Chapter 13

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Hero was furious when I told him and tried everything to get me back on the team. He even talked about dropping out, which I told him not to do. I don't want him to get the reputation of being hard to work with. He made a commitment and he has to stick with that. Josh was mad as well an tried talking to Greg but nothing worked. Scott felt really bad about taking my spot but I congratulated him. He's a good guy and he deserved this too. It's not his fault that this happened.

This all happened a few days ago and I got over the initial shock. I'm still working hard and doing the best I can. On the bright side, I get to work with Brody and Isabella a lot which I love! Isabella is our make-up artist and Brody is head of wardrobe. They have kind of become my best friends around here. Isabella is a tiny Mexican and Brody is like the gay best friend I never had. My job now is discuss the different scenes on the call sheets with Scott. I take notes on make-up and costumes and make sure Isabella and Brody know what to do each day. I'm also back to stocking the food and beverages corner. Yeey. Dreamjob.

"How are you holding up honey?" Brody asks while arranging the clothes.

"I'm fine. Hero is the absolute best!" I smile. It's true. He hasn't gone drinking with her anymore and only talks to her on set, which is great. "I miss my old job though," I sigh.

"I bet! Want to hear some delightful news?" Brody gives me a devilish smile. "You know Betty, the assistant that took Scott's job? She's the worst! She doesn't take notes properly so the props and sets aren't in the right place to start shooting. Obviously this causes a lot of delays and reshoots. It's driving everyone mad!"

"Really? Poor Scott!"

"I know. I had a drink with him last night and he was about to cry. Poor fellow." I feel bad for Scott. I know how important it is to have a great assistant to help you but it also makes me a bit happy. Let them miss me!

My days as an off-set assistant are a lot shorter so I get to meet Hero for dinner these days. No more late night meetings with Scott and Greg. No more checking the sets before each day.

I've just finished putting on a blue dress when Hero knocks on my door. When I open it, he has flowers in his hand.

"I've missed you today!" he sighs when I let him in.

"Thank you, they're beautiful!" I give him a kiss. He tastes like toothpaste. "I've missed you too by the way!"

"You look amazing," he gives me a wink.

"It's a simple blue dress, but thanks!"

"Well, you make simple look extraordinary!"

"You're sooooo cheesy!" I tease.

When we arrive at the hotel restaurant, Melany is sitting there by herself. I can't help but smile. She doesn't even have any friends!

"Hi Hero!" Her high pitched voice almost makes me puke. Hero just nods and walks past her. I can't help but give her a broad smile. I don't want her to know that it really hurt me that I had to change jobs and I also want to rub it in that Hero is mine.

"She's such a smug cow," Hero says full of anger.

"I know," I sigh. "But thanks for sticking up for me. It's very sexy." I wink and try to lighten the mood. I know he hates what happened and I know he hates that he can't do anything to change it. I love him for wanting to help me.

"Sexy enough to get lucky tonight?" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"We'll see about that!" With an evil grin, Hero orders champagne. He knows I get turned on when I'm a bit tipsy . Also, the fact that we're close but not together each day makes me want to rip his clothes off at night. Distance makes the heart grow fonder they say!

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