Volume 1 {Chapter 9: Memorabilia}

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"Y/N?" Ruby asked behind his door, in her uniform alongside with RWBY and JNPR. "Are you still there?"

The silence was their only answer and concern filled their hearts. Ever since Forever Falls and the appearance of Loki, Y/N has been slightly distant.

Sure he may act normal but they can see the look on his face when someone mentions about Loki and the encounter and worried for him. Especially since he thought that person was dead. Ren and Nora would also be like that if there was another survivor like them.

"What's taking him so long? We're gonna be late." Weiss asked, checking the time on her Scroll.

"Weiss..." Ruby stopped the heiress from harassing him any further

"Yeah! It's not like he's gone, right?" Nora joked slightly on the matter.

They stared at the door for a while longer when Nora joked about Y/N not being there and not answering. "You don't think?" Blake asked, slightly concerned.

"He wouldn't, right. I mean, come on it's Y/N we're talking about. There's no way." Jaune laughed at the thought until Loki popped in his head. "...Right?"

Pyrrha tried to open his door and found it locked. Worry filled her head and tried to open it. "Y/N? Are you in there? Hello?!"

"Y/N?!" Ruby banged at his door several times but no response.

"That's it!" Yang cracked her knuckles and activated her Semblance to punch the door to the other side of the room. "Come on out, you prick!"

"YANG!" Ruby chastised her sister about breaking into someone's privacy. "How could you?!"

"Well, he wasn't answering so might as well open it ourselves." When they looked around, they released a sigh of relief. "Thankfully, he isn't here."

"Yes, we can see that. But why?" Weiss asked the blonde brawler.

"We don't know. Spread-out, maybe there's a clue on what happened to Y/N." Jaune then moved around the room, keeping an eye out for clues.

Everyone nodded and searched the room. The room wasn't anything special; if it had a word, it would be Spartan. Y/N never really had a reason to just 'Decorate' with posters or special drapes, Nah. Best he could put up was memories.

"Hey, guys." Ren said out loud to everyone, holding a small card. "I think I know where he might be."


"Thank you for buying our products, come again." The bell chimed, indicating the group of people leaving from the bakery. Y/N sighed and leaned at the counter, looking ahead.

Ever since Akechi appeared, Y/N thought if there were others like him. Victims of shadows or pawns discarded from the game. Like Adachi or those cultists. Perhaps they are here, causing havoc or awaiting the trigger. And he was it.

Since then, his mind cluttered and confused. Fortunately, {Gamer's Mind} helped him keep his cool. If 'Akechi' is here, does that mean that Shido is here as well? Or someone worse than him? He would surely shit himself if Yaldabaoth, Izanami or Nyx appeared and all wanted a piece of him.

Sighing, he heard the bell go off and put on his customer smile. "Welcome to Monty's, how can I help you?"

"Y/N?" Ruby asked the cashier, as he widened his eyes upon seeing Ruby.

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