Chapter 29

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We stare at each other for a second. For a second, it's as if the world has vanished and it's just us two. Then I see who's standing next to him. Melany and Betty. I look away. I'm afraid the pain will come back if I look at him. I concentrate on the dancing but I feel his eyes on me. Why the hell is he here with her? She's a pregnant woman! I don't feel like dancing anymore. Suddenly I don't feel comfortable around this unknown guy. His hands are all over me and it bothers me.

"I'm going back to my friends for a while," I shout in his ear.

"No, stay!" He tries to grab my wrist.

"I'll come back later, I promise!" I walk away before he can say anything else. When I'm back at the booth I look at the bar and I see he's very pissed. I move closer to Josh. Josh feels safe.

"Are you okay?" he asks with a concerned voice.

"Yeah, he was just creeping me out a bit," I confess. Josh starts laughing. I put my head on his shoulder and sigh. Why did he have to come here? Josh puts his arm around me.

"Oh my god," Brody says. "Look who just walked in." They all turn and stare at Hero and his female company.

"As if this is the only bar in town," Josh snaps.

He pulls me even closer as if to protect me.

"What are they doing here?" They all look at me with concerned eyes.

"I have no idea but we should definitely have another drink! We were here first!"

"Amen!" Brody says and he stands up to get us another round of beer.

I can't really concentrate on the conversation. It is very hard not to look at Hero every five seconds. For some reason I wonder if he looks at her the same way he used to look at me. I shake my head. No, I'm not doing this!

"Come on Joshy, let's dance!" I say again but before he can answer I drag him out of the booth and wrap my arms around him.

"You have to obey!" I giggle.

"Seems like I don't have a choice!" He smiles and follows me to the dancefloor. He laces his fingers through mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my hips. This feels good. Not as threatening as it felt with the bar guy. We're dancing very close and for the first time since Hero walked in, I've actually forgotten all about him. Suddenly I hear an angry voice and Josh let's go of me. Something dragged him away and I have to blink twice before I realise it's the guy from the bar who jerked him off me.

"I saw her fist pal!" He says to Josh before he grabs me. His hands hold my hips so tight it actually hurts. I'll definitely have bruises.

"Let go of me!" I scream and I try to break free.

"I don't think so honey. You can't flirt with me all night and just walk away!" He gives me an evil smile. I see a fist hit his jaw and he falls backwards. Hero pushes me out of the way and jumps on top of him. They start fighting. Even Josh is trying to hit him as much as possible.

"STOP!" I scream and I try to break off the fight. "STOP YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" They ignore me and continue punching around. No one is helping me, they're all filming with their stupid smartphones. Suddenly the bartender breaks off the fight.

"Go home, Reese! That's the third time this month!" His face is red with anger. Reese spits out some blood but doesn't move.

"Go, before I call the police!" Reese breathes very fast and very loud and stares at the bartender. I'd be so scared if someone would stare at me like that. Reese is angry all right! In the end the bartender wins the staring contest and Reese walks away.

"Okay, out, all of you!" He turns to us. "I don't want any fights in my bar. I don't care who you are. You can come back but no more fighting."

Without looking at Hero I walk to our booth and grab my leather jacket. Isabella, Brody and Josh follow me outside. Scott wants to say goodbye to Betty and Melany so he stays behind. They weren't involved in the fight so they're allowed to stay.

We all wait outside for the taxi. Unfortunately Hero has to wait with us.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he spits at me.

"What the hell was I thinking?!" I immediately raise my voice. "You're the one who started a fight! Again."

"Thank you would be nice," he mumbles.

"Why would I thank you?"

"Because I saved you!"

"I would have helped her." Josh says. He sounds angry too.

"Stay out of this Josh." Hero snaps.

"Don't talk to him like that."

"Oh of course not. We broke up like what, five minutes ago and you run to him first chance you get!"

"WE BROKE UP BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME AND YOU CHEATED ON ME!" This time Josh actually has to stop me because I want to slap Hero. It doesn't matter anyway. Hero looks as if I just punched him in the face.

"Calm down," Josh whispers in my ear.

"Let. Go. Of. Me!"

"Only if you promise not to hit him."

"Okay." I take a few deep breaths.

"Looks cosy." Hero says. I look at him and his eyes are full of anger and hate.

"Stop it, Hero. What are you even doing here?! You're so selfish!"

"This is the best bar in town and Melany said Scott would be here, that's why we came."

"How do you even know this is the best bar in town? We haven't been to town!" But then it dawns on me. He must have been here when I was away. When he was too busy to answer my calls.

"Eh.." The uncomfortable look on his face is the only confirmation I need. I stare at him in disbelief. I thought I knew him but obviously I didn't. Also, Scott betrayed me. What was he thinking when he mentioned our night out to Melany? I'm so sure she only wanted to come here with Hero because of me. Stupid bitch. They deserve each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be here."

"Well, your girlfriend certainly did."

"She's not my-"

"Shut up, Hero. I mean it. Tell Melany to stop playing this game. She won. No need to keep torturing me."

"Charly, just listen," Hero starts. The nickname is like a knife.

"Stop, Hero. Please. You've already broken my heart. Please give me the time to heal. Don't talk to me. Leave me alone."

It started raining. Hero doesn't say anything else. Josh pulls me closer to keep me warm. Hero glares at him. Our taxi arrives and I give Hero one last look before I get in. He's all wet and he looks so helpless. His eyes look so sad.

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