Page 13~Preperations

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I was riding in the limo to school with the Quints and I was sitting at the back with ichika,She was still sleepy so I let her rest on my shoulder and I was looking out the window at all the people walking to school

We got to school and we all hopped out the car, we all walked in together and I was really tired as well I guess ichika's sleep sweped off on me. We walked though the hallway and felt eyes on us wait I said that wrong I mean on me, I looked at them and they looked away fast I was really curious about Why they were doing that then Itsuki came up from my side"Hey do you feel like people's watching us" "Well actually yeah I do"Then the other fall back and starts walking with me "what's wrong?" They looked at me"well everyone's staring its scary"I glared at them one more time then they start walking again"Damn extras" "Don't be mean" "I'm not talking about you girls!"

We got to class and splitted up. Me & Itsuki went to our class and the others went to theirs ,Once I sat down "Hey yuki" "Hey shinobu"We looked and alot of girls in our class gathered around itsuki"Are you going out with the transfer student?" "Ah no why do you ask?" "Well he is pretty cute" "I know I got kind of jealous when I seen you guys hanging out with each other"she looked at me and I shrugged then Shinobu asked"Aren't you brother and sister" "Yeah but they don't know that"At that moment the wanna be tough guys walked up to my desk. They wanted the Quints to them selfs"Hey what's your relationship with Her huh asshole"with a evil smug on my face I get up and look him in the eye "*Sighs* what a stupid bunch of boys" "What did you say bitch"They tried to grab Shinobu's hair but i grabbed his wrist and pulled and evil look at him "What now your Protecting her too"then grinning again which was pissing him off then his so called friends started surrounding my desk"What you really think you can take out 7 guys I mean common" "Heh I took out 11 guys so your just a scrub to me"Obviously I was lying but he believed me"Ok tough guy why not take this outside"I shrug"sure let's go" "W-wait"Itsuki looked worried then I looked back at her and winked the other girls thought I was talking to them and they squealed and I looked  at Shinobu then she pulled a thumbs up"You've got this"I nod then went outside

I was up against the side of the building with the guy holding me there"I'll make sure you won't come to school anymore" "Heh i haven't had a fight in a while"I looked him in the eye"I cant wait to watch you die"I grabbed his hand and twisted it around"Common it's like your not even trying but I guess you are" the other six ran up and I kicked the guy I'm holding to one of them. Well hes distracted I go flying up kicking his head, Two of them try to go for one big punch and landed one to my face but I still stood my ground then I head butted one then ran one in the ground. Another 2 tried to sneak up behind me and hit me but I dodged and took them both out. The last one helped the group leader and I glared at him, He glared back then charged at me this should be easy I thought to myself but this guy actually had combat experience cause I went for a punch but he dodged my attack and he went for the stomach, I holded my stomach then the leader grabbed a plank of wood the hits my head from behind. I fall to the ground then he tries to stomp on my head but I rolled out the way kicking his crotch and when he bent over, I kicked his head which made him flying. I look at the other guy then sweep him and he falls I got up and so did he, He charged at me and I grabbed the plank of wood then swung it knocking the guy out

I lost balance then fell on the ground"Wow 7 people"I layed there for a few seconds "You good?"I look to see who the voice was coming from"Oh futarou what's up" "I should be asking you the same question"He looks at the 7 spread out"Friends of yours?" "Hell no" We both laugh then he helps me up"Its been a while since I had a fight it felt good" "That's something you shouldn't be looking forward to"

He helped me too the infirmary and the lady there put a couple of bandages on my face and I left and went back to class. Once I opened that door and alot of eyes shot straight at me. I walked to my desk and most of the girls were looking at me but I ignored them,When I got to my desk I felt the eyes still looking at me "You ok?"Shinobu asked curiously"Yeah just a scratch or 2"I show her the bandages and she feels it"Well good to see your alright"I smile at her then we carry on the rest of class until it came to lunch

Yukari Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)~Long Lost Brother~Where stories live. Discover now