Volume 3 {Chapter 1: Level Up!}

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It was the day before the festival began. The day was coming its end and students were now psyching themselves up to the event. So they slept early tonight and got ready for the tournament tomorrow.

While they slept, a team of two were standing in the center of Beacon.

One of them was a young man, capable of wielding magic of all kinds.

Another was an android, with her Semblance to power themselves up.

Both were strong in their own rights, strong enough to battle countless waves of Grimm without tiring and emerge victoriously.

And now, they are about to enter a dimension filled with said Grimm.

"Are you ready, Aigis?" Y/N asked his partner as he readied his weapons.

"Affirmative. All systems are a go." She replied back, her hands changing into canons and readied.

"Then, let's do this. {ID Create}"


The system informed him as the entire landscape changed for the duo. The shining Beacon they saw was now crumbling before them, with potholes appearing underneath it and swallowed it whole.

While many would assume that Beacon is falling, this is not the case for them. The school before them wasn't the same one they all go to, rather a copy of it. Anything destroyed here will not affect the real world whatsoever. Unless you wield godly power or a literal one then you can go ballistic here without any repercussions to the real world.

The biggest of the bunch appeared beneath them as they fell towards the abyss below with no regard for safety.

Y/N fell headfirst, as well as Aigis to hasten their pace to quickly {LvL} up. To get stronger and more powerful. Before, Y/N paid it no mind to continue training since he was confident about his strength and diversity.

That all changed when Aigis died right in front of him. He was lucky {Robin Hood} had {Samerecarm} and revived her without any issues but it still left a scar in his heart.

It was a painful reminder to him, that through all of his strength and tactics there was something he cannot do.

Unless he was stronger.

Now, he will train. Until he is more powerful than his former self.

Y/N will make sure of himself, that no one else will die.

They continued to fall until they saw the ground coming up now. Y/N redirected his body as he cast magic for him and Aigis "{Wind Magic: Heavenly Wind Ark}"

Instantly, the duo found footing under a giant cloud Y/N made and slowly descended into the cave below.

No matter how vast it seems, Magic always has its uses to those who can wield it properly. And should he encounter someone as skilled as he was, then it's a good thing he's prepared for such an encounter.

A cold chilling went up to his spine and felt someone in his soul chuckling.

Before they could land, Y/N and Aigis all dropped to the ground since he dismissed the magic and looked at their surroundings.

It was an abandoned cave similar that to Mountain Glenn but instead, it appeared that this place was hollowed out by a giant monster. It was big enough for a battle to commence as well as how large it showed to them.

"Y/N," Aigis called out to him, on guard instantly. "Detection at the surface, an enemy is coming in fast."

"Then we better prepare the welcoming mat."

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