Chapter 3

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My head is still on his chest when my phone buzzes.

"Ughhh, I don't want to go back to the real world," he whines. "I want to stay in our little love bubble." It makes my heart melt just to hear him say this. The butterflies I once had were still there, probably more active than ever. Is that even possible? Everyone always said that being in love fades but with us I just can't see that happening. I want to be around him every single second of every single day. It makes me happy just to know that he is happy.

"What?" he asks and I snap out of my thoughts. I didn't realise I was staring at his gorgeous face but I was.

"Nothing," I giggle.

"Tell me!" He demands. The sounds of his voice tells me he's feeling insecure.

"No!" He starts tickling me and I can't handle it.

"Okay, okay! I surrender!" I plead. "I was just thinking about how happy you make me." This puts a silly grin on his face. I lean over him and read my text.

"Oh I got a text from Greg saying he wants the production team to meet at eight tomorrow. He'll introduce me to the rest of the team and crew and the producer will be there as well."

"Eight am.. brutal," Hero moans. "I don't have to be there until ten but just for you I will go to breakfast with you. Because I know it's the first day of school and you don't have any friends yet," he teases. I laugh out loud and give him a push.

"Figures that the big stars need their beauty sleep. I love you for joining me though. Stay with me tonight?"

"I'll be happy to. I actually love your room. Mine is really big and fancy but this one is very cosy." I lay back down an put my head back on his chest. I wish we could be here , like this, forever.

The next morning I'm nervous as hell. I can't remember why I'm here or what they might ask me to do. I'm pacing back and forth, impatiently waiting for Hero to get dressed. I changed my outfit ten times before I decided on Dr Martins, black shorts and a white James Dean tank top.

"I'll go back to my room after breakfast okay? I have a table reading at ten and I'm not sure how long it will take." I just nod. I don't trust my mouth right now, I'm just too nervous!

Walking into a room with Hero is something I will never get used to. He just fills a room. Everyone is looking at him. Girls are drooling over him and men want to be him. The best part is that he doesn't even realise.

He escorts me to a table for two by the window and orders some eggs and coffee for me.

"I'm not that hungry," I say with a tiny voice.

"You need to eat. You'll have one very busy day."

"Distract me."

"Uhmm okay. Well, I'll meet the other guy in the film today."

"Don't you know him?"

"No, not yet. He's Australian and we've never met. I've looked him up online of course."

"And?" I say with a smile.

"Well, let's say I'll keep you on a very short leash and right by my side." I start laughing.

"Oh there's that smile that I love," he says with a cocky grin in his face.

"No seriously, what's he like?"

"Girls describe him as very dreamy. He has a tight six pack, broad shoulders, beach blonde hair and bright blue eyes."

"Well well well, sounds like that's good casting. You need some competition," I tease.

We finish our breakfast and Hero kisses me goodbye before I leave for my meeting with Greg.

"You'll do great," he whispers before putting his soft lips against mine. The butterflies fly a little higher. I watch him walk away and take a deep breath. I can do this! This is what I've been dreaming of and I'm finally living the dream. I'll rock this.

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