Volume 2 {Chapter 5: Training}

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"Is Aigis alright?" Ruby asked Y/N, nibbling her cookie.

"She's fine. Prof. Peach told me that she's just tired. Likely, ran out of juice. She'll be awake by tomorrow." Y/N patted the android's head as he looked at the team before him. "I assume we got everything we needed?"

"Naturally." Weiss huffed her chest and held her Scroll. "The data is a bit large to comb through but we should get what we need in a few hours."

"The White Fang was talking about moving manpower and Dust to the South-East of Vale. Next weekend, Beacon will allow Huntsmen-In-Training to shadow professional Huntsman to their missions. We just have to choose one closest to that area." Blake said as she crossed her arms. "I'll be helping Weiss with the data and keeping an ear out."

Yang nodded with glee. "Alright you guys, I guess this mission is a complete success."

Y/N shook his head in regards to what Yang said. "It's not yet complete, Yang. We still haven't figured out why they're moving resources there in the first place and what their true plan is. For now, we need to keep a calm head and prepare for the worst."

They all nodded as the bell rang. Y/N stood up in his uniform as he looked at RWBY. "Come on, don't wanna be late for a half-day."

"Wait, what?" Ruby tilted her head as they exited the room. "We have a half-day?"

"Were you paying attention?" Weiss sighed at Ruby's question. "To prepare for the upcoming missions, Headmaster Ozpin gave us students a half-day for training. Honestly, if you spend as much time into studies instead of weapons then you would be the top student here."

"Ehehehe..." Ruby scratched the back of her head in embarrassment as they traversed the halls of Beacon to their class.

Going inside, they took their seats and awaited the teacher. Afterward, Team JNPR came in and sat next to them.

"Hello, sister team." Ruby greeted happily to Jaune.

"Hey, Ruby. Hi, Y/N." Jaune greeted back to them, as well as Y/N. "You guys training as well this afternoon?"

"Yeah. Wanna up my game before the big tournament. As well as, you know. The whole shadowing Hunstman thing." Yang cracked her knuckles in excitement. "I'm guessing you guys as well?"

"Yep! Fearless leader here will be training with us as we demolish all Grimm!" Nora exclaimed loudly and gave Jaune a playful punch. The result was a bruise that Jaune caressed.

"As Nora has said, Jaune will be helping us with our teamwork as well as strategy to combat fellow students and Grimm alike." Pyrrha also nursed Jaune's arms with a small smile. "Are you training as well, Y/N?"

"As a matter of fact, I am. I need to perfect my hand to hand combat and acrobatics so I'll be joining." Ruby then shot up from her seat.

"Alright! This afternoon is the official training between team RWBY and JNPR, so let's do our best!"


"Ahem!" Goodwitch was stomping her foot in annoyance, making the 2 teams slink back to their seats.

"...After class."


The sounds of swords getting clashed together filled the gym, sparks flying and grunts escaped their mouths. Two teens were caught in a deadlock between one another, swords heating up from repeated blocks and sweat dripping down their chins.

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