Volume 1 {Chapter 5: The Burden}

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"Uh... I'm not in trouble for disrupting classes, am I?"

Port stopped his stare before coughing into his fist. "N-No. Instead, you have my thanks. You reacted sooner than I did and saved your friends' life. Thank you, Y/N."

Nodding, he saw Weiss also stand up from her position looking quite shameful. "No problem, teach. No one could expect it to happen." A sudden bell alarmed everyone as they all stood up.

"Class is dismissed, be vigilant and be safe," Port said, walking to the door as well. Everyone pretty much agreed on what he said and took it in the heart.

JNPR was also about to leave and saw Weiss glaring at her team, especially at Ruby. "What's her problem?" Jaune asked, with an annoyed tone. Weiss then left the room without ever looking back.

Sighing, they looked at Y/N as he was preparing to leave. "I don't know Jaune, but I'll speak to her about it."

Ren nodded. "Agreed, if one of us were to try and speak to her then it would only complicate it further."

Ruby, a bit concerned for Weiss, ran after her partner. Exiting the room, she saw her about to round another corner but she caught up to her. "Weiss!"

Hearing the childish, annoying voice again Weiss turned around and scowled at Ruby. "What?" Even if her 'leader' was a brat, it would be rude to not properly answer a question but it never said about lacing the words with venom.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?" Ruby wanted to get to the matter at hand. As the team leader, it will be her job to understand all of her teammates' gripes to work better as a team. Right now, all she wanted was to figure out what is going on.

Angered with her choice of words, Weiss snapped like ice. "What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!" Thankfully, no one seems to be around to hear their conversation. "You're supposed to be a team leader and all you've ever done so is being a nuisance." The only reason Yang isn't intervening to save her sister is that she believed this is Ruby's first hurdle as a team leader.

Ruby's worry then turned to mild anger. "What did I do?"

"That's just it; you've done nothing to earn your position!" Completely forgetting the fact that Ruby acted as a leader to kill an Elder Nevermore. "Back in the forest, you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so!" Says the girl whining about everything not going her way.

Feeling a bit regretful, Ruby wanted to stop her. "Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team."

"Not a team led by you of all people. I've studied and trained since childhood, I've seen battles that only you dream of and I had to fight to be here!" Weiss countered. Her anger fuming her face. "Quite frankly, I deserve better. You do not." She turned her back on Ruby and continued to walk. Ruby tried to stop her but she ended it with a sentence. "Ozpin made a mistake."


Even if he heard it all, even if he had seen it time and time again, Y/N can't help but feel sympathetic to the red reaper and her debacle with the snow princess. Breathing out of his nose, he stopped leaning on a wall and walked towards Ruby. "I see you've also heard it as well." Turning his head, he saw Ozpin there with his cane.

"Professor Ozpin." Y/N looked at Ruby, looking at the ground and feeling down. "... Can you, take care of her? I have a feeling she would rather hear words from you than me right now."

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