Volume 3 {Chapter 4: Closure}

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Ozpin stared in shock as Y/N aimed his sword at his face. The feeling of death was a long term symptom that he learned to just roll with it. Even if he were to be killed by conventional means, the god's power in his soul made sure that he would survive. He's been through it all; torture, rituals, money even killing himself with his own power.

Yet despite all that, he survived and kept ongoing.

But now, he was genuinely worried.

The young man he brought in months ago, cared for him, and protected him from the outside world, is now about to kill him.

He couldn't do anything about it. The reasoning was out since he saw his eyes and knew, he won't take anything from him. His companions were all trapped in time and he can't even lift his finger from his frozen body. This child, no. This man had managed to do what Salem cannot.

Catch him off guard.

"... Are you going to do it?" Ozpin asked Y/N, seeing there's no point in trying.

If he can trap him and his companions, then he can certainly handle his own against her. What's the point in trying if he can manage all of this in the span of a few seconds. Even with his Semblance, he was no match against his.

Y/N lowered his head a bit as he stared down into the Headmaster's eyes, burning with ambition and determination. He no doubts appreciate everything the man has done for him, because if it weren't for him then allot in Vol.1 and Vol.2 wouldn't have happened if it weren't for his leniency.

Still, he didn't give up his mission given by the gods. It wasn't as if he turned into a holy man, that was something only reserved for the maniacs in the world, but rather he shared their aggression and annoyance. How long has it been since Ozpin was forced to kill his former lover? How many times since he tried to beg the gods to end it?

How many times, he was so close to ending it all, only to hesitate and not move at all?

These thoughts only fuel his anger towards Ozpin and his cowardice. If only he stopped Salem, things could've turned a whole lot better in Remnant.

But he didn't.


Because he still loves her.

But... still...

Y/N sighed heavily and lowered his sword. He can't. He just couldn't. Not after what he has done now. Hell, if he were any other student then Ozpin could give him the same amount of treatment as any other.

That's why he allowed Ruby to come to his school.

That's why he forgave Blake for being a former terrorist.

That's why... he'll be the last to die.

"No... No, I am not." Y/N dismissed the frozen shell Ozpin was trapped in as he took a nearby couch and sat there.

Ozpin, now free from his imprisonment, was about to free his companions. But when he looked at the dejected figure of Y/N, his heart dropped cold as it reminded him of before. The same negative aura rolled off of him which will lead him to make mistakes that have no mercy to him and others.

So, he forgoes the rescue and sat across the man instead. He may not have his coffee, but he wanted to give him something. "... Mr. L/N."

"..." Y/N didn't say anything but gave an ear to him.

"If I may?"


"Who... are you? I'm not talking about right now, but before. Before all of this."

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