Mother's Day Special

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Ruby awoke from her sleep as the sun's ray hit her face. She bleary rubbed some of it off from her eyes and did a minor stretch after staying dormant for so long. "...Morning guys..."

When she did not hear her teammates greeting her, Ruby looked around and saw... no one there. "Huh?" Her silver eyes looked at her surroundings and saw a very similar, very old room.

The bed positioned near a window, a nightstand to the side with a candle there, and the wooden interior feeling a bit small in comparison.

It was her bedroom, in Patch, outside of Vale. This greatly confused Ruby as she didn't remember taking a Bullhead out of Vale to her home with her father, Taiyang greeting her and she was certain today wasn't summer. She remembered all of the breaks in school after all.

What greatly confused her was that Yang wasn't here to greet her 'Good Morning.' She always does that when they were living here and Ruby wanted to figure it out. Getting up and being dressed, she walked along the wooden hallway of her home away from work and looked around. "Yang! Dad! Uncle Qrow!!!"

... No answer. Soon enough Ruby was standing near Yang's door and knocked on it. "Yang? Are there?... Is this a prank, cause it isn't funny." A sudden sound would be nice, it would show that it was indeed a prank and that Yang, Qrow, and Dad were there with a surprise.

But, there was no sound.

Knocking more, Ruby jiggled with the handle and noticed it was unlocked. It was strange since Yang would keep the door locked as she would have some stuff that Ruby is not ready yet and the only time it would open was if Yang had nothing better to do other than lay on the bed. Ruby took those times and talked to her about various things like weapons, cookies, school, mom...

Sighing, Ruby opened the door and was blinded temporarily by the sudden light. When the light faded, she noticed 2 things.

1: Yang wasn't there. It was usually her to wake up everyone and cook meals depending on the day. Other times, she would be laying in bed all day or hanging out with her friends with a note attached to the door.

2: The room was barren. No posters about buff boys, workout equipment, messy clothes, messy bed. Really, as if Yang decided to move out without telling anyone.

"Dad? Yang isn't here... Dad?" Ruby left the door open.

She walked a bit further into the house and stood on another door. Ruby opened the door and saw it was the exact same for Yang. Barren and alone, like no one had lived here for years.

Ruby even went to Uncle Qrow's own room and expected to smell booze and alcohol with a passed out Qrow in bed. It was the same as well.

"Where is everybody?"

She wasn't worried about her family going off to some mission or business elsewhere, or even outside of the kingdom. She just wished they would tell her about it. Especially Yang since this was the same thing that Raven did to them.


Shaking her thoughts from the negatives, Ruby thought as to where her family is.

Dad would either be at work or stay at home but mostly home since she was here, but he wasn't here or any signs that told her he left somewhere. Either he went somewhere in a hurry or was suddenly dragged from Qrow to go drinking.

Qrow, she wasn't all too worried or disheartened since he would go on long trips for his 'Official Huntsmen Duties' and come home at a time she wouldn't expect but a visit every now and then would be nice. She would always find him in bars or pubs and with Yang, drag him out of there and back home to get sober.

Yang... She was always by her side; comforting her, praising her skills. Even assuming that everything is fine even.

Feeling all alone, she walked downstairs and into the kitchen to soothe herself and reassure her that everyone is fine.

That they didn't leave her for someone else, that they didn't take all of their stuff and moved elsewhere, that they didn't put her in a hopeless situation where she would quit school and take a job in the open world while also paying for debts and selling her baby, Crescent Rose, just to survive and get kicked out of the house and live in the alleyway with no one to protect her.

Walking faster, she made her way there and went to work. Using her speed, She checked every drawer, cupboard, and fridge for cookies. "No cookies." That did not help her situation in one bit. Now she was feeling more anxious than ever and she really needed some comfort right now.

They would always leave a plate of delicious cookies behind for her. Even if Taiyang or Yang would leave for some time, they would make a fresh batch of cookies for Ruby as to not feel left out or scarred.

She double-checked and saw some food left in there. So they didn't take all of the food, that's good. What's not good, is that she doesn't know how to cook at all. Sure, Ruby can do a few things like; peel an apple, peel a pear, crack an egg with some shells in there, and a few other stuff. It was always her Dad or Yang in-charge of breakfast and now that they were gone-

"NO! They're not gone! They're not dead! They didn't leave me... they wouldn't leave me." Her eyes slowly becoming watery at the thought of her family leaving with Raven and leaving her all alone.

Feeling the need to talk or someone to help her reassure everything is fine, she fished out her Scroll and opened her list of contacts. Only to see the connection is muddled and her battery died as well.

Closing her phone, Ruby sat near the fridge and hugged her legs. She was alone. No parents, no sister, no friends... no mom.

"Mom, where are you?" She said weakly.

A knock on the door jumped her out of her thoughts. Sighing to herself, Ruby stood and brushed aside some tears. Feeling all alone did not go well with her anxiety.

She made it to the door as the knock was gentler this time, probably to not be rude to the resident of the house. Ruby grabbed the handle and opened the door.

What stood before the doorway took both of them by surprise. Ruby doubled and scratched her eyes before looking at the figure. She must be dreaming, she knew it was. It has to.

The figure was taller than her, had red locks on her hair, and wore a white coat. She had silver eyes and short hair as the woman before she smiled at Ruby.

"Hello, Ruby."

The voice... the appearance and how much she remembers, Ruby knew that she didn't want this dream to end.

Breathing in, she wanted to know. She needed to know if she was real and if she was here, right now with no one here.

She called out to her name. Hoping it was some stranger. "Mom?"

Summer chuckled in delight as Ruby uttered her first word towards her in what felt years. "Yes, it's Mommy."

"Mom. MOM!" She couldn't contain her self anymore as she hugged Summer in the chest a bit hard as they fell to the grass below. "Mom. Mommy..." Ruby whispered in a raspy voice, silently crying as she felt Summer's heat radiated throughout her.

Summer smiled at her child as she also teared up while combing her fingers through Ruby's hair. "I'm here Ruby. Mommy's here." Her voice was gentle and smooth as if feeling her heart was filled with warmth.

"Mom." She didn't let go, she couldn't. After all these years, all those hardships feeling lost and weak. All the stress and trauma before suddenly vanished as she felt her mother's fingers at her hair and played with them. "Welcome back."

Smiling at her beautiful daughter, Summer held her closer to her chest. "I'm home."

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