strong so see ya"
"Eh wait wait you can't go it's thundering outside"
"Aren't you the one that said I should go?"
"That was 1 second before It started raining!now stay"she says with a embarresd and blushing look
"Ok Then I'll sleep on the couch"
"Don't be silly you sleep in the guess bedroom"
"Hmm? Ok then Thanks shinobu"
"Yeah its ok Yuki"
"Ehhh I need to get used to that"

She leads me to the guess room and I sit on the bed"do you wanna go for a shower it's down the hall"
"But my clothes??"
"Oh you look like my dad's size so I'll lend you his clothes untill yours dry of course"
"Hahaha yeah sure"

She exits the room and goes to check on her sibling Well I better go and take a shower...I pick up the clothes she left on the bed and heads to the bathroom.I have a quick shower and wash myself off then hops in the bath"Ahhhhhhhhh That feels good I can finally relax-"

My phone starts going off and it's itsuki, How'd she get my number, I then sigh and answers"Hey where are you your not at your house"
"Whoa calm down we did a little investigation and found out ok well anyway where are you?"

Ichika then took the phone and said"Hey Onii-chan are you with that girl what's her name ibuki-chan?"

Then Miku and Nino shouted though the phone "Don't do anything shaddy with her now"

Oh great now they think I'm a perv too😧"Ok ok I get it. what do you want?"
"Oh do you want to join us at the festival later on tomorrow night?"Yotsuba said with a excitement then ichika said with the phone again"Oh and bring that pretty girl with you"

I blush then shakes my head trying to shake the blush off"Yeah yeah what time?"
"We'll text you what time to come. Well then see ya"
"Yeah later"

I then hang up and sighs deeply.Like about 2 seconds after I sigh the door slides then Shinobu says"I'll love to go to the festival with you guys"She says that with her face lighting up with excitement"Ok tomorrow night and I don't know the time they didn't know what time they'll be there soo yeah

Her little sister comes in then says "No perv your not having a date with my Nee-san baka,pervert,ecchi....etc

"Eh hehehe"I say well rubbing my head

She then grabs her sisters shoulders then asks if she wanted to come and the sister said that she's just going to make sure that I don't do anything to Shinobu ,I then sigh and agrees,the sister stands proud and says "it can't be helped I'll go"This girl has too much pride unlike her sister(she's only going cause shes never been to one and there's going to be food😁)

After we arranged that we all went to bed and I was exhausted.with all the excitement going on lately I couldn't really get any relax time,Hmm? I just heard a rambling noise from down the hallway is it Shinobu??

I went to then door and slid it open a bit,just enough to peek out there and I saw someone standing right there I nearly shat my pants after seeing that so I just closed my door fully then went back to my bed,Its probably nothing yep nothing to see there hahaha,I say that with a nervous laugh

Then a few seconds later I hear the door open and I heard footsteps coming closer and closer then I felt breathing in my ear"hey pervert-san"I get up quickly and runs to turns on the lights,Oh phew it's just you Lizanna,please just call me Liz,Hmm fine then I'll call you lizzy,Huh!? No don't call me that!?,then call me Yuu or Yuki go on,Fine....Yuu, good girl now WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM I KNOW IT'S NOT FOR NAME CALLING!!!,Oh umm..."

She had a weird expression on her face like she wanted a favor,After like 3 minutes she finally spoke"Hey what do you do at a festival besides the eating,Is that really all you know what to do,Oh shut up I've never been to one ok"

She looked serious and really needed help so I told her everything you can do at a festival like games,fireworks etc and she enjoyed it every single thing I said made her want to go more and more until eventually Shinobu heard all the noise and broke the door down

She had her hair in a mess,She was half nakid and she was drooling...wait is she half a sleep??She looked at us then yelled from the top of her lungs

Then she walked back to her room and slammed the door"don't worry she won't remember that tomorrow"But I will😧"

Ok well I better get to bed to yuu I'm a little bit tired too talk now*yawns*Goodnight

Yeah goodnight Liz

Next Morning

Good morning everyone,She looks cherry today;well she's there all well and rested I'm here lazy and couldnt be fucked on listening right now*yawns*

Aww what couldn't sleep"No"me and Liz both said "we were tired as hell"
"Common you too were going to the festival with a bright face"yeah well I can't be bothered anymore,Oh common yuu tough it out heh heh 
"Jeez Shinobu cheerful as always😁"

good job Shinobu

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