Volume 1 {Chapter 10: Coastal Chaos 1}

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Officer Alex sighed in another daily morning routine, a routine he was quite familiar with how much he goes along with it. The walk to the precinct was like any other, a simple jog to the building.

The VPD building wasn't anything like the gigantic castle of Beacon or the floating city of Atlas but it was the home of the many officers who work day and night for the safety of Vale. While professional Huntsmen and Huntresses go out battling the Grimm outside the kingdom walls, the officers here take care of the citizens and take care of burglaries and such...

Officer Alex did whine now and then about the aspects of the job but still did it with honor and pride. He may be a Huntsmen back then but now, he was happily serving the people from harm.

He opened the door and immediately went to a coffee machine to get his fix and saw a few officers there, who saluted him. "At ease, men." That calmed them down and resumed drinking their drinks. "So, what's the news now?"

"Attacks are getting worse, robberies at Dust stores are increasing and the people are already questioning the chief." One of the officers said sadly before downing the drink in one gulp. "Got a briefing coming up. You should come, sir."

"Got it." Grimacing at the works of Torchwick, Alex asked more. "Anything else?"

"We have a new recruit." That seemed to pique Alex's interest. "Guy just came from Mistral the other day and the chief already put him at parking tickets duty." He cringed at the job, remembering well on his first day back then.

Back when the people were a very angry and mischievous bunch, drivers would just park anywhere they want and not care for the inconvenience they cause and so the courtroom was always full. Needless to say, the judge was tempted to pull the trigger himself and get it over with.

"That's harsh, even for him."

"Yeah well, that's what happens when you ask for the position as senior right off the bat."

"He did what?" Alex knew that to get the position as a senior officer, the people have to vouch for you in terms of experience and valor in the line of duty. "Guy must have been very confident to ask the chief for that."

"Right? But then again, it was kinda expected." Alex turned his head to another officer coming into their space.

"What do you mean, John?"

"I heard from intelligence, that the new guy was the top of the academy before coming here. Honor student, valedictorian, a perfect score in terms of physical means and even got the council in it to congratulate him." Damn, this guy is good. With so many achievements under his belt, no wonder he expected to become a senior.

"God damn, and in his early years too."

"I know. Guy expected to be in Atlas with all those higher-ups praising him but here he is. I guess we should be lucky we have someone as capable as him but..."

"But what?" Alex sipped his warm coffee.

"The kid came from Mistral. And you know how bad it is there..."

No words weren't spoken anymore. The kingdom of Mistral is heaven and hell in terms of money and fame. The more recognizable you are, the better you are living and vice versa. With how many achievements the rookies have, Alex assumed he was someone from high tide or an orphan at the poorer side of Mistral who fought his entire life to survive.

Sighing heavily, Alex gulped the remaining coffee and threw the plastic cup in the bin. "Well, nothing we can do now. Let's just go to the briefing."

Nodding along, the officers finished up and walked beside their senior officer towards the briefing room.


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