Chapter 18

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When I walk down the stairs, my friends are waiting for me to say goodbye. It's only three weeks but they swear they'll miss me.

"Come back soon sweetie!" Brody gives me a kiss and a hug.

"Of course I will. I'd miss you too much!"

"Hey!" Hero says behind me. We all laugh.

Josh wraps his arms around me and gives me a tight hug.

"We'll miss you around here," he whispers in my ear. Hero clears his throat behind me.

Hero walks me to the car. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my hair.

"I will miss you, Charlotte." His voice is a sad whisper.

"I will miss you so much!" I wrap my arms around him too and hold him tight. There are no words to describe the love I feel for him. He looks into my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you."

He gives me one last kiss and then it's time to go. I turn around in my seat to watch him as long as possible. When the car turns around the corner, a tear escapes my eye. Oh boy, I will miss him!

"Charlotte!!" I recognize Lizzie's voice instantly. I run towards the sound, dragging my suitcase along. I spot them near the phone booth. Jack and Killian are with her.

"Lizzie!" I jump into her arms and somehow it turns into a group hug.

"God, it feels good to be back!"

"Are you up for a walk?" Jack asks.

"Yeah! I want to see the city!"

"Okay, our house is about twenty minutes away." Jack takes my bag and Killian takes my suitcase. Cardiff hasn't changed much. It's a cold but sunny day so the streets are full of people. I've always loved the vibe in this city. Lizzie and Jack talk about all the things I've missed the last couple of months. It makes me sad to realise that they're a little family now and Hero and I are no longer a big part of that.

"Anyway, we're staying in tonight to have one of our famous dance parties!" Lizzie sounds so excited. "We've bought food and wine and I want to curl your hair!"

"Sounds good! I've missed those! Being a grown up isn't much fun. There's no time for dance parties."

"We've planned a lot," Lizzie adds.

"YOU planned a lot!" Killian says accusingly. "We didn't do anything."

"Well, I'm sure Charlotte wants to go to Cineworld and Bunker. She'll probably want to try the new Thai restaurant and go for a walk in Bute Park. Oh, and have afternoon tea at Pettigrew's!" I'm excited immediately. She pretty much planned all the things I love to do in this city!

"Sounds amazing! I also want to visit the Castle though."

"Haven't you seen that like a million times?" Jacks rolls his eyes.

"Yes! But I miss it." I give him an innocent smile and I know he won't be able to resist.

"Fine." He sighs. I know that he secretly loves visiting the castle too.

The walk takes us through the Hayes and past our University. When we enter the house, it's empty. Scott and Stephan both had class.

"Well, I'll show you your room," Lizzie says. "You're sleeping in the living room if that's okay, we don't have a spare room. Is that okay? I mean, you can have mine."

"Lizzie!" I try to calm her down. "It's fine! It's perfect, thank you for doing all this!" She's made a bed on the sofa and put fresh towels on the chair. Everything I might need is there.

"I have a gift for all of you!" I open my suitcase and take out the chocolate I brought from Belgium.

"Belgian Chocolate!" Jacks says with excitement. "Thanks Char!"

"You're welcome," I smile. "Hero and I got it for you when we were there over summer."

They all sit down on the floor so I join them. Lizzie has already opened her chocolate.

"Oh, this is delicious. Thank you! And Hero!"

"Speaking of Hero, how is he?" Killian asks. I tell them Hero misses them and wanted to come but that the film has some problems. They're all very curious about our lives now so we keep talking for hours.

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