Volume 2 {Chapter 4: Painting the Town...}

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"And Neptune can go with Yang and Y/N. Is everyone good?"  They all nodded, Yang smiled with glee.

'Now it's my turn.' She thought as Yang looked at Y/N's transformed figure with a lustful gaze. 'I don't know where this one came from, but mama likes it!'

Thinking back, Yang maybe thought it wasn't a good idea to smile sinisterly as soon as Ruby finished her speech and now they all think she's a bit eccentric. To be fair, they are going on an unauthorized mission that will likely backfire at them at their most vulnerable, but it will be awesome either way anyway.

Anyway, moving past that. Yang, Neptune, and 'Akira', as Y/N calls himself, were riding downtown in Yang's custom made motorcycle towards their intended destination. A nightclub for anyone who wants to relieve their stress by drinking, whoring, or dancing it all away.

The {Thre3 Bears Joint} is a private club for goers of the night and where all the 'cool kids' flock too as well. Drinks imported from around the world and all sorts of people come here to get drunk, get laid, or something stupid while drunk.

But it serves more than just-drinks. With the right amount of Lien, trust, and power; you can get henchmen, guns, and what the group needed the most tonight.


Bumblebee sped through the empty streets at night, not caring for any noise complaints as anyone who lived here decided to move somewhere 'safer'. Empty buildings with dark alleyways as well as suspicious individuals creeping near them, it was a little girl's nightmare here. But Yang isn't a little girl anymore, not anymore.

"C'mon, my friend's in there." Yang stepped off her motorcycle as she removed her helmet and a slight wave of hair.

Behind her was Akira, who only cleaned his glasses and stepped off as well. Shaking his head was to get rid of any lingering dizziness he had. "I know we're in a mission, but did you have to speed through every red light in the district?"

"Oh come on, it was fun. Wasn't it, Neptune?" The sidecar on Bumblebee shook lightly as the one who was making it was hugging his legs in terror.

It was hell for him. Every turn she made was like a dodge from death, and each time she sped, he could feel his soul growing older as if expecting death. And don't get him started with the 'shortcuts', as Yang affectionately calls them.

Composing himself again, since a pretty girl is here, he removed himself from Bumblebee and fixed his blue hair. "Y-Yeah, sure. It was no problem there. So, where exactly is... here?"

Grinning, she looked at the large building before them as Neptune suddenly found himself digging a grave for him. He may act cool, sound sexy, and become the ultimate cool guy but one thing he can never admit; Night Clubs is one of many horrors he has yet to overcome.

Akira gazed at the building, reminiscing some memories of old and how he found Yang there. Neptune saw the smirk and knew Y/N had been here before. 'Of course, he was here before. Make's sense.'

They walked to the supposed entrance Yang was leading them, there they saw 2 men wearing black tuxedos with a red tie and a hat. Akira thought to himself, that the men were likely henchmen with how they were guarding the place.

The 2 men saw Yang and instantly lost all cool they had and opened the doors to the club, already shutting it.

Yang merely cracked her knuckles in a challenging smirk and walked to the door. "Stand back guys, this one's mine."

Akira let Yang do her thing as Neptune stood beside him. "Hey, Y/N?"

"It's Akira, Neptune. Y/N doesn't exist,  so use this name instead." He lightly glared at the bluenette as he took a step back.

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